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Gilgamesh is very hostile!

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I waited all day to make a character on Gilgamesh, then as soon as I got there, I popped into a huge flamestorm in Ul'Dah.


It would seem that Gilgamesh is full of people making characters with stupid names and doing their best to "Drive the RPers out."


This is extremely saddening to me... is anyone else on Gilgamesh?  Is there any safe haven for us RP friendly types?


Hell, Cerberus was more accommodating.  :(

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From my understanding, Gilgamesh is the 'Fresh start' unofficial RP server, and it's up to the community to cement the mold...


Buuuut it maaay also be the chosen server of the Reddit and 4chan community... Sooo that might be what you ran into. I can't vouch for them, because I've never actually been on 4chan or Reddit, but their reputation isn't the best..  to say the least.


However, there are a lot of RPers hiding on Gilgamesh, it's more the fact that it's Beta.. the first day for that matter, and most people are focusing on leveling and getting things set up. So most people aren't even RPing. I know that I spent the day getting to 20, and now that I'm set, I'm pretty much just sitting in Limsa Lominsa, just reading shoutchat and being alt tabbed, but I haven't seen any RP since Beta started actually.


SHORT VERSION: It's Beta, soo it'll clear up with RP blossoming when we actually launch, or maybe tomorrow, we'll see!

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I waited all day to make a character on Gilgamesh, then as soon as I got there, I popped into a huge flamestorm in Ul'Dah.


It would seem that Gilgamesh is full of people making characters with stupid names and doing their best to "Drive the RPers out."


This is extremely saddening to me... is anyone else on Gilgamesh?  Is there any safe haven for us RP friendly types?


Hell, Cerberus was more accommodating.  :(

I rped all night in uldah and Thanalan so I haven't experienced this. And this is also with spamming shout for rpers. What city were you in?

From my understanding, Gilgamesh is the 'Fresh start' unofficial RP server, and it's up to the community to cement the mold...


Buuuut it maaay also be the chosen server of the Reddit and 4chan community... Sooo that might be what you ran into. I can't vouch for them, because I've never actually been on 4chan or Reddit, but their reputation isn't the best..  to say the least.


However, there are a lot of RPers hiding on Gilgamesh, it's more the fact that it's Beta.. the first day for that matter, and most people are focusing on leveling and getting things set up. So most people aren't even RPing. I know that I spent the day getting to 20, and now that I'm set, I'm pretty much just sitting in Limsa Lominsa, just reading shoutchat and being alt tabbed, but I haven't seen any RP since Beta started actually.


SHORT VERSION: It's Beta, soo it'll clear up with RP blossoming when we actually launch, or maybe tomorrow, we'll see!

4chan is going to Ultros. And so far nobody has really mentioned anything about trolling. But let me get back in game so I can give the OP an invite to the rper linkshells.

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I rped all night in uldah and Thanalan so I haven't experienced this. And this is also with spamming shout for rpers. What city were you in?



Ul'dah.  Got yelled at and sent hostile tells by one "Panda Knight" and a few others.

And for the record, I'm "Mousie Gridain" on Gilgamesh.

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I rped all night in uldah and Thanalan so I haven't experienced this. And this is also with spamming shout for rpers. What city were you in?



Ul'dah.  Got yelled at and sent hostile tells by one "Panda Knight" and a few others.

And for the record, I'm "Mousie Gridain" on Gilgamesh.

Well griefers are going to be in any mmo. So that's nothing new. A few griefers doesn't' make an entire server hostile as there are three starting cities. So you don't know what's going on in each of those. Heading back in now.


Oh and just to let everyone know Blacklist works now. It wasn't before but it is now. So blacklist till your hearts content if people are messing with you.


*walks around Ul'dah, spams shout for rpers, blacklists a few idiots who weren't trolling but are just idiots, and goes back to sleep*



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I rped all night in uldah and Thanalan so I haven't experienced this. And this is also with spamming shout for rpers. What city were you in?



Ul'dah.  Got yelled at and sent hostile tells by one "Panda Knight" and a few others.

And for the record, I'm "Mousie Gridain" on Gilgamesh.

Well griefers are going to be in any mmo. So that's nothing new. A few griefers doesn't' make an entire server hostile as there are three starting cities. So you don't know what's going on in each of those. Heading back in now.


Oh and just to let everyone know Blacklist works now. It wasn't before but it is now. So blacklist till your hearts content if people are messing with you.


*walks around Ul'dah, spams shout for rpers, blacklists a few idiots who weren't trolling but are just idiots, and goes back to sleep*



ohh, you're mousie :D

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Buuuut it maaay also be the chosen server of the Reddit and 4chan community... Sooo that might be what you ran into. I can't vouch for them, because I've never actually been on 4chan or Reddit, but their reputation isn't the best..  to say the least.


To be honest, Reddit shouldn't be too much of a problem. I've been using /r/ffxiv for months, and most of the community there is friendly and helpful, and when I first jumped on, I put up a topic asking about RP, and was greeted with quite a few replies from people telling me where to go, linking me to this site and a lot of people who will also be RPing. 


It'll be 4chan thats a problem, if anything.

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Yeah, and Rock already corrected me that 4chan is heading to Ultros, sooo... In theory it should be fine and this was just internet troll people. Hobgoblins and demons and such... R-right? Right...


I'm actually from 4chan. (See? We're not all bad)


Once I saw everyone freaking out about 4chan going to Gil, I immediately provided proof to quell the upset.


Gilgamesh is going to be THE most populated realm. We're going to be dealing with all types here. Honestly, my concern is more of locked servers rather than reddit and the other communities.


Besides, tons of people from Reddit have actually expressed interest in RP and actually joined these forums.


Applying blanket statements to entire communities is bad, m'kay.

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Buuuut it maaay also be the chosen server of the Reddit and 4chan community... Sooo that might be what you ran into. I can't vouch for them, because I've never actually been on 4chan or Reddit, but their reputation isn't the best..  to say the least.


To be honest, Reddit shouldn't be too much of a problem. I've been using /r/ffxiv for months, and most of the community there is friendly and helpful, and when I first jumped on, I put up a topic asking about RP, and was greeted with quite a few replies from people telling me where to go, linking me to this site and a lot of people who will also be RPing. 


It'll be 4chan thats a problem, if anything.

4chan is....a weird site.


it's a message board that's honestly helpful and insightfull if you know where to look. Or it could be a mess of bad trolling and people trying to be edgy.


it's been around for a while, and the OGs there are not the problem.


After the "reddit and 4chan war", if you can call it that, tons of immature redditors went to 4chan (since they just learned that 4chan was the site reddit was getting their "memes" from). Turned the shithole into an even bigger shithole, and people think being mean in a non clever way is what trolling is all about.


it was a sad cycle to watch. Anywho, think of it this way. It's not the redditors or 4channers that are bad. It's the young stupid ones.


All we're seeing is people being "edgy" and hating on stuff they don't do. That's the least of our worries. What we need to do is build up our community. They don't have to go away for us to have a good time. We're a new server, with new people, starting new adventures. We can either sit around and cry about all the hate we're getting, or just do what we do, and include those that want to join. Fair and simple.

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Applying blanket statements to entire communities is bad, m'kay.


Sorry! I was reffering to the people in specific who harassed the OP. As I said waay up dere^ I have no idea what the 4chan or Reddit communities are like, I've never interacted with either of them. 


To average idiot #3, aka me; Reputation is all we have to go off of. We just hope that they can crush the old and make a new reputation. - Like this, you're proving your point by reinforcing that they're not as bad as everyone thinks.


Didn't mean to step on toes though!

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I waited all day to make a character on Gilgamesh, then as soon as I got there, I popped into a huge flamestorm in Ul'Dah.


It would seem that Gilgamesh is full of people making characters with stupid names and doing their best to "Drive the RPers out."


This is extremely saddening to me... is anyone else on Gilgamesh?  Is there any safe haven for us RP friendly types?


Hell, Cerberus was more accommodating.  :(


While I for one have extremely open minded outlook on naming as a few old names i used to use in the past sometimes got flak from communities which i could understand to a part, but i saw how in a way it worked for part of my character aspect, there are understandably some names that to an RP person seem a bit.. no lol. I'd just like to think that some of them are just folks that dont have any interest in RP and arent there to harass or brief those that do, and give them the benefit of the doubt.


If not and they start acting up, we do have that handy block/ignore feature(one of the most loved and useful features in any mmo lol)

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A few helpful facts...


- There are trolls everywhere.


- Using 4chan or Reddit or ANYTHING else doesn't make someone a troll.


- Fear gives troll powers and pulls you to the dark side of the f- err, wrong universe.


- People who don't like RP or RPers and find out they rolled on The Unofficial RP Server or some shit are obviously going to be mad and react accordingly to RPers. If it was an officially labelled RP server and they rolled there, then they would be trolls for sure because they knew... but keep in mind, no where does it say Warning: Presence of RPers to alert anyone to our presence.


But yeah don't forget trolls want you to react. I know, I trolled before. Not RPers (I was a RPer before I had internet access), but people talking politics or religion in one mmo or another's general channel. I still do that, it can be so funny. Seriously. You have to expect a flame war bringing religion or politics into a mmo... I mean my granpda has a No Politics At The Table rule (which he always breaks) and we're just between family members! Imagine strangers hidden by the anonimity of the internet! So yeah, that's more or less troll mentality for you. If no one reacts, it's boring.

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I just find it VERY odd that people who play a multi-player massive online ROlE PLAYING game would have such a problem with roleplayers that they would actively give them a hard time.

I also find it amusing that people on an RPG would troll RPers. I like pointing out that, unless you are PLAYING a human, you don't have much grounds to troll another person for RPing. 

Even if that is the case, what does it matter that someone else is doing something different than you? RP has no effect on anyone but the people doing it. Sadly, those people do not think the way we do.

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I just find it VERY odd that people who play a multi-player massive online ROlE PLAYING game would have such a problem with roleplayers that they would actively give them a hard time.

I also find it amusing that people on an RPG would troll RPers. I like pointing out that, unless you are PLAYING a human, you don't have much grounds to troll another person for RPing.


Pretty much this. Unless you are PLAYING a Human, with the same gender as you, same skin color as you, same height and body type as you, who looks EXACTLY like you? You are role-playing in some form. Hell it's an MMORPG.


Last I checked, MMORPGs and RPGs had the word "Role-Playing" in it.

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I was forced to get on gilgamesh due to Balmung being full. I haven't had any interactions at all but from the names i keep seeing, stuff like Naruto uchiha madara elric lalouche the douchesicle . i'm probably not going to like it here... i hate names stolen from anime..i hate them..


I'm hoping Balmung opens up for launch/ early access.

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Others have said it already, but I'm repeating things for emphasis. There are trolls EVERYWHERE. It doesn't matter what their reasoning is, they will be there, and they will eventually grief you. No one place is troll-free. It's something you've just got to deal with.


Also, experiences will differ from person to person, place to place, time to time. I'm not accusing anyone here of this in particular, but just be aware of the fact that you are not some special victim with a special circumstance. Some people were lucky enough to not encounter the same negativity you did, others might have got blasted with it the moment they logged in for the first time. It happens.


That's part of the reason we have RPC. Make some friends or find a few friendly groups and stick by em'. You'll be fine, regardless of what server you're on. :thumbsup:

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I was forced to get on gilgamesh due to Balmung being full. I haven't had any interactions at all but from the names i keep seeing, stuff like Naruto uchiha madara elric lalouche the douchesicle . i'm probably not going to like it here... i hate names stolen from anime..i hate them..


I'm hoping Balmung opens up for launch/ early access.


Balmung was open this morning. Please keep checking if you want to create a character there. :)

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My experience thus far has been mostly the opposite. Honestly, I'm actually impressed that, especially being OPEN beta (aka free test, no investment necessary), that one of the most populated servers has had minimal douchebaggery. I saw people bashing RPers a few times in zone shout chat yesterday, but nothing unexpected from an "unofficial" RP server. As someone else mentioned, many of these players are walking into a normal server only to find out it has a heavy set of RPers, and some folks, whether it's misconception, general ignorance, or groupthink/mobrule, just hate RPers "just because." I know it can be tough to avoid xxSephiroth Gokuxx attempting to teabag you while you're in-character, but the more you ignore the trolls, the more they go away.


I kill them with kindness and go along with my day, tbh ;) Nothing frustrates anti-RPers more than you continuing to enjoy yourself (not suggesting to force it on anyone/do it at their expense by any means; just saying when you encounter griefing, as immersion-breaking as it can be, it's only gonna be worse if you pick at it).

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I was forced to get on gilgamesh due to Balmung being full. I haven't had any interactions at all but from the names i keep seeing, stuff like Naruto uchiha madara elric lalouche the douchesicle . i'm probably not going to like it here... i hate names stolen from anime..i hate them..


I'm hoping Balmung opens up for launch/ early access.

I have seen a few names like this on bal like: meowth thatsright, a yoshi p. imposter?:(yoshi Pi)

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I just find it VERY odd that people who play a multi-player massive online ROlE PLAYING game would have such a problem with roleplayers that they would actively give them a hard time.


I asked a guy who had a strong dislike of RPers about this...


His answer made sense.


In his eyes, what Role-playing means his nothing more than having a character to represent him in the game world. To him that's all playing a role is. And it's a perfectly legit definition I mean it doesn't -have- to go any further. Yet there are people (us) who claim that it's not RPing, that RPing goes further than that, and they (us) start making demands and acting superior like we know better, we are better, and we bitch about immersion... To him us so-called RPer were just weird creeps taking it too far. And all those stereotypes and ERPphobia don't help.


As much as it pained me I could kinda understand where the guy came from.

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