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★ ~* Love Love Star Maid Café *~ ★


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Please keep in mind. This event is a community event, it's not an official RP event at all nor was it ever planned to be.


It's an event meant for fun to everyone, RP-ers and non-RPers alike. From the hardcore endgamers to the hardcore rp-ers. It's not MEANT to be an RP event in any way possible. It's an event to simply have fun for valentines day because.. fun!


IF you think you should take this CASUAL EVENT so seriously indeed, think of it as a non-canon event (an ooc event). There will be rp-ers, there will be non rp-ers.


Again, just make it clear, this event is NOT focused on the rp community at all, the only reason that I thought people here might like it cause it felt like an rp event indeed, and thought that maybe people in this particular community would like to have fun along with us. That's all.



Also no, we do not condone any erp (and please don't be so hypocritical, everyone says they are against erp and meanwhile they are pulling off Miqo'te panties around the corner..) Regardless, we don't condone erp, cybering, sexual harasment or any of such. This event is meant to be a Valentines event, this means a loving event, not a sexual event. Love and valentines days means flirting, asking someone out, having general fun while drinking a cup of coffee while enjoying eachother's company. That's all. 


There will be NO sexual events like erp, and this will not be tolerated in any sense!



Also keep in mind that the Host of this event ( Nariko and Kaiyoko) are not familiar with the RP community in any way. They don't know about the rules and regulations (like where RL gender has no effect on IC happenings.) Please don't harass them about such a puny detail, they simply don't know the RP community that well. All they wanted was to extend their hand to you guys and hope that maybe you'd like to come over for an evening of fun and laughs, nothing more, nothing less. This post was directed not only to the rp community, but also the rest of FFXIV which include people who do not rp and are indeed concerned with RL gender. Not everyone thinks alike, please respect this.


Yes, it might be a mistake or just blatant ignorance about posting that detail, but again, I ask you to keep in mind that Nariko does not know the RP community. It's all in good spirit.



All in all, I really hope you guys can come and just have a good time together without assumptions, discrimination and harassment over details that don't even really matters. If you don't like this event or disagree with it, that's fine, absolutely fine. Don't come then, ignore it then, but let the people who -do- wanna come have their good time without being judged or pressured. No one told you to come, it's an open invitation coming from non-rpers, keep that in mind.






Miu, an Honorable host of this event.~

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Honestly, I'm not particularly concerned about the RP aspect since I'm very new to the community and its customs, etc.


I'm more concerned by the fact that, while the organizers may not think it is an issue, people even consider it a puny detail. You can report the abuse of this information given all you want but once it is out there, there are some really shitty people in the world.


If people really wanted a good time, I don't see why they would be concerned with RL gender. Age? Maybe? But even then I don't see that as an issue. If someone ever asked me A/S(/L)... well. The fact that they'd even ask me about sex or gender is a pretty big turn off.


I've said it before, I hope it goes well. But the small increased 'benefit' you get in trying to make the event open to more people doesn't outweigh the negative stuff that can be brought out by including those types of things. That type of information isn't something that can or will be abused for just this sort of event. It can be used days, weeks, months later. All you need is one person to be an ass and they will see this as an excuse to do horrible things.


Edit: I'm just gonna stop now. It feels like beating a dead horse because maybe people don't think this is a privacy concern that can affect the rest of a gaming experience but I do. I don't want people to even have to face that. Everything can be done with good intentions until some ass comes along. I just wish that would be prevented.

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Kage did an excellent job of summarizing my feelings on this topic.


The big, important concern here, isn't even about whether or not its meant to be a community, RP event, or both. Its that our concern about the emphasis that event has on its 'Maids & Hosts' RL gender, and that its potential repercussions have been brushed aside. Especially given the level of response it appears to have had thus far on the official forums. And this is, I believe the most important thing to take away from this thread for the organizers of this event.


RPers tend to have a lot of experience and knowledge in this area either directly or indirectly as a result of our having to balance IC and OOC. We're merely trying to stress and impart knowledge of its importance for the safety and enjoyment of all involved.


This all being said, I have to say that I'm impressed with the level of organization and presentation skills displayed by Nariko for this event. Its not my cup of tea, but its quite obvious that a lot of work has been put into it

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Although I agree with the RL gender stuff, as I was a hardcore RP-er in 1.0, non-rpers don't.


This event is focused on everyone, and the hosts and most of the people don't care about such details, at all.. They don't even notice such a detail.

It is hosted by people who don't rp and don't care about whether your rl gender is whatever. This event is an invitation, not focused on you guys. You can say "Sure, looks fun, might hope over and have some fun, even though I know it's not rp at all" or you can say "I won't go. I dislike non-rp players and their priorities. Though I won't whine about details that other people might enjoy and we, will keep to our server instead, liking the way it is and keeping on rp-ing the way we want"


This is NOT an rp event.. it's an event where we invited rpers because we thought they might like it. Like Kylin said already, it's all in good spirit, we did not want to exclude any sub-community and therefor extend our hands to yours.


Again, we don't care a single bit about rl gender or not, nor the fact that it's stated... At all.. Ever.

The post is a copy from the official forums/reddit, it's not focused or edited to the rp community.


In fact, you guys are the first and only ones that actually made a fuss about that detail.

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Again, we don't care a single bit about rl gender or not, nor the fact that it's stated... At all.. Ever.

The post is a copy from the official forums/reddit, it's not focused or edited to the rp community.


Respectfully, if that were true, you wouldn't actually be stating the RL genders of your Hosts and Hostesses.


In fact, you guys are the first and only ones that actually made a fuss about that detail.


That doesn't mean that we're wrong.  That doesn't make what you're doing any less creepy.  That doesn't make it any less dangerous.  Just because no one on Reddit actually posted, "Holy crap, this is creepy as all hell, have you guys considered that you're opening people to harassment? o_O" doesn't mean that people didn't think it .  And it doesn't mean that I - or anyone else - should shut up just because people on Reddit didn't say anything.

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That doesn't make it any less dangerous.  Just because no one on Reddit actually posted, "Holy crap, this is creepy as all hell, have you guys considered that you're opening people to harassment? o_O" doesn't mean that people didn't think it .  And it doesn't mean that I - or anyone else - should shut up just because people on Reddit didn't say anything.



The hosts and hostesses chosen this themselves. We can determine the danger ourself, we're all adults. Thanks for your concern but we'll manage. We'll handle the "harasment" stuff ourselves.


How about you just keep busy either enjoying the event without worrying how to run it, and just have... fun, and not try to suck fun out of the air from everyone around you, or just ignore the event and let people who wanna have fun have their fun.


Come to the event, put a smile on your face and enjoy. That's all ♥

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The hosts and hostesses chosen this themselves. We can determine the danger ourself, we're all adults. Thanks for your concern but we'll manage. We'll handle the "harasment" stuff ourselves.


How about you just keep busy either enjoying the event without worrying how to run it, and just have... fun, and not try to suck fun out of the air from everyone around you, or just ignore the event and let people who wanna have fun have their fun.


Come to the event, put a smile on your face and enjoy. That's all ♥


"I can't actually argue with anything you're saying, so I'll accuse you of being a terrible person."





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I think everything that can be said here has been said, so I'm going to close this thread before it degrades further. Those who want to attend, please do so; those who don't want to, don't.


If anyone wants to continue the discussion on the relevance or lack thereof of RL gender in RP, please make a new thread over in the RP Discussion forum. Thanks.

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