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Villainous Character Creator Challenge

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I've seen several threads with a lot of awesome characters generated through the character creator. Playing around with it myself, I had a lot of fun trying to see what types of villainous characters I could come up with.


I'd like to see what everyone else can come up with as well. Give it your best shot, and let's see what kinds of disreputable characters the community can churn out!







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Ah, well...now you're delving into the unexplored portions of Isobeau's (potential) backstory.  This is someone I'm toying with...





Grinneau "Grin" Mauvaix...the smile is not friendly 8-)



I like it! something about the white face with white hair, and that smile, says evil mastermind to me. it could also have something to do with the black eyes on the white side and then that golden eye jumping out from the darker side... who knows.


either way good work Teardrop

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My character is going to look totally out of place because I was trying to make him look handsome in spite of being lacking in moral-fibre.


In any case, here he is. I'll see if I can make up a whole new one that I won't be RP'ing for the sake of this topic ^^






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Forgive me if I am supposed to try and create the most evil of evil looking characters but it seems I am hopelessly bound to trying to make characters look attractive >w<


Blegh... I'll keep at it but for now, here is my highlander female I just made:








Bloop! Last one. I am incapable of making scarily evil characters like so many of the awesome contributions here it seems -o- Ah well, keep them coming1 ^^





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"Man's life can be defined as a series of 'things.' Things he has, things he wants, things he needs. Things he covets, things he craves, things he lusts after, things he dreams of, things he'd pay for, things he'd harm for. Some men, they'll go about gettin' these things any way they can. They'll beg, cheat, steal and kill to get the things they desire. Other men, they don't got the stomach to just reach out and take it.


"Don't mean they don't got the coin t'pay someone what will."

-J'nye "Johnny" Tia


















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I don't have a name for these guys yet, but...


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My shot....











That's pretty terrifying.


I was expecting some more Roegadyn in this thread. No one sees Roegadyn villains in their future?

I've had this Black Mage in mind for a while. I might eventually RP him if I find any other character that could suit his story.






Three characters is fairly ambitious. Is he a villain? What sort of story did you have in mind? I have a couple other concepts in mind aside from Myxie, but no solid plans to do anything with them at the moment.

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Three characters is fairly ambitious.  Is he a villain?  What sort of story did you have in mind?  I have a couple other concepts in mind aside from Myxie, but no solid plans to do anything with them at the moment.


Haha, three characters might be killing, indeed. That's why I wouldn't start RPing him anytime soon (as much as I'd like to!).


His story is still a bit vague. I just know who I want him to be and what I want him to do, somehow. Or let's rather say, what kind of story I'd like him to have with other characters, which is ultimately what I seek when I RP-- action and reaction. He won't be any sort of powerful villain, but that doesn't make him any less of a cruel person. The hugest damage can be the most subtle, after all.

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I like it! something about the white face with white hair, and that smile, says evil mastermind to me. it could also have something to do with the black eyes on the white side and then that golden eye jumping out from the darker side... who knows.



Hey wait, LeCard...you're pretty much describing Isobeau as well in your rundown of "evil mastermind" characteristics. Am I not the epitome of a pure and wholesome Duskwight visage here :lol: ?!?

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I like it! something about the white face with white hair, and that smile, says evil mastermind to me. it could also have something to do with the black eyes on the white side and then that golden eye jumping out from the darker side... who knows.



Hey wait, LeCard...you're pretty much describing Isobeau as well in your rundown of "evil mastermind" characteristics.  Am I not the epitome of a pure and wholesome Duskwight visage here :lol: ?!?

hmmm.  didn't think about that, but I guess that proves it is the pure white hair that gives him the evil mastermind vibe that I am getting. (wait does pure hair equaling evil imply something about me?) Sorry, but I just can't bring myself to look at Isobeau and see evil...how that hair color change makes that much difference in my mind I don't know.(is my brain broken?)

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