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Any endgame parties adapted to different timezones?

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(I hope this kind of post is allowed. I apologize if it's not the case).


I'm quite desperate to find a FC or group of people who would let me raid endgame content with them ;_;

My friend K'nahli would love to come as well, if possible. He's a Bard and I'm a White Mage.


Our timezones are GMT+2 and GMT+1.


I can usually play from 5pm my time (or earlier) to 11pm (sometimes later if we're doing any dungeon, and much later during the weekend), which seems to be from 8am to 2pm in PST, and 11am to 4pm in EST. I hope I converted it well.


I'm willing to be a backup and I'm quite active. I also tend to keep my tomes up to date, as I don't like being undergeared in a dungeon.


So far I've done Coil 1, 2, and 3 with one of my Linkshells. Sadly, I lack experience in the rest, which is why I want to find a kind FC willing to take me with them. I don't know how good or bad I am, but at least I always do my best to learn. Basically, I'm dying to farm endgame content until my fingers bleed.


I wonder if there's any hope for us? ;

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I...havent actually DONE any of the Coil Turns yet as I'm not really wanting to do it all with strangers. I could also be hit up sometime. On GMT+2.

Haha, the fear of strangers is something I share. It'd be different if I knew the dungeon, but when I don't... *shivers*.


Are you in the Europa Linkshell? We all should join it to keep in contact!

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I...havent actually DONE any of the Coil Turns yet as I'm not really wanting to do it all with strangers. I could also be hit up sometime. On GMT+2.

Haha, the fear of strangers is something I share. It'd be different if I knew the dungeon, but when I don't... *shivers*.


Are you in the Europa Linkshell? We all should join it to keep in contact!


Yeah, I joined a few days ago. I think I've seen you around in it too.

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It's possible that people might not have a good grip on what "EU friendly" means in this context (heck, I had no grip whatsoever on European timezones until the other community I'm in that's much smaller started doing monthly online hangouts, and I had to work in American, European, and Australian timezones -- a nightmare, do not recommend), and don't want to ask (sometimes asking is hard, for whatever reason). Can you raid early your mornings? Afternoons? Evenings? What exact timezone are you in? A PST early evening (5pm PST) fc might do it for you if you can raid early in the morning (speaking of which, are weekdays okay, or weeknights?).


I used to do most of the recruiting back when I was raiding regularly, and I had a full map out of our raid times and how they translated to others' timezones -- and that was just for American timezones. I would always include it in our main post and whenever I posted on prospective raiders' posts (WoW's recruitment forum is a warzone) -- otherwise people would always ask (and I'm talking like a two hour difference of people not knowing what 6pm Pacific was in Central), or worse, not ask at all and just go for the other guild whose times matched. It would be best if you posted with what times/days are best for you in Pacific or Eastern. . .just trust me that it helps a great deal.


Too, do you want a regular spot? Are you willing to be a backup? Are you just looking for on random occasions? Do you want to have a go at it seriously, or just looking for a fun time to see the content?


Aaand don't be afraid to go to the Balmung server forums. A lot of the time there are small, close-knit groups who raid casually and aren't adverse to throwing other nice people into the mix, especially if they happen to run a member deficit fairly often. If you can find a group with a nice advertisement that makes them sound nice, but still don't want to hop into the mix with a bunch of strangers, don't be afraid to ask to sit in on a raid. We had some prospective raiders do that, and I was always glad to hear it asked; I never cared for hostile raiding environments and was always most interested in those who could integrate with the least amount of fuss. (though there will always be the divas who hide it well for the first few raids and then, suddenly. . .)


I do hope you're able to find a fc/group, though. I know what that itch feels like. ;_;

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Oh! Thank you very much for the tips! I will edit the first post with my timezone and all the info that might be needed ^^

I didn't realize how vague my post sounded.


I'm used to being a backup, so I don't mind being one. I just need a place I know I can belong to, somehow, or a place I can feel useful in. I also need to run from the drama in my previous LS *sweatdrops*.



Edit: The first post has been edited. I hope I did it right.

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No problem! Sorry if I'm a bit rambly/whatever, got the caffeine going to finish my homework, and now I'm something like a zombie with no ability to self-edit. I'd also recommend maybe changing the title of the thread to be more specific (the tactics I used to use to bring in potential raiders, ahahahaha), maybe something to do with your class or a general timeperiod in pacific or eastern; this will also help encourage people who have previously looked at the thread and moved on to click it again. Then you can slap them with information and hopefully draw in interested parties or recommendations!


gah, edit - also what experience you have, specifically what you've run: what you've downed, what you've wiped on but not downed.

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Thank you! I edited it further ^^

Sadly, I don't know how to add much info in the title.


Question, when you said the Balmung forum, are you talking about the official FFXIV forums? I haven't visited those, but maybe I should give them a try. In the worst case, I can try to find PUGs, though that makes me very nervous.

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Y'know, Clover, I might be able to do something. Because of recent changes in my life I've been waking up early and going to bed earlier rather than staying up to the wee hours of the night. 


I'm finding myself with a lot of time sitting around doing basically nothing during the morning hours, spending the midday and afternoon hours doing productive tasks (school, writing, etc) and either I get only a few hours to play XIV at night before bed, or I end up staying up way way way too late. I'm thinking of transplanting my playtime that happens after midnight to the early morning hours (9AM to 12PM ish, PST).


I would be willing to throw my lot in with you. I'm quite flexible with every role covered... I have BLM, SMN, SCH and WAR leveled and geared (the first three at i90 average, the latter at i80 average). Bard is also leveled but my bard gear is quite poor. Helping you out with Coil and EX primals in the early morning hours would certainly be more entertaining than staring at facebook for three hours!

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Zhavi> Thank you for the link! Perhaps I should start being a bit active in the official forums, as I was in the last MMORPG I played...


Syaesthetic> You don't know how thankful I am for your offer @__@ I've replied to your PM with the details *excited like a silly girl*.

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Apropos of Clover's interest here--which, by the way, our first run together was a good deal of fun--I've decided to form a fourth raid group within Unity. This group, known as Dawn Shard, needs members!


If any other Balmung players on European timezones would be interested in a little purely-for-fun raid group, please send me a PM. :) Currently Dawn Shard is still in its early formation, so we're not entirely sure about scheduling just yet.


What we know so far:


Dawn Shard will very likely run two days per week, most likely Tuesday and Thursday, though this is still under discussion. Each event period will be three hours long, to start somewhere between 4:30PM UTC / 9:30AM PST and end somewhere around 8PM UTC / 1PM PST. The target length I'm shooting for is two meetups of three hours each.


Currently, Dawn Shard is in need of mostly everything! While I am participating in this fledgling group to help get it off the ground, we still lack even enough players to fill a full party. We were able to go with a pickup group on Monday, but we'll definitely want more dedicated Unity members as a part of Dawn Shard's regular roster!


Check out our thread on the RPC for updates and more information!

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Ah, that's a very nice idea! Thank you very much for organizing this. Perhaps any of the people who replied to this thread might be interested?


I'd like to do Garuda EX at least once, so that I can learn the fight and feel less insecure about joining random parties later on.


Also, as a notice, I'm leaving this Saturday for a trip that will last a whole week. I might be able to (badly) play FFXIV in my laptop sometimes, but I won't have as much time for it as I have now, so... I won't be able to raid or do much from Saturday 12th to Monday 21st. I think I'll likely just log in to do my daily roulettes and cap my tomes, as I don't want to forget about those.

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  • 4 weeks later...

An update on this:


So Clover, K'nahli and a few other people from my FC have been contributing to this morning PST/Europe-friendly timezone PvE group. We don't really have enough interested parties to form a full consistent group yet, but we're actually fairly close!


We've been farming the Coil turns 1-4 and have successfully cleared Garuda EX, so the group is now working on Titan EX with the goal to eventually farm Leviathan E for i95 weapons and practice Twintania as well. (Please note that when/if the group reaches Turn 6, I will not be able to participate due to the lockout, as I am a full-time member of my FC static and we are currently working on Second Coil).


We've set regular times to run on Tuesday and Thursday at 5PM UTC and we typically run until around 7:30PM UTC. For those in North America, that's 10AM to 12:30PM PDT. When the time changes it'll be an hour earlier for NA timezones.


I've organized the group into a linkshell, so if anyone is interested in running at these times, please PM me here or ask me in-game for an invite!

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It was good to do a few runs at his Titan'ness.


Us the bunch of RPers holding our swords by the wrong end did good. ... well anyhow, improvements from early wipes to progressing to heart consistently and a few time getting beyond.


That coupled with a really nice bunch made it actually a pleasant experience. It was about as opposite form PuG group rage than you can get.

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We should have done a proper screenshot but here are a couple I snagged. Sorry if someone is hidden but they were just random.



Roll-call, with a little echo





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