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Does anyone else get kind of annoyed at how Miqo'te are represented in the world?


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The draenei were like that because the players made them like that... the lore behind them was holy do-gooders, not space-sluts. Night Elves were far more promiscuous in in-game lore as I recall... I remember there was two lesbian Nelfs at one outpost in Northrend (absolutely loved those two girls).

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It never fails to become a contentious issue whenever it involves the obligatory "cute" race. It wouldn't surprise me if Square had their audience, particularly Eastern, in mind when designing these specific events that raises these hotly debated discussions. However, it's evident that the cats are represented on all ends of the spectrum; Y'shtola, the tribe down in Sangoli, the infamous Courtesan, guild masters. Personally I think the players reflect the sexual image more than Square Enix has implied in this game, or the previous, for that matter.

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I've no doubts that much of it is fanservice. However, it being fanservice doesn't exclude it from being part of the lore too.


I wouldn't call Sun Seekers promiscuous. Sex has a cultural role for them. Promiscuity is likely not a concept to them, because the ideal of having a single partner for a lifetime doesn't apply to their culture.


I figure Miqo'te prostitutes would be looked down on by other members of their race just like any other prostitute, but likely for completely different reasons. Instead of judging them for the sex itself, it'd likely be due to who it's with, and because it's not conductive to the continuation of the tribe.


Hell, they're likely to frown upon monogamous relationships for the same reason.

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Here's the thing. This race is not ours. It is SE's. They can do what they want with it. The Miqo'tes are being represented how they SHOULD be represented. It's lore that many of them are like that. Seekers are whores, pirates, bar-wenches, fishers, dancers, adventurers, yellow-jackets, Maelstrom recruits, and sisters in the desert. That is what they are.


Something I've been seeing a lot lately has been the 'modifying' of a races' lore to suit peoples' tastes rather than working WITH the lore to create an interesting character. If you don't like the race's lore, don't play it. Don't try to make it something else because you like how catgirls look and you don't like how SE made them.



While I agree with you for the most part, dismissing a critical discussion doesn't help anything. You can like something while being critical of it, and from where I'm standing that's all I see this thread doing.


But again, I do agree with your main point. I saw it in WoW with Blood Elves. Playing the mana addiction part was too "icky" for some so their Blood Elves were magically blue eyed and untainted. Then again, it's individual choice as to how you enjoy your RP.


That all said, considering some of the Miqo'te real life influences, the jokey portrayal of their sexuality comes across as a bit... ugh...


I'm surprised, first of all, that people are still going on about this! Not in a bad way, just a...surprised way.



Anyhow, yanno, about Blood Elves. Let's consider this for a moment-- Technically, Night Elves/High Elves/Blood Elves are magical creatures-- their eyes glow depending on what kind of magic they have in their bodies OR to what degree. Eye glow also occurs in 1. Draenei (who are also have a natural affinity for magic) and 2. Undead (including Death Knights and they should TECHNICALLY have the same eye glow, regardless of the fact that Sylvanas freed the Forsaken because they are both existing off of Lich magic). In lore, High Elf eyes range from blues to even violets and golds depending on their magic-type. Even Human mages reflect an eye glow while casting.


Let's move on to Blood Elves. SO, they started out drinking Arcane magic as Quel'dorei and their eyes were blue, predominantly, because they existed off that. Okay... Arcane magic is addictive-- All Quel'dorei are -still- addicted to Arcane magic. Alright. Fel magic is naturally -more- addictive and corrupting than Arcane magic. We know this from warlocks who had to create blood pacts with demons-- apparently after you took the blood more than once the pact was binding. Orcs also suffered from the taint by turning green though technically only the ones who -drank- the corrupted blood should have turned green, and those are, by no means, the entirety of the Horde. On the other hand, many Blood Elves didn't get a chance to take from the corrupted well with Kael'thas Sunstrider, their eyes turn green -only- from the radiation of the Fel stones that hold Silvermoon City up.


Then there're the Blood Knights. Naaru are natural embodiments of holy magic-- holy magic is literally what they are made of. Holy magic is also a natural purifier. It works not only on the undead of the Scourge but the armies of the Burning Legion as well. When those first Blood Knights sucked all the magic out of the Naaru-- why didn't their eyes turn gold? Why -shouldn't- their eyes turn gold? I mean, it stands to reason that if you can build a holy fortress in the middle of Scourge-infested or Legion-infested territory that if your entire body is suddenly filled with enough holy magic to -bend it and cast it at your opponents- then there should be enough to wash away that taint. And how do Blood Knights keep functioning with holy magic when they didn't have any affinity with it before then? As though their wealth of holy magic was suddenly limitless-- though they -could- be gleaning some from Shattrath where the Naaru congregated. Also, your eyes as a High Elf entering Silvermoon for the first time shouldn't just automatically turn green from the Fel magic there-- it would take a while for the passive exposure to start having an effect. Now that the Sunwell has been reclaimed and both Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei have access to it-- does one even -need- to go to Silvermoon? I imagine for those who didn't get much of a chance to lounge around their fair city and certainly didn't go drink from any corrupted wells, you probably don't have a ton of Fel coursing through your body. Your green glow might not exist, or it might not be strong enough to be noticeable.


High Elves still suffer a deteriorating addiction to magic. The only source they had to try and sate themselves before was to be granted access to the Night Elf moonwells-- and only Quel'dorei of particularly high status were granted that honor. Otherwise, they're forced to meditate to stave off their addiction (according to the table top game) and aside from that, where do they even get their magic? They -need- it. But the defining difference between High Elves and Blood Elves now is that High Elves -refuse- to reduce themselves to the level of draining magic from other living things.


Why is it, again, now that the Sunwell exists and all elves have access to it that Silvermoon is still only half reconstructed and the half that is constructed is tenuously held together by giant floating fel-stones?


I'm less concerned with people wanting eye glows of another color, since the only reason we have set colors to begin with is to really just define some characters from others via mechanics-- Look at Nelfs again with all males having golden eye glows when the books specifically state that 'only individuals who will accomplish feats of greatness' are born with gold eyes and some, like in the case of Malfurion, adapted them later... yet all males have them and no females. Sexist, much?-- and more concerned with why NO ONE. NO ONE.... EVER. ROLEPLAYS. THEIR. ADDICTION.


I have heard literally every excuse under the sun as to why so many Blood Elves and High Elves don't suffer withdrawals and yet do not deteriorate into Wretched. So many. I can't even recall more than three people I've ever met to mention that they had any issues.


So selective lore-usage definitely applies to them. That is, the majority of Belf/Helf RPers.


Night Elves, on another note, aren't necessarily promiscuous. What they are is long-lived with probably low gestational periods who went a very long time without most of their men. Night Elves, though it doesn't really seem it with Malfurion freaking Stormrage gallavanting about swinging his 'I art holier than thou' druid stick, is a predominantly matriarchal society where women are strong.


Draenei live -even longer- by most accounts. Up to the ????'s of age. Players made Night Elf females prone to being homosexual, which I can kind of see for -older- Night Elf women, and Draenei similarly. Though really, can I blame them? Draenei seem like one of the most open and accepting (their issues with Blood Elves not withstanding) and they know there's more to life than just breeding and honor. There's light and love-- why restrain yourself to your tentacle-faced men when there's plenty of other love to be had out there?


/endrant about WoW and how it makes Sio angry.



Blizzard has soooo much lore for Warcraft that is either inconsistent, unfinished, unpolished, or not reflected in the actual game. Many people kind of have to pick and choose what they use because there are -so- many loose ends-- THE FREAKING ADDICTION THING WITH HELF/BELFS DOES NOT COUNT-- so they do. While the same can kind of be applied to FFXIV, really, there's a basic structure to go off that doesn't bump into itself and twist weird knots with pitfalls and 'why is it again that I -have- to play a green orc?'s. In a sense, the lack of details thus far are actually kind of helpful because they leave things open to interpretation. Why bother sitting there and getting mad over it when at -least- they -give- something to go off of instead of letting you flail in the wind, trying desperately to make something make sense without being unreasonable? I dunno. I don't really get it.


As you said, it's really left up to how one wishes to RP. Seeing promiscuous Seekers as a 'joke' is -no where NEAR- as bad as the pointless easter eggs that laden WoW that you really can't do anything with except take them as a joke.


I am still waiting for the day that I see the Tauren Chieftains taken really seriously by an RPer. Considering they're a blatant in-game reflection of Blizzard people. And don't even get me started on the self-proclaimed king of Silvermoon who is based off a roleplayer...


We're going to keep picking and choosing the lore we acknowledge and more, we'll keep accentuating little things the make a case for the 'original-ness' of our characters. It's going to happen on until forever.

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I'm surprised, first of all, that people are still going on about this! Not in a bad way, just a...surprised way.


Heeee... every time I see this topic in the recent posts I die a little inside ;w; Go away topic! Let everything I have read here be false and just in my head!


Albeit, I ended up posting again in the end.

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I'm surprised, first of all, that people are still going on about this! Not in a bad way, just a...surprised way.


Heeee... every time I see this topic in the recent posts I die a little inside ;w; Go away topic! Let everything I have read here be false and just in my head!


Albeit, I ended up posting again in the end.


Me too. q-q

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