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Does Balmung creation occasionally open, or..?


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Thanks guys. I'll wander off and do something else while I occasionally refresh.


Rather than make a new topic though, I had another question: How ridiculous is the catperson overpopulation? A friend is sort of pushing me towards making one, but I hate to be "part of the problem".


Theres so many cat people. xD I mean, its understandable if you want to be one but I feel like you should do whatever you want. They're everywhere, but if you want to play one, play one.

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Thanks guys. I'll wander off and do something else while I occasionally refresh.


Rather than make a new topic though, I had another question: How ridiculous is the catperson overpopulation? A friend is sort of pushing me towards making one, but I hate to be "part of the problem".


There are a lot of catpeople. They aren't 'the problem' though, so to speak. Really, it's just the same as everyone rolling humans or elves in WoW.


But there are a lot of players in general, so there are a lot of hyur/elezen/lalafell/roegadyn too C:


So do whatever you prefer! It doesn't matter how many other people play the same race, what matters is what you want to play as.


Basically what Briaya said, though! Just let other people have some input if you want them to, but in the end the decision is yours and don't find yourself pressured into rolling one if you -really- don't want to.

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