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Looking for RP Partner (Balmung)


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Hello everyone, I'm recently move to FFXIV after rping on Tera (and tabletop) so since I'm new on the server I'm looking to find some people who want to rp with me.


Little info on the character:


Karaan is an extremely rational person, for him everything happen for a reason. Because of that, he stays distant with anyone near him. He calculates every words that will escape his lips and some people will think that he doesn't listen to them since it will take time to have an answer from him.  Even with that, the young hyur seems to like to teach people about old legend, history, the Calamity, old strategy and new one and will answer any question  (there is none stupid one for him )that people will ask to him, but he doesn't seem to want interest in any other people. He always keeps book with him and mostly read when he doesn't have anything to do. He lost his temper if people poke around his business or want to know more about his past.


You will make him quite happy if you come to him with a question that he couldn't answer, even happier if you give him time to find the answer by himself.



He will lost his temper around arrogant and stupid person. But for him, a stupid isn't someone who can't think or doesn't know the answer to a question. Someone stupid is mostly person who think they already know everything or doesn't take interest in the knowledge of the past.



If you are interest, just send me a private message, post here or on my Enjin

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Once I get that potion (in 9 or so days..) and I can properly change my other character's race I might have to hunt you down in game. ^^ I think Rin would very much enjoy a history lesson even if it is mostly military. That is her sort of cup of tea.

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