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Balmung or Glilgamesh?

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Hi guys, need help deciding between the servers, as it will either be today or tomorrow that ill do the transfer.


Ive also had some really good talks with a couple of people from each server on characters and possible stories, but I cant decide.


Would anyone be around to introduce me into the RP world within the server, possibly even in character?

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Hi guys, need help deciding between the servers, as it will either be today or tomorrow that ill do the transfer.


Ive also had some really good talks with a couple of people from each server on characters and possible stories, but I cant decide.


Would anyone be around to introduce me into the RP world within the server, possibly even in character?


Come to Balmung and enjoy the current garlean plot against Ul'dah, an assassin plot against Ishgardian refugees, and a Royal Ball in Ul'dah. And that's just what I have my fingers in. There are folks with even crazier stuff going on.

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I'll echo what Clover said!


Honestly from the community on this website, both servers look very friendly and nice and I'm sure both have lots of RP going on and things for your character to jump into!


So I can only agree with Clover and suggest dipping your feet into both servers and seeing which one you seem to lean towards more, really!


I wish I could be more help than that! :blush:

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It may seem weird to some, but I don't like making alts. But I suppose temporary ones...Thanks for the idea :)


Im still not sure how RP works, can a character follow his/her own storyline and go to events on the side without it being mixed up?

I don't like making alts either, truth be told.

I meant temporary ones *nods*. Just lv 1 characters you can use to go to any event, and then decide ^^


As for events and storylines mixing, the event is just another episode in your character's life. So long as your own storyline doesn't contradict it, there's no problem in participating in events. For example, if your character is in jail in your personal storyline, I guess they won't be able to go to the Ul'dah ball *laughs*. In any case, you're the one who knows your personal story the best, so you should decide where your character can and can't go. Events are a lot of fun, so I recommend to always try to find an excuse for your character to participate.

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It may seem weird to some, but I don't like making alts. But I suppose temporary ones...Thanks for the idea :)


Im still not sure how RP works, can a character follow his/her own storyline and go to events on the side without it being mixed up?


It depends, but its definitely possible. Start with a back-story foundation for your character. Don't make things too specific. Then, start RPing and allow your story to expand organically. Or, if you see a plot mentioned that you -really- want to get involved in, contact the leaders of the plot and ask to join.


As for which server to choose; both are really great, and both are really active now. You can't go wrong.

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Hey Valen, i'd be more than happy to try and field any questions you might have in regards to rp if you do take clovers advice and initially roll on both servers (I'm on Gilg). Typically I'm in game between 6-11pm EST on Riley Moore.


And if I don't hear from you....


Keep in mind rp is meant to be fun, not stressful! There is absolutely nothing wrong with making mistakes, as most of us did when we first started out. As in all things, rp takes practice to perfect the art, and this community in particular is really friendly towards helping new people learn the ropes. Ask a lot of questions, don't get discouraged if you have any 'setbacks' (because that's part of the learning process!), and don't be nervous!


Get out there and enjoy yourself. Good luck!

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Like the others said, best way to decide is try both servers. As for this being your first time roleplaying, I think you will find a lot of helpful people out there willing to help. If you decide to roll up on Balmung, I'd be more than happy to do what I can to help you get started. We've all been there as a beginner once.


Regardless of what server you pick, welcome to the community!

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