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You might know T'sal from:


  • The Arcanist Guild
  • The Mizzenmast Inn, studying and brooding
  • The Limsa Lominsa docks, helping out and inspecting shipments
  • Very rare chance encounter outside of Limsa Lominsa when he's out running or playing his flute
  • Word of mouth from Rugged Path's(deceased adopted father) friends/contacts
  • Word of mouth from merchants in Ul'dah and Gridania where he discreetly orders rare and hard-to-find books of history and is known to pay very well for them

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You might know N'klas Tia from:



  • (Up to age 11) In various city-states, accompanied by his mother who was an adventurer/treasure hunter/archaeologist
  • (Age 11) A settlement of the N tribe a few days from Limsa Lominsa in the months before the Calamity. This tribe was scattered by the Calamity.



  • (Age 11 - 16) On the streets of Limsa Lominsa, with a pack of other orphaned children. Might have attempted to steal from you.

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You may know Garret from


-Watering holes within Ul'dah.

-If you were ever on the lookout for a personal bodyguard, his name may have been dropped.

-if you ever shopped at the now closed down "Siege Weapons" Blacksmiths.

-If you ever watched, or fought in underground fighting rings.

- just spotted on the streets of Ul'Dah.

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What a cool idea!


You might know Eve from...


  • Anywhere in/around Ul'dah.
  • If you're eyeing a posted bounty with intent on going out after it, she might propose a partnership. (This is her main form of finding work, so if you'd like to say we did do a job together at one time then that's fine!)
  • Once in a while she'll pop down to Limsa Lominsa, but the last time she went was before the Calamity.
  • She studied briefly at Gridania and sometimes revisits to check in on friends.

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You just might know Ryanti from...


  • Ul'Dah. Mostly the rich sectors, like the Royal section. He is known to engage in social discussions near the fountain of the Alchemist's Guild. He has also ventured around the outside of the city, a few times, notably more often after the calamity.



You just might know Lorenthian (Ryanti's father) from...


  • Limsa Lominsa and Costa Del Sol. He is known to make frequent trips to this locations because he has a vacation home in Mist. He has also throughly ventured around La Noscea during his youthful years, growing a liking to the landscape and was also responsible at a very young age of sparing Keisuna's life there.
  • Ul'Dah. Pretty much everywhere. He is known as a very respected Immortal Flame, holding a high ranking position in the military before semi-retiring. If your character has any knowledge of military inquiries, you have probably heard of him.

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Love this idea!


You might know Faustina from:


1) Arcanist guild -- even before joining she could often be found here perusing their books

2) On the hills above Limsa Lominsa -- she likes to people watch from there, and reads from there as well

3) Chocobo Stables of Limsa Lominsa -- Most of her free time is spent around the stables, peppering the big birds with love and treats

4) West Hawker Alley in Limsa Lominsa -- Her mother runs a small stall there, selling enchanted trinkets and jewelry; Faustina has helped her out in the past before joining the adventurer's guild

5) Limsa Lominsa docks -- visiting her father, who is a pirate-turned-privateer

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You might know Chiyo from...


  1. The deserts of Thanalan, primary: Rather than having a permanent resident, Chiyo can sometimes be spotted training and hunting in random areas, or even fighting. She would also stay at an inn or campsite, or take shelter at a small camp.
  2. The Pugilist guild: IC, she is primary a martial artist, so it is another one of her trainning hotspots. It's possible that you might have sparred with her once...
  3. Various restaurants, picnics and bars: She tends to spend a good bit of her money on food and drinks, especially if she's hungry, and it takes a while for her to get satisfied. She actually gotten kicked out a few times...
  4. Bathing in a hot spring, waterfall or lake: One of the things she does when relaxing. This is how she discovered her bisexuality... :blush:
  5. Her childhood, but usually briefly.   


You might know Sinette from...


  1. Garlemald: Her old home.
  2. At a library or book store: She likes to read.

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Yay so many people!

Your character might know C'Rhisi from:


  • One of the bars in Ul'dah, where she's danced and tended bar for the last 2 years or so.  She has worked in several of the bars/dance halls in Ul'dah and currently does a 'circuit' every few weeks.
  • The coliseum- she enjoys going and watching matches.
  • Gridania- about 2 years ago, C'Rhisi spent a fair amount of time in Gridania, learning about the elementals native to the Black Shroud and studying with the Archer's school.
  • C'Rhisi goes -anywhere- there are stories being told.  She loves listening to old drunks (or young drunks!), veterans, bards, whatever.  She'll follow a song or a story across town the smell of good baking!

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You might know K'tahzn from:



  • Limsa Lominsa, smashing away at metal bars with a hammer, and generally assisting the guild there.
  • Sparring with dummies outside the gates of Ul'Dah to the point of near collapsing.
  • The Coffer and Coffin inn. Frequently hauling meat inside in exchange for money.
  • Pre-Calamity: Causing a slight problem with her tribal elders over her inability to bear child.
  • Throwing her guts up after a few drinks, most likely in an Ul'Dah alleyway. She's a bit of a lightweight.
  • Costa Del Sol. In full plate armor. Training.

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You might know Alexis Shadowgale from


  • One of the posters she hung in a few cities: Searching for Job: What I cant do I'm prepared to learn!
  • Traveling around the world, so you might have seen her here and there
  • Fishing in Limsa Lominsa on her day off
  • Seen her name engraved on some skulls of big hunts (She engraves her name and sells it
  • Siting on a campfire, eating the one thing she can cook well: Fish. 

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You might know Alexis Shadowgale from:


  • One of the posters she hung in a few cities: Searching for Job: What I cant do I'm prepared to learn!
  • Traveling around the world, so you might have seen her here and there
  • Fishing in Limsa Lominsa on her day off
  • Seen her name engraved on some skulls of big hunts (She engraves her name and sells it
  • Siting on a campfire, eating the one thing she can cook well: Fish. 

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You might know Helena Duval (Balmung) from...


- Anywhere!

- Seriously, she's travelled a lot. She learned to fight with pirates and pugilists, to cast magic from arcanists and conjurers, she's explored and crafted and partied and fought, and she never quite settled down. She's just too young to stop.




You might know Jeanette Lenoire (Gilgamesh) from...


- Classy taverns, inns, or any such social area in any major city.

- The Ul'dan weaver's guild.

- The Silver Anvil Company HQ (when we get one! :P)

- A battlefield. Oh yes this classy lady loves to unleash her magic as much as she loves a good fashion show. Better not get any mud on her dress, though...

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You might know Physicker Karliene from:


- Ul'dah. She's the care-taker of a number of older men and women in the city and can often be seen going to and fro running errands for them! She has no time for men, or choses not to spare any.


- The Quicksand (Adventurer's Guild in Ul'dah). She frequently needs adventurers to fetch her certain herbs or deliver important letters.


- Frondale's Phrontistery (Apothecary Guild). She all but lives there. After all, she's a physicker! 


- Gridania. She visits often to stop by the Botanist's Guild and participates in a lot of bartering for local herbs and is seen frequently discussing with all forms of mender's, doctors and conjurer's there.


- She's a bit of a caravan traveler and can be often seen in company of soldiers and all forms of adventurers.


Those who have encountered her would know that Karliene happens to be a rather warm, light-hearted character though she is a bit of a wallflower and may or may not be mute or is simply extremely shy and seldom speaks. She's often seen with a large satchel or a basket full of herbs and flowers.

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You might know Luluni Luni from:




  • The Ruby Road and Sapphire Avenue Exchange where she often buys and sells garments and crafting necessities.
  • The Quicksand generally trying to make sure everyone of her friends and their friends are having a good time. She spends a lot of time and money here making sure of that.
  • Sunsilk Tapestries browsing wares and looking over fabrics and threads, Nenaluni her mother is also friends with the shop owners.
  • Eshtaime's Lapidaries delivering or picking up orders for her father and brother, sometimes she even comes to learn a new trick or two for making jewelry or signature pieces for her clothing designs.
  • Her mother Nenaluni Luni's shop Timeless Threads where Luluni manages and sells her and her mother's wares.
  • The Chocobo stables delivering specialty made Chocobo robes, and can be seen occasionally welcoming newborn Chocobos into the world.
  • The Coliseum where she'll occasionally venture with her friends, and secretly always wish she had the stones to take a Pugilist class.
  • In General you can find her around Thanalan, whether it's travelling to and from her personal home or she's out gathering supplies or healing adventurers.





  • Primarily Apkallu Falls, otherwise she can be seen outside of Gridania gathering herbs and picking up specialty fertilizing blends for her crops in Ul'dah she cares for.
  • Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre, Luluni loves to frequent here and see shows whenever she travels into the area.
  • Stillglade Fane where she can be seen occasionally practicing her Conjury skills on the sick or injured who come seeking refuge.
  • Carline Canopy/The Roost where she'll come for drinks and a relaxing and refreshing Inn stay.


Limsa Lominsa:



  • The Bismarck where she visits a few of her friends and clients who reside in Limsa Lominsa, and has coffee and biscuits with honey in the morning and at night the best seafood chowder in all of Eorzea for dinner. Occasionally the cooks there will ask her to bring special blends of spices and herbs from Ul'dah.
  • Mealvaan's Gate where she can be seen meeting occasionally with a mysterious Miqo'te with black skin and hair in dark robes.
  • Ferry docks, where she'll travel to and from clients around the area.
  • The Drowning Wench/Mizzenmast Inn where she can be seen smoking her specialty herb blend with her hand chiseled bubbler pipe.
  • Ambrosia where she serves a host of clients there, providing Silks to the women who work there, as well as occasionally visiting for entertainment.




  • Most markets in Eorzea she travels to frequently to get the best prices for the best products and to keep up appearances with locals looking to buy her clothing.
  • Picking herbs and growths from the ground she finds interesting or unconventional for handmade clothing or headdresses.
  • Can be seen haggling a lot, and generally demands the best quality.

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[align=center]You might know me from Gridania...[/align]


[align=center]Looking to satisfy your sweet tooth? Need dessert for a special occasion?[/align]


[align=center]Look no further than Yaein's Wildheart Bakery.[/align]


[align=center]Where I can say with almost 100% certainty that the treats from my bakery will change your life. At the very least, they will make your day a little better...[/align]


[align=center]Items handcrafted from the finest ingredients, including sweet cream butter, bittersweet Ul'dah chocolate, pure Ala Mhigo spice vanilla, fresh bananas and  Coerthas carrots, real rolanberries and natural citrus zests.[/align]


[align=center]The rumors are true! [/align]



[align=center]"Simple, elegant and too scrumptious for words" - The Daily Moogle



[align=center]"If you REALLY want to be spoiled, then treat yourself to Wildheart's Rolanberry Pie. It's my new favorite indulgence." - Random Lalafell Scholar






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You might know Darien Cadell from...


  • A brief stint as a dishwasher at a tiny but popular restaurant in Ul'dah (especially if you also knew a certain NPC Elezen waitress) a few years ago
  • Hanging around the Alchemists' Guild staring intently at other people's experiments
  • Sitting in the middle of any given square/public place in Ul'dah, sharpening a sword and people watching
  • Fishing almost anywhere, especially in strange places in the midst of a lot of violence

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You might know Fenix from..


-Always seen walking around Ul'dah


-At the Arrzaneth Ossuary, leafing through book after book


-On his rare ventures outside the city, often in the vicinity of ancient ruins and the like



-At the Quicksand, having a drink alone



-Can sometimes be found at night on the rooftops in Ul'dah, writing in an old book

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You might know me from....


  • Wandering through pretty much any part of the Black Shroud.
  • Gridania (on rare occasion) primarily the market stalls, casually watching people buy and sell. 
  • Any sort of detention institution inside Gridania (on erroneous charges of course) 

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Atrus Black (Gilgamesh)

Your might know him from:

-The taverns were he is the robed fellow who is often thrown out of at nightly basis.

-seeing him wandering about like drifter in various cities, but always trying to lend a helping hand. Trying being the usual apt term.

-The story of a man who once out ran 20 kolbolds in the central jungles of La Noscea to the outskirts Limsa Lominsa in a shear state of terror. (In addendum, despite the rumors, he did not squeal like a little girl, that was merely the wind...)

-the story of him single handily slayed a whole pair of dodos with his bare hands... and a carbuncle... from a distance. But they did die.

-hearing him being a bit boastful after large consumption of spirits.

- being thrown from establishments for drinking large quantities of spirits and not being able to pay for it.

-May actually have some magical talent according to rumors.

-The rumor that he may be afraid of kolbolds... according to some outlandish rumors.

-Seeing him visit the arcane guilds of each city state seeking more knowledge.

-The rumor that there is an magic using gentleman who was once part of the Empire now seeking power in Ezorea...

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You might know Adolar from...


  • The Bismarck in Limsa Lominsa, helping the chefs prepare dishes for the constant stream of hungry patrons.
  • The Black Shroud. Wandering the forest and being utterly lost.
  • Any body of water, fishing, reading, or just relaxing and taking in the view.

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You've probably seen Fystrael hanging around these Limsa Lominsa and La Noscea locales:

  • The Drowning Wench - she can't drink more than a pint, but she finds a lot of eye-candy to enjoy in that tavern.
  • The Coral Tower - she's usually bugging the guildmaster or training on the lower floors.
  • The Mist neighborhood - she's just dying to get a house on the beach when she wants a break from travelling, so she stares wistfully while counting her savings in her head.
  • Fisherman's Bottom or Aleport - she likes ocean fishing more than river fishing.

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