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HOLY PRIEST IS BEST. Well, if I still played, but still... Holy Priest and Fury 2H Warrior was where it was at.... Granted I spent my time Heroic Leaping around Silvermoan, and running around in circles with shiny bubble.


HOLY PRIEST IS BEST PRIEST!  Too bad we only hit our ULTIMATE POWER when we are D.E.D. - DEAD! lol


Yeah, I play a Holy/Disc Priest.


Wait, Silvermoan?  lol were you on Moon Guard?

I was on Moon Guard. Nothing was as bad as Goldshire -_-

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I was on Moon Guard. Nothing was as bad as Goldshire -_-


My Ex moved to Moon Guard, from what I heard it's pretty awesome for RP, you just have to avoid GS. Annd from my experience, I never RP'd in GS to begin with anyways.. Probably because I was Horde... Hrmmm..


AND JOVE! I'd say VI (Because, I mean, 8-bit Opera, Ultros, and Kefka? Duh.) Oooor VIII, but I'm bias because the previous FFs kinda hurt my eyes with their 1980s graphics... and FFVI is my nostalgia thingy, so there's that.

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PFHTHFPFHT. I would not degrade myself to such levels. (I apologize to all Moonguardians.) I was on WrA, we just always called it Silvermoan because... Idk, Blood Elves.


I'm horribly offended.  No one wants to go to the Accordian! :-P  I was actually on Moon Guard.  Technically still am with all of my Horde alts and my Draenei Priest.



I was on Moon Guard. Nothing was as bad as Goldshire -_-


hahah, that's true.  But I never went there except to kill Alliance, soooo...  xD


Well, and the one time that DK's were bugged and could target members of their own faction with Frost Fever and Blood Plague and were slaughtering lowbies all over Stormwind and Elwynn.  The bones in the Goldshire Inn were up to my hips.  xD

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It's a deceptively long wait between now and early access.


I'll be getting some last minute writing/editing in between bouts of Persona 4 Golden (gotta get dat new ending, mang!) and any number of the Steam games collecting dust in my library.


Strangely enough I've been thinking about playing FF6 again. Odd.

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My Ex moved to Moon Guard, from what I heard it's pretty awesome for RP, you just have to avoid GS. Annd from my experience, I never RP'd in GS to begin with anyways.. Probably because I was Horde... Hrmmm..


AND JOVE! I'd say VI (Because, I mean, 8-bit Opera, Ultros, and Kefka? Duh.) Oooor VIII, but I'm bias because the previous FFs kinda hurt my eyes with their 1980s graphics... and FFVI is my nostalgia thingy, so there's that.


Well, this may make you horrified, but now WrA's Goldshire and MG's Goldshire are one and the same.  Thank you, CRZ.  :roll:

It's a deceptively long wait between now and early access.


I'll be getting some last minute writing/editing in between bouts of Persona 4 Golden (gotta get dat new ending, mang!) and any number of the Steam games collecting dust in my library.  


Strangely enough I've been thinking about playing FF6 again.  Odd.


I found the PSU in the storage room in my house, thinking maybe I could play FFX or something.  But...there's no controller.  LOL


I fail!  :frustrated:

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To anyone who has no idea of what to do and is going crazy I would recommend reading a book. I am reading the 4th book in the "Game of Thrones" series and it is awesome, and keeps me occupied.


Edit: If anyone wants a couple suggestions I would recommend either The Lord of the Rings series or "Game of Thrones" series. For LotR the books are really good even if you've seen the movies, tons more detail which makes the world come to life. Game of Thrones is great also (If you've watched the first 3 seasons and want to start reading the book don't start right at the 4th book as the 3rd season is still ongoing in the 3rd book and there will be a lot of "spoilers" and confusion)

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This is another one of those times I feel like I'm clogging a thread with my nonsense...


Well, this may make you horrified, but now WrA's Goldshire and MG's Goldshire are one and the same.  Thank you, CRZ.  rolleyes.gif


Good thing I quit WoW when GW2 came out! - And let's all just hope GS doesn't evolve in FFXIV. We already have enough server capacity issues, thanks!


To anyone who has no idea of what to do and is going crazy I would recommend reading a book. I am reading the 4th book in the "Game of Thrones" series and it is awesome, and keeps me occupied.


I second this motion! My roommate is leaving, so I'm all alone for the next 10 days, and I can -only- read when I'm alone (It's a personal issue, dun judge) So I'm probably going to do my best to finish "Dwarves" by Markus Heitz which is a -very- good book if you like Magic and crap. It's like... Lord of the Rings, except about a Dwarf instead of Frodo.

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I was on Moon Guard. Nothing was as bad as Goldshire -_-


hahah, that's true.  But I never went there except to kill Alliance, soooo...  xD


Well, and the one time that DK's were bugged and could target members of their own faction with Frost Fever and Blood Plague and were slaughtering lowbies all over Stormwind and Elwynn.  The bones in the Goldshire Inn were up to my hips.  xD

Yeah..I played on alliance and horde, faction changed a couple times. Was fun. Was. But the RP died out for me in Wrath.

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Well, I was super busy running all over town today, that helped.


Tomorrow I have a job interview with AAA...


And uh... The rest of the week? I suppose I'll spend it finishing my nostalgia run of Final Fantasy IX, I just started Disc 3, if I use it sparingly that should last me...



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Oh man if we're talkin' books, be very careful. I can talk for hours on books.


Game of Thrones is great. I don't get into the massive fantasy epics much these days though. In no particular order may I suggest: Light (M. John Harrison), The Chronicles of Amber (Roger Zelazny), Mythago Wood (Robert Holdstock), anything by Hunter S. Thompson, (though I have a special place in my heart for Better than Sex, and Songs of the Doomed!), Glory Road (Robert Heinlein), etc.


The list goes on and on and on.

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Wow you folks all lead a good life apparently!

Or at least know how to find your own happiness, yay! :D


I'll just be making meatballs as usual, business business... maybe while reminiscing about how I joined in a Sastasha run with cleric stance active (and the dead tank in the process), or that strange times at Tam-Tara where the rest of the party are named Fox Chan, Darling Chan, and Monster Chan...

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Oh man if we're talkin' books, be very careful.  I can talk for hours on books.


Game of Thrones is great.  I don't get into the massive fantasy epics much these days though.  In no particular order may I suggest: Light (M. John Harrison), The Chronicles of Amber (Roger Zelazny), Mythago Wood (Robert Holdstock), anything by Hunter S. Thompson, (though I have a special place in my heart for Better than Sex, and Songs of the Doomed!), Glory Road (Robert Heinlein), etc.  


The list goes on and on and on.

Books? Give me a few ideas of what to read please? Been wanting to read a few new series lately.

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Oh man if we're talkin' books, be very careful.  I can talk for hours on books.


Game of Thrones is great.  I don't get into the massive fantasy epics much these days though.  In no particular order may I suggest: Light (M. John Harrison), The Chronicles of Amber (Roger Zelazny), Mythago Wood (Robert Holdstock), anything by Hunter S. Thompson, (though I have a special place in my heart for Better than Sex, and Songs of the Doomed!), Glory Road (Robert Heinlein), etc.  


The list goes on and on and on.

Books? Give me a few ideas of what to read please? Been wanting to read a few new series lately.

The Stormcaller by Tom Lloyd (book one of the twilight reign) is pretty good. I'm only on like chapter three but so far it is pretty interesting.

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Oh man if we're talkin' books, be very careful.  I can talk for hours on books.


Game of Thrones is great.  I don't get into the massive fantasy epics much these days though.  In no particular order may I suggest: Light (M. John Harrison), The Chronicles of Amber (Roger Zelazny), Mythago Wood (Robert Holdstock), anything by Hunter S. Thompson, (though I have a special place in my heart for Better than Sex, and Songs of the Doomed!), Glory Road (Robert Heinlein), etc.  


The list goes on and on and on.

Books? Give me a few ideas of what to read please? Been wanting to read a few new series lately.


What sort of books do you enjoy reading? I read from a very wide variety of stuff so I'm just as comfortable reading something like Gaiman's Coraline, as I am Ballard's Crash. But if you've got a preference to fantasy/scifi/nonfic/horror/whathaveyou, lemme know and I'll see what I can dig up out of the old library.

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Book Recommendation:


The Naming by Alison Croggon


From the Back: Maerad is a slave in a desperate and unforgiving settlement, taken there as a child after her family is destroyed in war.  She is unaware that she possesses a powerful gift, one that marks her as a member of the School of Pellinor.  It is only when she is discovered by Cadvan, one of the great Bards of Lirigon, that her true heritage and extraordinary destiny unfold.  Now she and her new teacher must survive a journey through a time and place where the dark forces they battle stem from the deepest recesses of otherwordly terror.



Allison Croggon's epic fantasy, the first in the Books of Pellinor quartet, is a glittering saga steeped in the rich and complex landscape of Annar, a legendary world ripe for discovery.



It's one of the best books I've ever read.

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Oh man if we're talkin' books, be very careful.  I can talk for hours on books.


Game of Thrones is great.  I don't get into the massive fantasy epics much these days though.  In no particular order may I suggest: Light (M. John Harrison), The Chronicles of Amber (Roger Zelazny), Mythago Wood (Robert Holdstock), anything by Hunter S. Thompson, (though I have a special place in my heart for Better than Sex, and Songs of the Doomed!), Glory Road (Robert Heinlein), etc.  


The list goes on and on and on.

Books? Give me a few ideas of what to read please? Been wanting to read a few new series lately.


What sort of books do you enjoy reading?  I read from a very wide variety of stuff so I'm just as comfortable reading something like Gaiman's Coraline, as I am Ballard's  Crash.  But if you've got a preference to fantasy/scifi/nonfic/horror/whathaveyou, lemme know and I'll see what I can dig up out of the old library.

If you ever read the sight or fell(it's sequal) or even the maximum ride series thoughs are the kinds of books I like. I don't know what genre they fall into.. Maybe fantasy I assume?

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Watching Bones, Supernatural, various animes.

Clarifying C'rhisi's Wiki

Setting up backstory and stuff for my thaumaturge alt.

Playing TSW (and finishing up some art of TSW characters).

Working my way through the Steam sale games I bought. >.>

Reading. Lots and lots of reading.


Those are all the things I -should- be doing.  What I'm actually doing is staring forlornly at the FFXIV launcher, trying to will time to go faster. :cry:

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