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Gilgamesh is very hostile!

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From my understanding, Gilgamesh is the 'Fresh start' unofficial RP server, and it's up to the community to cement the mold...


Buuuut it maaay also be the chosen server of the Reddit and 4chan community... Sooo that might be what you ran into. I can't vouch for them, because I've never actually been on 4chan or Reddit, but their reputation isn't the best..  to say the least.


However, there are a lot of RPers hiding on Gilgamesh, it's more the fact that it's Beta.. the first day for that matter, and most people are focusing on leveling and getting things set up. So most people aren't even RPing. I know that I spent the day getting to 20, and now that I'm set, I'm pretty much just sitting in Limsa Lominsa, just reading shoutchat and being alt tabbed, but I haven't seen any RP since Beta started actually.


SHORT VERSION: It's Beta, soo it'll clear up with RP blossoming when we actually launch, or maybe tomorrow, we'll see!

I agree completely with what he has said. It is beta.. Open beta meaning free game for whatever time length. EVERYONE goes flying into beta. You'll have to wait till early access or even launch to see who is left residing. The players actually sticking around and playing after launch.. Like he said we're buckling down and doing what we gotta do to be prepared so we can be a little bit more laid back upon launch. I've beta capped my guy.. Started farming gathering materals, work on a crafting prof and farming dungeons (If I can.. Its a nightmare for DPS as always.)


 It is also up to the community to shape the server.. So I trust gilgamesh will be a nice  server..

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farming dungeons (If I can.. Its a nightmare for DPS as always.


Was actually going to make a thread for this but I didn't want to clog it up with my nonsense. I'm a Beta capped Conjurer and I'm farming dungeons for Acolyte boots. Sooo if you (Or anyone else) wants a shorter que. Poke me in-game~

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I just find it VERY odd that people who play a multi-player massive online ROlE PLAYING game would have such a problem with roleplayers that they would actively give them a hard time.


I asked a guy who had a strong dislike of RPers about this...


His answer made sense.


In his eyes, what Role-playing means his nothing more than having a character to represent him in the game world. To him that's all playing a role is. And it's a perfectly legit definition I mean it doesn't -have- to go any further. Yet there are people (us) who claim that it's not RPing, that RPing goes further than that, and they (us) start making demands and acting superior like we know better, we are better, and we bitch about immersion... To him us so-called RPer were just weird creeps taking it too far. And all those stereotypes and ERPphobia don't help.


As much as it pained me I could kinda understand where the guy came from.


Reading the answer this person gave you, it is sad.  It honestly sounds like they ran into one person who acted like that, or fell into a flame war on forums some time in the past.


And honestly, they are making just as bad blanket statements as RPers are to non-RPers.


*shrugs*  But, eh .. what do I know.  I guess I'm more jaded and got my blinders on after sooo many years in MMORPGs.  I just /ignore and move on, and don't let it get to me.  (The only exception if the person is doing blantant racial slurs, sexual harassment etc then I don't ignore and start reporting)


All I can suggest is do that.  But never EVER tell them you are reporting them.  They don't care.  Trust me.  Just do it and move on.

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Started on Gilgamesh just to spend some time with some friends (despite having old characters), and I was met by some hostility as well.  :(



Finally convinced my friends to go on Balmung (by saying I'd make a new toon as well), and surprisingly I have not seen a single troll.  Just questions being asked, and very kind responses (Limsa Territory).  Saw a few random RPers as well, in addition to getting asked politely several times if I wanted to team up for FATEs.


Probably the best community I've ever seen, even by 1.0 standards (though I only played a single character from one to twenty before running into system errors).  The only "bad" name I've seen was someone named "Darth Vader", but he was very nice and no fights broke out that I saw.



The only problem I'm getting now is that I can't make any new characters on there, and we all had ideas to start new characters again.  But I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who reads this that is on Balmung, in addition to rooting people on who have to establish a new community on a new sever.  Hang in there and I'm sure you'll be accepted or acclimate to the culture that is coming in from all types of different games.




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Since the servers don't say "Non-RPers are not to create non-RP names in the server" it's bound to happen to see names like "Jail Bait"  ,  "Sex Slave" or "Samuel Jackson".


But I am more concerned about Square Enix being hostile to keep me out of Gilgamesh with 3102 error code  now, especially when I cant even create characters. I really wish I could just say "STAY OUT OF MY SERVER PEOPLE", but I am sure everyone else would feel the same lol

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Balmung is full of those names too.

We have a Namespot thing going on in Immersion (you know, the OOC RPC Linkshell) where we name the really funny or horrible ones.


Also, I'd like to point out that this kind of "panic" thread is rather unhelpful for those of us trying to build a RP community on Gilgamesh.


You don't want to roll there, fine, no one has any right to argue. But to claim loud and clear that the server is bad for us scares would-be RPers away. One could argue it's a good thing to warn them... but I say it's a better thing to let them judge by themselves.

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Balmung is full of those names too.

We have a Namespot thing going on in Immersion (you know, the OOC RPC Linkshell) where we name the really funny or horrible ones.


ALos, I'd like to point out that this kind of "panic" thread is rather unhelpful for those of us trying to build a RP community on Gilgamesh.


You don't want to roll there, fine, no one has any right to argue. But to claim loud and clear that the server is bad for us scares would-be RPers away. One could argue it's a good thing to warn them... but I say it's a better thing to let them judge by themselves.


I can't help but laugh every time I see Linkin Logs running around in Gridania on Balmung

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This mess reminds me of the first few days of tarnished coast roleplaying on GW2, once it sinks in that we're not backing down most of them will either learn to deal with it or leave.


The most important part of that statement of course being that we don't back down.

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Met a couple RPers during the meeting that were outside our little beginnings of a circle. And not once did we get trilled during the meeting. One was even brand new, and seemed to fall right in after we dragged her out of her shell.


I seeee you talkin' about me! *Snaps fingers* xD


But with all seriousness, the server seems to have....calmed...in a way.

However, I was an idiot and logged out, now I can't get in.....I have to wait till the normal people get sleepy and I can get on again.....You are all getting veeery sleepy.....<_< >_>

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Directed hostility towards RP'ers? I saw none, and I was part of two large, several hour RP events that took place in major cities and congested areas.


What I saw was people actually joining in on the fly. I was expecting directed hostility towards what we were doing, but in actuality, besides shout chat being a barrens-style mess(you can turn that off), and the odd hilariously inappropriate character name, I was flabberghasted by the lack of directed hostility. Either people were interested in joining in, or no one gave a shit who we were or what we were doing.


If the tone of Gilgamesh bothers you, you should definitely go to and stay on Balmung. There is somewhat less shout chat spam and absurd naming conventions, but I've got to be honest - there's definitely way more of these things, now, than their was in the old days, even on Balmung.


If the server population was any indicator, I don't think any of your average joes have decided to avoid Balmung because it was RP. (You should be mostly glad for this, as you'll get new recruits from some of them.)


My favorite silly name so far is probably Donut BallZ!

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Just for the other side


A person on Balmung was shouting for any RP guilds that did endgame. I asked what they were looking for in an RP guild and someone goes. "There are RPers here?" and a bunch of people answer that Balmung was the unofficial RP server since 1.0 and he goes "I have so many people to troll!"


While that was annoying, a few people right after him said "Leave the RPers alone." and "Shut up." and he went silent, so that was awesome.


Trolls everywhere.

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Just for the other side


A person on Balmung was shouting for any RP guilds that did endgame. I asked what they were looking for in an RP guild and someone goes. "There are RPers here?" and a bunch of people answer that Balmung was the unofficial RP server since 1.0 and he goes "I have so many people to troll!"


While that was annoying, a few people right after him said "Leave the RPers alone." and "Shut up." and he went silent, so that was awesome.


Trolls everywhere.


Pretty much this.


You will encounter trolls and griefers on every realm. Even if SE made official RP servers, you'd find them there too.


World of Warcraft has official RP realms, and let me tell you. They are FULL of jerks who just spend their day trolling RPers.

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Just for the other side


A person on Balmung was shouting for any RP guilds that did endgame. I asked what they were looking for in an RP guild and someone goes. "There are RPers here?" and a bunch of people answer that Balmung was the unofficial RP server since 1.0 and he goes "I have so many people to troll!"


While that was annoying, a few people right after him said "Leave the RPers alone." and "Shut up." and he went silent, so that was awesome.


Trolls everywhere.


Pretty much this.


You will encounter trolls and griefers on every realm. Even if SE made official RP servers, you'd find them there too.


World of Warcraft has official RP realms, and let me tell you. They are FULL of jerks who just spend their day trolling RPers.


Yeah. The worst of them are the people who -act- like they're RPing but really are just there to frustrate everyone else by ERPing in public or generally just being... terrible. 


"How do I know your name? Why, I can see it above your head!"


*shudder* I got that once on WoW. No lie.


But really, running around Gilg for the time I was, I didn't see much trolling going on. Though, to be honest, I didn't see much RP either. People were too busy, from I could see, playing the game. X-D


I saw some really funny (and really bad) names, though. The one that made me cringe most was Kael'thas Sunstrider. >_<

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Personally I didn't run into one griefer and I was one of the fortunate ones who got to play the majority of the weekend. Remember, this was an Open Beta. Meaning anyone who signed up or was given a code by a friend got in so that doesn't reflect the actual people who will be actually paying for the game.


For a week or more now there have been posts about the Gilgamesh OOC Coalition Linkshell, with details pertaining to how you can get in touch with other members to be handed a linkpearl to get in contact with other roleplayers. Next time you log in if you're not all ready in the OOC linkshell, I can invite you or you can add me so I can invite you under the name Luluni Luni.

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I saw some really funny (and really bad) names, though. The one that made me cringe most was Kael'thas Sunstrider. >_<


I saw one named Shadowsong Maiev. Ugh.


Is it not bad enough that people can't be original, they have to use names from a completely different MMO?

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