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Credelie, Butting In!


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Hiya, hiya! I'm Credelie, and I've been RPing for a gorillion years. I started back in City of Heroes, and have been hooked on it ever since. One of my friends suggested this game to me, and after a few weeks, I can definitely say, it's a pretty good game. Unfortunately, as with most MMOs I've played, it becomes just a little stale after so much of doing the same thing-- and, here I am, looking for RP! I've got an FC, but they don't nearly RP as much as I would have hoped them to. I'm lookin' more for a Linkshell of RPers, or something of that sort. I may just check out that 'Intermission' one, but suggestions are nice!


A little more about me, though. Typically, I'm pretty heavy on RP. I usually value RP as much (if not a little more) as gameplay, so typically I don't farm PvE things unless it's for the sake of RP or helping some friends. Normally, my style is making underpowered characters and characters with curses, or some glaring flaw that is bound to be their doom. I've been trying to keep it pretty light-hearted, though, in FFXIV! For the sake of experimentation!


My current main character- probably, my only one, too, since making alts in FFXIV seems to be pretty difficult- is Credelie Zevaldieux. A shy, failed Arcanist gone painter, utterly broke and plagued by nightmares of someplace darker than Hydaelyn. I have her ICly paint other characters and scenes, while taking screenshots and trying to make them look painty. For example, this, or this. It's fun, and I'd be happy to do one of anything, in exchange for RP! :3c


As a little side note, just to stick with the template-thing that they so kindly provided, I try to keep real life and RP as separate as possible. Sorry for the walls of text! Hope to get to know you all, soon enough!

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Those painting pics are fantastic! What a nifty idea! 


I LOOOVE your affinity for cursed characters. What a lovely twist to give your character a flavor.


I hope my character's path cross yours someday soon. :)


(Oh and all I did on City of Heroes was role play. SO FUN.)

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Hello and welcome to the RPC Credelie!


I like the work you've done with those images, the yellow on the guard standing at the base of the statue in aleport is very vibrant, it looks acrylic.


While I never had the chance to experience City of Heroes I hear it was a riot and provided people with a lot of their early experiences, my own was with EQ.


Since it sounds like you've lurked for a while i'll skip the usual deluge of links and skip to one additional linkshell (Although Intermission is again highly recommended.)


Balmungs Finest should serve your group PVE needs, from primals to CM and after, OOC and active pretty regularly.


Always interesting to roll characters that aren't in your norm, while I haven't had much time to play with the idea, I do have a Roegadyn i'm working on that isn't my usual style.. but who knows how that will turn out.


Hope you have the chance of meeting lots of interesting people out there, and never hesitate to ask any questions about the world you might want clarification or a second opinion on, the forums are full of nearly every type of discussion. :cactuar:

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