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The "I'm RPing right now" thread!

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Hey everyone, thought I'd go ahead and start this to try and get some more spontaneous RP going on. 


Davian Ackerman is located in The Roost in New Gridania at the moment! Come and drop by! :D


This is a good idea!


Baer Reddicta, located at Costa Del Sol's beaches, at the temporary Ambrosia bar! Get a drink, schmooze about and pass out!

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Wooo, Helluva Friday!


Annnnnywho, just got back home and don't know if anyone is even on this late lol (I know a FEW of you Night Owls are :P). Gonna hash out a few hours of RP/grinding. Toss a tell if you'd like!


As far as I can ascertain, a lot of people are on around 3am. Maybe we should make a shell just for people up at unorthodox hours? ;)

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This is a great idea and I'd love to see it as a LS, with the only chatter being.. "I am RPING , "


I'm in a few LS that are RP focused, but guess what.. they are general chat, dungeoning and RP shouts are maybe in there occasionally.

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This is a great idea and I'd love to see it as a LS, with the only chatter being.. "I am RPING , "


I'm in a few LS that are RP focused, but guess what.. they are general chat, dungeoning and RP shouts are maybe in there occasionally.

All right, giving that a shot. The LS is called "LFRP," but I'm going to keep this thread up as well just in case! Send me a whisper for an invite to the LS!

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