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Greetings from the UK!


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Hello all,


So, I started playing FF games when VII was released, I was in my mid teens which will give you a ballpark for my current age clear.png Since then I've played and completed most of the other releases and also played many an MMO like WoW, AoC, Rift, GW1/2, etc. 


I played the last weekend of the Phase 3 Beta and I'm very impressed with what they have done with the game, it seems like a combination of a lot of things I like about other MMOs. I'm just glad they didn't follow GW2 down the path of the action MMO where there are no defined class roles, grouping just becomes a free for all.


I've burned myself out on MMOs in the past but I've come to the conclusion that it may be because I always play the same role (caster DPS). I was tempted by going down the route of CNJ and GLA which would give me access to both PLD and WHM but from what I've been reading it seems like a lot of people are doing that. Over the past few days the idea of the Arcanist has really started to appeal to me, it probably fits in more with the kind of character I tend to RP as well. I'm hoping it will be available from the start of Open Beta! I always usually roll the human equivalent but I think I'll go for Elzen this time, I didn't actually seen that may of them in the beta.


I'm always torn in terms of server/guild choice as I like to experience both end game progression and roleplay within an MMO. I read somewhere that Moogle may have a small concentration of UK role players but I've also seen a lot of talk about the EU servers having a high number of non English speaking players. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I hope the games takes off as much as possible across Europe, but I'd rather play on a predominantly English speaking realm. 


That means that I'll probably roll on an NA server despite fears that no one will be playing at the same time as me which would probably rule out ever getting a raid slot or equivalent. I've been looking at Balmung or Midgarsomr but I can't seem to decide between the two, I know that there are a lot of role players on Balmung but I can't decide whether being on a Legacy server will have a positive or negative impact on my experience.


Anyway, thanks for reading this rambling wall of text! Any input is welcome and maybe I'll catch some of you in game sometime!

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I as well am glad they avoided the "action MMO" trend that has cropped up, while I don't mind the idea in and of itself, I think there is a lot of refinement of systems required to support what it seems they're just trying to stuff in. (with mixed results)


Taking on a non-dps role can certainly be fun but i've not had the "burn out" issue since EQ, so i'm a bit out of touch i'll admit.


On the topic of Arcanist it was my understanding that it wouldn't be available until launch, but i'd love to be proven wrong, i'm quite excited for it as well.


Elezen are not that common though I think it largely due to a mixture of some what "uncanny" physical attributes and some of the lore not being too appealing for some. The Hyur appear (to me) to have the advantage of a wider set of circumstances to pull from, the somewhat typical "we're everywhere and there's nothing you can do to stop it." but take from that what you will.


I think I heard rumblings (in the skype chat) of an EU linkshell for coordination being brain stormed so you'll likely not have much trouble finding others to jump in along with.


Just as a note, the non-legacy server for the RPC is Gilagamesh, though i'm sure Midgardsormr will have some interesting events.


Hope to see you in Eorzea, please let us know if you have any questions, feel free to peruse the wiki, take a break, have a kit-kat.



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Thanks for the replies! Good to hear that I shouldn't have too much of a problem finding people to play with at crazy times. Disappointing that the Arcanist might only be available upon launch, I suppose I'll roll as a CNJ first as I presume that would be handy for some cross class skills on my ACN.

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I read somewhere that Moogle may have a small concentration of UK role players but I've also seen a lot of talk about the EU servers having a high number of non English speaking players. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I hope the games takes off as much as possible across Europe, but I'd rather play on a predominantly English speaking realm. 


I'm also in the UK and had precisely the same concerns as you. I'm on Moogle for the beta and haven't seen any RPers yet, so after some discussion, I made a linkshell for EU players on Balmung. If you decide to go to Balmung, you're more than welcome to join us. Of course you can join other RP linkshells as well but this way those of us online during non-peak times (for NA) can still find RP.


Edit: Aha, Zarek beat me to it! Cheers. ;)

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Greetings fellow person from the UK!


I can relate to some of the stuff you've said about MMOs. I too have burned myself out before, it was how I ended up quitting Final Fantasy XI. I loved it a little too much. 



As for server choice. The two main ones here are Balmung or Gilgamesh. I'm personally on Gilgamesh, don't know what the scale of Brits are like - prolly small, but I've gotten used to working around US timezones, but would like to see more EU folk at least...namely those who speak English, mainly because my German is awful and I'm worse at every other language. :P

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Grettings from other UK player! If it helps you'll probably find english-speaking players on many of the EU/NA servers, but there will still be some non-speaking where you go. I think most people on EU and NA do speak some english so I imagine you should be fine.


I used Moogle for all the betas and alpha but my finals are Ragnarok for non-roleplay and Balmung for actual roleplay. I'm sure where you go you'll find enlish speaking players and plenty of them. :D


Have fun and welcome to the board!

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Hey and welcome!

I can tell you that though I'm in NA, I work nightshift, so will be around during EU hours... so I echo the others here and say: don't worry about not finding folks to RP or game with.

At least on Gilga and Balmung. *grins*


But... i'm biased: come to Balmung. I want to torture your WW with my DW! :P

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