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-She bows gracefully, greeting everyone-

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-Brief Introduction

Hello, everyone. My name is Ark and as you can see, I'm new to this community. I've been lurking around for a while, and I've decided to create my first thread. People allso call me Luna, but either way is fine. I'm still undecided about joining Balmung or Gilgamesh, but I know it will be one or the other because I am really interested in joining a RP server.


-MMORPG background

I’ve been playing online games since the pre-WoW era. I tried games like Ultima Online, Runescape and Everquest just for the role-playing experience. I also tried Final Fantasy XI for one month, but Ragnarok Online captivated my heart for 7 years. I played the game with colleagues and friends for several years, and it was an experience I will never forget. I enjoy when gaming communities are solid and mature, yet open to new suggestions and adventures.


Recently, I’ve been playing Fantasy MMOs like Lime Odyssey and Ragnarok Online 2, but something tells me FF XIV is here to stay and I won’t hesitate twice to make it my official/full-time MMO game.


-RP experience

I enjoy the whole role-play experience because it reminds me of my acting days. I used to be in small plays and such when I was a drama major student, so I enjoy the process of becoming or being “someone else.” When I role-play in the gaming world, it feels like I’m looking at a giant script waiting to be modified. Sadly, it becomes lost literature if people take it for granted.


My usual role-play archetypes involve romance and fantasy. Sometimes there are more fantasy and sci-fi elements involved in the plot than romantic tropes, but that depends on what kind of story I want to create. Virtual role-playing is not that far from what I do, so I usually have my starters depending on which character I want to “be” or what kind of character does the person/role-player want me to be. In my humble opinion, I prefer the former because I feel more comfortable, but I’m always open to new ideas and possibilities.


-Character ideas/info

I’ve been working on 2 characters at the moment.


1.Nyxerys Vigilante (Miqo’te/Thaumaturge)




A fine mistress of the black arts. Her vast knowledge of Elemental magicks makes her a fine asset to the magical community. Her charming, yet rational personality is quite remarkable and uplifting. There is nothing she can’t solve without using her procedures and scientific standards. 


She wears glasses all of the time since she caught a rare disease while exploring one of the Thanalan caves a long time ago.  It causes her vision to be a bit blurry, so she needs a new prescription every 2 – 3 years. This rare condition encouraged her to do even more research about the toxins surrounding Thanalan. She called this disease “μυωπία”, but she doesn’t have enough proof to confirm it. She has a friend called Cassandra Rosenberg who is a specialist in Nature magicks and trying to find a possible solution or treatment.


2.Cassandra Rosenberg- (Lalafell/Conjurer)


A true child from Mother Nature.  Cassandra is a remarkable conjurer and also a great spiritual counselor. She guides lost souls and heals the wounded with her Nature magicks and her soothing words. She became a botanist and an alchemist when she was in her teen years. Her extensive knowledge about plants and sacred chemistry is widely known throughout Gridania. She works in alliance with Ul’dah and Limsa Lominsa scholars when she has the opportunity.


When she was a child,she used to control both Nature and Elemental magicks, but she chose the former. She had the power to create light elemental spheres, levitate stones from the ground, and manipulate air waves with her mind, but she knew that healing the wounded was her destiny.


She now dedicates to Nature magicks, embracing the call of Mother Nature. She is always improving and testing the extent of her nature powers in order to protect those who need her help and guidance. She does know that sooner or later she must surpass those inner fears and use again her powers to preserve and maintain order.   

-How did you learn about the coalition?

I lurk a lot, so I found about this coalition on FB/FF XIV forums.


-What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Medium role-player.

-Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Hmm, what can I say…? I’m 25 years old and I work as a librarian. I majored in Linguistics (MA) and Comparative Literature (BA.) I also have a minor in Foreign Languages (French, Portuguese.) I took some classical languages (Latin and Greek) for research purposes, but I ended up falling in love with them. During my college years, I worked as a proof-reader for several academic magazines. Now it's just me and my books.


During my free time, I enjoy reading and writing. I also enjoy debating and hanging out with colleagues whenever I have the chance. Most of the time I'm either working or sleeping, but now I will start playing games again because I enjoy it as a hobby.

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Very nice intro post and welcome to the community! Whatever server you end up choosing, I hope you make the best choice for yourself ^^/ Should you choose Balmung then I look forward to hopefully bumping into your characters one day, they sound very interesting and well thought out.


Have a nice day ~

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welcome to the fun.


Both characters sound like fun to RP with, so i guess I'm no help there, but on a non-RP related mention.

Librarian huh? I am currently working on my Masters in Library sciences and hope to find a career in the Archives department. (and I plan on having my degree shortly after i turn 25)


Again, Welcome to the forums and I hope you have a good time here.

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Welcome to the site any questions you have feel free to ask!



A librarian huh? rowr, lol j/k






Welcome to the forums ^^  I like the concepts you have for your characters so far. the lala conjurer esp. :D  Magic users are always fun to RP imo and what I usually go with also.


Enjoy the site and see u around :3


Thanks! I have more characters up my sleeve but they belong to a different storyline/world. I'm just trying to convert them depending if I want to use them as RP characters or as main/secondary characters.


Welcome to RPC, hope you enjoy your stay! Like Rock said, if you have any questions never hesitate to ask.




Very nice intro post and welcome to the community! Whatever server you end up choosing, I hope you make the best choice for yourself ^^/ Should you choose Balmung then I look forward to hopefully bumping into your characters one day, they sound very interesting and well thought out.


Have a nice day ~


Maybe one day we will cross paths, looking forward to it~


welcome to the fun.


Both characters sound like fun to RP with, so i guess I'm no help there, but on a non-RP related mention.

Librarian huh? I am currently working on my Masters in Library sciences and hope to find a career in the Archives department. (and I plan on having my degree shortly after i turn 25)


Again, Welcome to the forums and I hope you have a good time here.


Funny thing is I didn't major to be a Librarian, it's something that simply happened. I'm still aiming to be at least an adjunct professor when the time comes. I've been teaching here and there, but my ultimate goal is to be a language researcher. Tough times indeed~

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welcome to the fun.


Both characters sound like fun to RP with, so i guess I'm no help there, but on a non-RP related mention.

Librarian huh? I am currently working on my Masters in Library sciences and hope to find a career in the Archives department. (and I plan on having my degree shortly after i turn 25)


Again, Welcome to the forums and I hope you have a good time here.


Funny thing is I didn't major to be a Librarian, it's something that simply happened. I'm still aiming to be at least an adjunct professor when the time comes. I've been teaching here and there, but my ultimate goal is to be a language researcher. Tough times indeed~


sounds fun, there are so many languages I would love to learn so I can understand the attraction. Though I don't think that I could ever be good enough with them to teach them on the scale of a professor. good luck in your endeavor to become a professor and researcher of language. People like me need good language teachers so we can satisfy our desire to learn other languages.thumbsup.gif

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*runs through the door out of breath* I'm late I know *takes a deep breath* Welcome! Any of the severs are good and i hope which ever you pick you in joy your self.




Welcome, Ark/Luna.

  (I like Luna btw, :P)


Hope you find a place here. Love that language background. I believe that learning other languages absolutely teaches us new ways to think. Looking forward to seeing where you take your characters!


Thanks, I will : 3

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