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The Benifits of Sword vs. Spell, and Multiple Characters


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Another subject thread from Momoshi! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Okay, on subject and all that now.


I've noticed in the past that some people will gravitate towards one side or another: magic users or martial artists (martial artists in this case referencing anyone who uses physical means and training in combat). Now, granted, there are characters that lie in the middle ground, such as Paladins in WoW lore, who though martially trained, have their burdens (the weight of their armor and weapons) lessened through the magical/divine power they call on. Of course, there are always people who play both, because why not?


The other thing, and this of course is a much bigger decision in a game like FFXIV, is people who play multiple characters. I tend to have many toons, as I'm drawn towards developing multiple storylines and multiple characters. I just like to see where they go, and who they all become, given different backgrounds and experiences (as well as play all the classes I'm interested in). In this game you don't really need multiple characters to play every class, though.


So, where do you all stand? Do you want to get up close and personal? Snipe enemies from afar? Or are you a glass cannon, weaving spells to decimate your foes while running about in a pointy hat? Do you devote yourself to one character, or divide your attention among many? Why?



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I am an all around player concerning magic vs physical. I normally don't have a character that specializes in both, except the specific classes like Paladin or Spellsword. I can get into both sides of things but that mainly depends on the character.


I have been an altoholic in the past. I just can't get enough making new characters once I get an idea up there. I am going to try to focus on less characters this time around so I can grow them more instead of spending the level up game on alts.


Edgar will be Paladin in some time (even if it's a long time after I actually unlock the class in game). Only classes will be Gladiator, Conjurer and Marauder. Maybe I'll consider Warrior as it would fit his background, however that is a secondary long term goal.


Of course the above leaves a lot of other classes open for alts.

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L'yhta's a spellcaster who attacks from afar when possible. She was never any good at hand-to-hand combat, despite her tribe's attempts to teach her. She may eventually pick up some skill in it, but only after appropriate time and RP. Personally, I'd like to go down this particular story arc with her, just because I rather enjoy the two tank classes. :)


In general, I like to stick to one character, as I feel that I can do more and more detailed character development when I focus on a single character. Sometimes, I'll end up with one or two alts if I've got a particularly interesting concept I'd like to explore (or to use as NPCs in a plot), but I always tend to gravitate to playing a single character for an extended period of time.

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I personally I find it very hard to RP only a single character in a MMORPG. This is due to the fact that before I got into roleplaying, I largely wrote my own stories for pleasure, and the kind of stories I love to write focus mainly on character development and interaction. Heck, I've created maaaany more character biographies than I have written the actual stories said characters are supposed to feature in!


With that being said, playing only a single character is too constricting for me. I will really get into a character and flesh them out over time quite well... But then, I can't help but wonder how they would act if they came from a different place, were a different race, liked different foods, had a different personality. I typically always have at least two characters. That way if I get tired of one or seek to RP in a different setting/general theme, I can always switch. Only being able to see one story from one character's perspective is not enough to satisfy me. But I do have a rule of never actively RPing more than maybe three characters at a time. I don't want to get overloaded.


As for the melee vs magic thing, it never matters to me too much. Whatever class I make them adds some neat quirks and can make for a great RP vehicle, yes. But I never let my characters be defined by what their class is. My characters' decisions, motivations, and traits will mostly be the same regardless of what kind of weapon they wield or what their magical capacity is.


Right now, Y'raja is a Bard who used to be a Lancer in the Maelstrom. She has aptitude for Thaumaturgy and is actually rather good at it, but simply began to prefer channeling her aether through her songs as opposed to a staff once she discovered the ability to do so. No matter what she is doing, she loves for her body to be in constant motion. Her shtick of being a vagrant songstress would still be in place if she fought in any other manner.


My other character, Astrid, is adept in all things magical. She grew up refining her Conjury and eventually moved on to Arcanima (aside from ice spells, Thaumaturgy isn't really her strong suit). However, she also has a fascination with swordplay and is obsessed with the idea of being a "strong, capable mage". Even if Astrid could only swing an axe and do nothing else, she would still be a (kind of snooty) scholarly knightess type of character.

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For my part, I very rarely alt in games because I enjoy focusing on a single character and playing out that character's story -- trying to juggle one or more characters makes me feel like I am sometimes missing great opportunities for character action and development on one or the other. So, my focus is always on a single character.


As for martial vs. magic, this is my first time playing a magic-based character and I see it as a new challenge for myself. My character, Fenix, is a learned Black Mage and focuses mostly on slinging spells. He is a Highlander, however, and in excellent physical condition so he is very capable of throwing a few punches if the situation calls for it. He has very little martial training however, and therefore would definitely be unable to go toe-to-toe with a trained swordsman or pugilist. He is simply capable of defending himself adequately in physical confrontation if need be.

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I'm a altoholic. Yes the one character can be all is great but I don't like it because I prefer having character focusing on a certain job and crafts.. That's me.

I generally play a tank or healer hybrid in a mmo. (Like WoW, I'd be a healadin.)

Though for FFXIV I think I will not be touching the healing classes (Unless we get a Red Mage in the future!)

I think I'll swap between a meat shield and a glass cannon this game.. We'll see.. I may just end up having 5 toons or something not only to get a taste for the class/jobs but as well as to play a different character RP wise, sometimes you get bored with one character? You never know.. I try to have at least max 3 characters I RP with.. No more or else I'm not gonna get known at all. I prefer melee over casters anyday in mmos.. cause the weapons are more appealing THOUGH that may change with the blackmage in this game.


Aleister The Grey (See what I did there?) Will be a Warrior disguising himself as a travelling blacksmith. He knows no magic and has no care in learning any of it. His heart lies in the honor of combat(Mainly the life style of a warrior) His hobby.. is of course blacksmithing.


No idea what other classes or race combo I'll use for RP

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I personally I find it very hard to RP only a single character in a MMORPG. This is due to the fact that before I got into roleplaying, I largely wrote my own stories for pleasure, and the kind of stories I love to write focus mainly on character development and interaction. Heck, I've created maaaany more character biographies than I have written the actual stories said characters are supposed to feature in!


This is pretty much where I stand on it, too. I once got bored in High School, a couple years into being a roleplayer. So I sat down and thought up an entire family tree for my dwarf, with unique names for most of them. I then never used it.


I just like switching it up from time to time, and enjoy the variation in my characters. Also, I always get a little kick out of it when people are shocked to find out that two vastly different characters are both played by me. That's always fun. xD

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Right now I've only got one character, Zarek. And he's most definitely a physical/martial artist style character. Despite me poking at the other classes I'll save some of my more 'magical' stuff for a new alt once things like Dark Knight are ingame.


For what it's worth, I tend to usually gravitate towards magically empowered physical classes, like the good ole Retribution Paladin.

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Xha'li spent almost five years learning to fight with a spear before discovering his magical potential, and has spent the past several months before launch studying conjury and then arcanima. While he has gotten rusty with the spear he has been spending time polishing his skills and getting back into shape again.

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So, where do you all stand? Do you want to get up close and personal? Snipe enemies from afar? Or are you a glass cannon, weaving spells to decimate your foes while running about in a pointy hat? Do you devote yourself to one character, or divide your attention among many? Why?




I personally love being a healer in game, however, not necessarily one ICly (though, I think I am going to be trying it - we shall see) I plan to run several...


My list of to-do-(eventually) is as follows:

  • White Mage
  • Archer
  • Bard
  • Pugilist
  • Scholar


The scholar will most likely be more toward OOC. Archer was going to be my main for IC purposes (which is why I separated bard and archer cause they are different to me) Pugilist was the other for purely IC purposes. I'm not a big fan of melee in this game, but then again, I've been too busy being archer/conjurer that I never truly gave it a chance.


On an IC level: Hand to Hand (Pugilist) is a typical thing to learn, Archery would have been learned for hunting purposes and then healing would be picked up for the purpose of self preservation. I don't plan to be everything IC or master of all or anything - merely what makes sense for my character to have grown up with.


RP wise, I usually invest only into one main character and then will create supporting ones if need be. So here, I am glad I can be everything in one character.

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I'm a one trick pony! I've been a healer for yeaars across many MMOs. Played a Holy Priest in WoW, I even said "Screw you Anet" to GW2 and rolled a Water Elementalist and was the closest thing to a healer, even though they insisted on not having slots like that.


But yes, I play a White Mage, I leveled Arcanist to 15 specifically to unlock WHM and never touched it again, nor will I ever. Nor, do I roll alts. SO, WHM to max, that's it.

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