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Confirmed Class List!

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Here is the page with what you need for what!






Confirmed ALL:

  • Bard / Paladin / Warrior / Monk / Dragoon

  • White Mage / Black Mage / Summoner / Scholar

Advanced Job

Base Class (Level) -> Secondary Required Class (Level)

  • Bard: Archer (30) -> Pugilist (15)

  • Paladin: Gladiator (30) -> Conjurer (15)

  • Dragoon: Lancer (30) -> Marauder (15)

  • Warrior: Marauder (30) -> Gladiator (15)

  • Monk: Pugilist (30) -> Lancer (15)

  • Scholar: Arcanist (30) -> Conjurer(15)

  • Summoner: Arcanist (30) -> Thaumaturge (15)

  • Black Mage: Thaumaturge (30) -> Archer (15)

  • White Mage: Conjurer (30) -> Arcanist (15)

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I thought Bard was Archer 30 Conjurer 15. Well frap all this time leveling my CNJ now I'm going to have to swap to Puglist. May have to change things with my character background now. Hmm...

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I thought Bard was Archer 30 Conjurer 15. Well frap all this time leveling my CNJ now I'm going to have to swap to Puglist. May have to change things with my character background now. Hmm...


On the plus side: I think everyone should have a Conj up to 12 at least to offer self-heals for when questing/soloing. Makes things easier and also having Raise in dungeons is very helpful in case things go south. So not a complete waste of time if you look at it like that.


I now I have to level 4 up instead of the original 3 I thought. Wanted to go White Mage first and then Bard. So, that will be..interesting. Also, didn't SE mention that those are not all the jobs? That there would be more through discovery? Perhaps I am imagining things again if not with everything I've been reading lately...

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I thought Bard was Archer 30 Conjurer 15. Well frap all this time leveling my CNJ now I'm going to have to swap to Puglist. May have to change things with my character background now. Hmm...


It actually was sub con in 1.0. I miss cure so much ; ;. And why do I have the healing limit break if I can't even cure!? /frustration. On the flip side, having two melee classes worth of buffs is nice :>

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