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R'ikve Niall -- Foul-mouthed Fighter

Syl Souther

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Hey all! I've lurked enough, I guess. Might've seen a few of you around the Quicksand (R'ikve's haunt). If so, CHEERS! If not, HULLO!


--MMORPG background

My first MMO? Guild Wars (the first). I hated it. Tried WoW for a few hours. Also hated it. Didn't stay with a MMO until Star Wars: The Old Republic. Then Guild Wars 2. And The Secret World. Now FFXIV. I guess in this crowd I'm the MMO newb.


--RP experience

I started long-form narrative/forum rp when I was in middle school. It dominated my school years until college. My rp obsession led to a career in journalism. Now I'm tempted to take up a creative writing gig or four. I played part in a successful heavy rp guild in TOR until I moved across the globe. Now I'm looking for rp pals in a new time zone.


--Character ideas/info

R'ikve is a Seeker Miqo'te hiding from her tribal responsibilities. She hates Ul'dah... but can't fathom a leadership role out in the desert. She's irritable (might be an understatement) and quick to attack. So far she's signed up under two rival employers, doing the shadier, bloody business most White Knights cringe at. 


Wiki page here.


--How did you learn about the coalition?



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Heavy. Learning the lore as I go, so please be patient if I stuff up something. Bought this game only a few weeks ago.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing?

I live in Australia. I'm up late. :3

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Hey R'ikve, I would tell you to meet my char, but you already have :D. Just to let other people know, R'ikve's character can be a little... harsh, but just because her character might tell you to piss off doesn't always mean she doesn't want to RP with you.


I'm still figuring out what kind of character you're really playing R'ikve, but its a really fun process and I'm hoping we'll get to interact more and more! (Even if it's just our characters trying to kill each other xD)

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I think i'll have Zethie poke at her at some point if that's okay with you :3 though he doesn't try to get anyone angry MOST of the time (if any of you seen him with W'raham that's another story and w'ra if your seeing this <3) at the moment though I'm on a crafting/gathering craze for some unknown reason.. If you wanted to you could find him in the markets when i'm online for the most part crafting in ul'dah annnnddd I should really get back to my classwork now.. -study study-

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Hah, spotted R'ikve at Quicksand moment ago, was running some quests and meant to reeeally fast check how the RP is in Ul'dah at this hour...and I ended up OOC lurking there way too long because the RP between Rik and Ren was so entertaining.

Can't wait to meet her IC, though Almil might get traumatized , lol :dazed:


Welcome to RPC and Eorzea!

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Hello there, R'ikve!


By no accounts are you an MMO noob, it seems you've just had a hard time finding a game you can settle in. Here's hoping FFXIV sticks, eh? In fact, a lot of my own MMO history is in said games you mentioned. So, if you need someone to nostalgia-fest with, I'm your Roe. :D


Judging by your character concept, I'm thinking you would have made the perfect Bounty Hunter in Star Wars: The Old Republic. She sounds like a very interesting concept and I can't wait to see how R'ikve plays out!


If you ever think of returning to SWTOR, or The Secret World, feel free to hit me up and I can put you in contact with a few fellow players. (I'm currently running FFXIV and TSW with countless betas occupying my weekends. This is... Normal for me. :P )


However, I hope you enjoy your time in FFXIV, these forums as well, and I look forward to seeing you around! :moogle:

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