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Allagan Tomestones


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I haven't read it anywhere (maybe because I haven't really looked), but I wanted to know about the tomestones. I know we get to trade them in for awesome stuff and all, but I'm more interested in attaining them. Do the level 50 dungeons give more tomestones than what prior dungeons? I do hope so. I run dungeons for fun and am only at the 300 mark with the Tomestones of Philosophy.

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Fastest way to get more Philosophy is via repeated Castrum Meridianum runs; most take about half an hour and net you 100 tomestones. Prices on equipment vary from about 375 for accessories to 1375 for armor that covers two slots (cowls, for instance).


Mythology is awarded from HM Primals and Amdapor Keep; however, the Keep is much faster at 40 per run (compared to 4 from a Primal fight). Those can be exchanged for artifact +1 gear and better accessories and cap out at 300 per week.

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Hm... I hear that you can speed run Castrum pretty quickly, but I just don't have a group for it... Which sucks. Is there an end game linkshell I can get into for speedrunning CM and stuff?


Well, Balmung's Finest is a pugging LS.  I think there's an advert on this forum, first or section page if you go look.

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I prefer AK over CM yeah.. it gives 100 TOP and it quick but.. Lacks the TOM.. Rather spend about 40-60minutes in AK and get 80 TOP and 40 TOM over 100 TOP in half an hour of CM.. :S Also all the speed runners fleeing there ruins the run for first timers.. Not all speed runners like Liadan and I let first timers watch cutscenes.. Or can get away with letting others watch it without whining. (Tank/healer power ftw)

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I've been doing CM and Ifrit runs with my FC, but I've yet to do AK. CM can get soooo dull doing it for the umpteenth time but if I have a pug in the group I try to be nice and let them watch the cutscenes. I've also been farming Wanderer's Palace to try and get Relic stuff there but I'm having little luck and at this point I'm just about to buy it.


I really need to get into AK, but my lack of not doing Auren Vale has prevented that.

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I've been doing CM and Ifrit runs with my FC, but I've yet to do AK. CM can get soooo dull doing it for the umpteenth time but if I have a pug in the group I try to be nice and let them watch the cutscenes. I've also been farming Wanderer's Palace to try and get Relic stuff there but I'm having little luck and at this point I'm just about to buy it.


I really need to get into AK, but my lack of not doing Auren Vale has prevented that.


No no.


You can get in via your GC.  If you have been raising your rank, the last quest tells you to go there.

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Oh i didn't mind the whole no cutscenes thing personally. You have the option to watch them later if you really want to see them most are just random nonsense anyway. More fun to finish a story quest in like 20 minutes xD.


Watching them within the right context is generally better, though. Not to mention it's a Final Fantasy game with a pretty decent story (especially at later levels). If I see players whining and throwing toys out of their pram whenever someone politely asks if they can watch a cut-scene I'm liable to watch them again on purpose just to spite them.

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I prefer AK over CM yeah.. it gives 100 TOP and it quick but.. Lacks the TOM.. Rather spend about 40-60minutes in AK and get 80 TOP and 40 TOM over 100 TOP in half an hour of CM.. :S

I too prefer doing AK over CM now that I understand the final fight and we're not doing at 5 AM when I should be going to bed. Yeah, I'm losing out on TOP, but I'm betting they're going to end up nerfing the CM speed runs just like they did AK and WP.

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