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Balmung's Finest

Fleeting Dawn

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What’s this all about?: Balmung’s Finest acts as a ‘looking for group’ channel for those interested in running dungeons with other players on Balmung server. 


Why not just queue for the Duty Finder?: I try to start a group with players from our server before resorting to the Duty Finder because I believe in community over convenience. Running dungeons is a cooperative endeavor and it’s an experience that I’ve found to be more enjoyable when done with players I know I’ll see again. The joys of building trust, establishing a rapport, and making friends are often lost in the cross-server Duty Finder groups.


Why should I join?: This linkshell is for those who share my passion for building a strong community through the cooperative play of running dungeons (and eventually raids) with players right here on Balmung. The goal is to learn from and encourage one another. When you’re entering a dungeon with other members of this linkshell, you should be going in feeling confident that you’re going to have a good time. 


Second Linkshell:  We are on the second Linkshell which is past one hundred already.  There are some slots still in both LS, so poke an officer!


Sounds great! How do I join?: You can get an invite by contacting myself or one of the pearl holders below in-game.

  • Fleeting Dawn
  • Talibah Uadji (Fleeting Dawn)
  • Kivhi Yuhga
  • Katja Wynter (graveyard shift)
  • Darien Cadell
  • Eve Malusion
  • Evelyn Reiv (Eve Malusion)
  • Liadan Summerfield
  • N'taeyl Yhash
  • Callister Raines (N'taeyl Yhash)
  • Keru Lowry


1. Don’t be a jerk!: Should go without saying, but it needs to be said. Members are expected to treat others with courtesy and respect. Be positive. Encourage inexperienced players, don’t put them down. A little kindness goes a long way.

2. Keep it (relatively) clean: I’m not putting an age requirement on the channel and some people are more sensitive to foul language than others. Some profanity is fine, but moderation is key.

3. Leave the drama at the door: If you’re having a problem with another member, contact an officer. If you're having a problem with an officer, contact Fleeting Dawn.  We can't fix any problems or even know about them often until they are brought to our attention!



We are in the process of setting up raids for those that do not have their own FC to do them with.  These will include learning runs to help those that would not other wise have the chance to go with fun peeps such as those in the BF Linkshells.  If you are interested in this, whether in BF already or wanting to join, let an officer know!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I've personally used it to pull together people for DR Expert, HM Primals, and First Coil; I've also seen EX Primal and T5 groups put together there, as well as Syrcus Tower.


The average item level of the people I've met through the channel is typically 90+, and several I know have cleared through Coil T5. Others may have different experiences. :)

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In my view: Most things PvE but knowing that they are also RPers. I find it not Not hardcore PvE though some people there do have end game experience. Generally a good helpful shell.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, post here to give an update on some things.


Balmung's Finest has still been alive and well, but Balmung's Finest 2 was basically dead, so over last month and a half I have been actively moving anyone that was still interested in 2 over to the first one with the intent of disbanding 2. Just a post to let people know I've now disbanded Balmung's Finest 2, on the off chance that I missed someone.


So yeah, if you were in Balmung's Finest 2 and want into 1, just whisper me or any of the other people with invite rights. While at it I might as well also post an updated list of who's around and able to invite people.


Current people with Balmung's Finest invite rights:


Eve Malusion

Kivhi Yuhga

Keru Lowry

Katja Wynter

N'taeyl Yhash

Aedan Mathis


As always, even if you weren't a member of 2, feel free to whisper for an invite if interested in joining!

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  • 3 months later...

What do you all feel like the current purpose of BF is? Do you feel that this LS is obsolete now that we have party finder? I ask because I often get no reply when I ask if folks want to do content such as roulette or coil together. Maybe we just need a new recruitment campaign to bring in some fresh folks. I see people asking for content linkshells pretty often, so I know there is still an interest for such LSs despite party finder.

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Well I would say that I use it to get RPers who like to PvE into a group. Mainly that is Roulette runs. There was a period when ST started that it was also good for that.


Overall the LS seems quiet, though I am UK based so that could just be the time. Most other LS I am in are quiet too. I think there is a lot to be doing in the game so people would like to join in with others but generally have their FC and/or routines.


Maybe one thing that could be done is themed days, clears, relics that sort of thing.


Also progress? I know statics are a pain (well they are for me and some others). Maybe there is something to do there?


I would really like to see PvE RPers continue as a LS.

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When I'm on (evenings CST), the channel's pretty quiet. I'd be more chatty, but (and this is just me) I like to stay true to its purpose -- running content. Personally, I prefer the BF linkshell to PF because of the shell's more collegial nature and the fact that it has a fair number of RPers and a wide range of experience. PF, for me, has been largely a dud except for the rare "MSQ with cutscenes!" party. Everything in PF when I'm on is typically "farm/clear, must have experience, no Soldiery," which is functionally useless for me. At least with the shell, I have a possibility of asking for a learning group. With PF, that's just not going to happen.


Whenever I see someone asking for something in the shell, if it's in my repertoire, I try my best to either volunteer or decline if I'm otherwise occupied. I just don't see a lot of people asking these days when I'm about.

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Thanks for the thoughtful replies. It does seem to me that BF fills a different niche than party finder, uniting RPers and some of our nice non-RPing friends. I am not a hardcore player, not even a raider, so I get a bit intimidated by the "must know the fight" people on PF.


I admit that I haven't been using BF much of late because I was getting kind of demoralized by the silence, but I'll try to get back in the habit of asking on BF when I ask my LS/FC if anyone would like to do content together. I will also try to make a point of responding if I'm unavailable to help rather than just ignoring the asker.


Perhaps a new membership recruitment would be helpful to revitalize the LS? All of my other 2.0 linkshells are dead except one that has been actively recruiting new members and promoting active members to have pearl invite privileges. Since folks aren't seeking BF out anymore, perhaps we should seek new members out.

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  • 1 month later...

If this is still active and going, I think it'd be pretty interesting to join. I know there's another linkshell for this too (that I'm also in now). Running dungeons is something I enjoy doing a lot but am usually too shy or nervous to use the PF unless I completely know the fight.


Yes it is just poke one of the leaders


You can see who they are here

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