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Balmung's Finest (Change in leadership)


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What’s this all about?: Balmung’s Finest acts as a ‘looking for group’ channel for those interested in running dungeons with other players on Balmung server. 


Why not just queue for the Duty Finder?: I try to start a group with players from our server before resorting to the Duty Finder because I believe in community over convenience. Running dungeons is a cooperative endeavor and it’s an experience that I’ve found to be more enjoyable when done with players I know I’ll see again. The joys of building trust, establishing a rapport, and making friends are often lost in the cross-server Duty Finder groups.


Why should I join?: This linkshell is for those who share my passion for building a strong community through the cooperative play of running dungeons (and eventually raids) with players right here on Balmung. The goal is to learn from and encourage one another. When you’re entering a dungeon with other members of this linkshell, you should be going in feeling confident that you’re going to have a good time. 



Sounds great! How do I join?: You can get an invite by contacting myself or one of the pearl holders below in-game.

  • Rhylund Ganzentsyn
  • Fleeting Dawn
  • E'rinha Tia
  • Kivhi Yuhga
  • Katja Wynter (graveyard shift)
  • Darien Cadell
  • Eve Malusion
  • Liadan Summerfield


1. Don’t be a jerk!: Should go without saying, but it needs to be said. Members are expected to treat others with courtesy and respect. Be positive. Encourage inexperienced players, don’t put them down. A little kindness goes a long way.

2. Keep it (relatively) clean: I’m not putting an age requirement on the channel and some people are more sensitive to foul language than others. Some profanity is fine, but moderation is key.

3. Leave the drama at the door: If you’re having a problem with another member, contact an officer. Let's keep it civil.



The Future?: Just a couple thoughts. Open to suggestions.

  • Raids: The possibility is there for interested parties to set up raids once more people start to hit the level cap. This may be of particular interest to those who chose their FC for RP reasons but still want to experience top tier content.
  • Class Mentors: Players that are exceptionally passionate and knowledgeable about one of the classes. The 'go to' players for when you have any questions or would like some humble advice about a specific job. 

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Just want to say that this is a truly awesome LS. It's also gotten very big which makes it that much easier to find peoples! Rhy has several folks in the initial and expansion 'shells set up to communicate needs back and forth for easier dungeoning! It's also always active so plenty of entertainment value, even if you're not dungeoning at the time :P

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Any chance I can get in on this? I basically am at the grinding Castrum stage. I'll help with anything though.


Would help if you would post your name.  :)  barring that, contact one of the officers in-world and we should be able to help you out.

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Any chance I can get in on this? I basically am at the grinding Castrum stage. I'll help with anything though.


Would help if you would post your name.  :)  barring that, contact one of the officers in-world and we should be able to help you out.

Ah! Sorry. I forget I assume everyone knows who I am from FFXI.


Sin Darius.


I'll be in game soon then :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty new to this game, since the last I played was early ver 1 and the game is so different now that I'm basically re-learning everything. I haven't had any experience with the dungeons yet, but it's something I'm sure I'd be interested in (if they're anything like dungeons in any other MMORPG). 


I'm mostly just looking for people to actually play the game with, since everyone I knew from back in early ver 1 either seems to have left or doesn't really remember me. 


Any chance there's room here for someone who's still figuring their way around?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are linkpearls still available for this linkshell? I kick myself because I forget to send tells to the people when the game's up. I really want to join. :tonberry:Let's do Wanderer's Palace, I'll tank. It'll be fun. I promise.


Yup, there's room!  Just whisper one of the officers and we'll be happy to invite you.  :)

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I'm down like a pound. I'm at the "grind for stones" level. Ran a few dungeons with terribly impatient speed runners from the DF and have only gone through (beaten) WP twice. Such a bad experience left a bad taste in my mouth so I took 2 weeks off to max my miner and to unlock Stoneskin and Mercy Stroke. Now I'm ready to start back, get my DL, then my Valor stuff, but I need a group. I'm not a bad tank, I just need a few non-speed runs to get the hang of the dungeons and to get some better gear. I could use the help really, and wouldn't mind giving back, either in helping lower level folk, or fetching materials with my miner for people needing them. Add me up so I can get this ball rolling and can pass it on to the next guys.


"Look to those who walk before, to lead those who walk after." Am I right?


Name: Erik Mynhier

Server: Balmung

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I would love to get in on this!  I've got a few jobs to 50 but a fairly geared Paladin, and I'm more than happy to play any sort of dps or tanking role.  I'm afraid I haven't had much luck messaging anyone in game, or getting on at the right times to catch more folks, but the name is Jeris Guillford if you folks would have me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just now found this and regret not doing so earlier. I'll try to hunt down an officer tonight if the invites are still going 'round.


D: I totally thought I shared the link on most peoples "welcome" post, sorry If I missed it for you! I'm in the second linkshell, if you're around tonight i'll do my best to nose around until you get an invite.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello there!  Rhylund no longer plays Final Fantasy.  As of now anyway.  He can be fickle!  He's given me lead of the Linkshells.  I'll be redoing this so I can edit it as I need to!  There is room in both the first and second Linkshells, so if you are interested, do not hesitate to poke one of our officers!  I'm nicer than Rhylund anyway.  He pinches.

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