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Tentative Greeting + Question!


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Hello everybody.


I'm Tsin, short for something though I haven't entirely figured out what yet.  Been RPing in one fashion or another for a while now, a number of years, and got into FFXIV back when it first released in the 1.0 phase though I didn't play continuously since then... Kinda wish I did sometimes though.  Would probably have an Animus by now at least!


This is kind of a tentative greeting (as mentioned in the subject line) because I've been interested in RPing in the FFXIV world for some time but I don't really enjoy RPing in the game itself for some personal reasons.  Probably most of all, I deeply enjoy the act of writing when RPing and I think that doing it in the game, with the world/appearances already displayed and actions/motions limited by the interface kinda takes that away.


I see that there's a nice forum RPing section here on the Hydaelyn RPers Coalition's forum though so I was wondering right up front: Is there any chance of a home for me here?  Are most RP relationships here built in the game then the Town Square forum is kind of side dressing for that or is the Town Square active and robust enough in its players to allow somebody to function there solely and still experience a wide variety of characters/scenarios/adventures/fun?


Regardless of the outcome, the forum looks wonderful!  Thanks for reading thus far!

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I don't see why you can't do a majority or all of your RP in the IC section if you so wish.


Some people may prefer in-game it because you can do actions, have potential eavesdroppers etc. But I think if you reached out to people (aka you're in Ul'dah and you reach out to people who are regularly or always in Ul'dah) you can get the same on the forums.


I definitely think that if you plan on doing lots of RP with people here and not in-game that you supplement your RP with pictures and such of your character.

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Hey there, welcome!


I'd say I probably do as much forum rping as I do in game - so if your character is likely to hang around Limsa Lominsa (my character rarely leaves the city, and never goes far from the city when she does) and you don't mind intersecting your character's story with gutterscum, I'd be more than happy to do some forum rping with you. :D


You can read more about my character here.


In the meantime, do you have any info on your character?

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Hmm... I think I'm missing an understanding of how the IC Forum works with the game.  Do/Can people only RP in the area on the forum that their character currently is in the game?  As in, when the setting is confirmed in a thread, only people whose characters are there will participate?  Or are you two just referring to the locations as places where people commonly RP?  Which makes sense.  Being big city-states and all.


I don't have any IC information on my character!  Haven't gone about developing his backstory quite yet since my stay here is still in the air.  Definitely he'll be based on my current character on Faerie though, so the best I can offer is a lodestone link:




His name is already outside the normal Elezen naming.  I'll have to explain that somehow.  :|

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Oh, no I mean that Zhi the character does not leave the city (no different than poor people who never step foot outside of the city they were born in) of Limsa Lominsa or the immediate surrounding area. When playing in the game I go all over the place when I'm not in character. :)


Send me a pm when you have some concrete information on your character! We can set something up.

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Oh no, just that for some like myself, I would be hard pressed to RP with you as my character rarely ever leaves Ul'dah if your character doesn't go there. He's law enforcement and he loves the place so if you would have wanted the characters to meet he wouldn't be able to go to some place like say Coerthas.

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I'm not sure how the others feel but I tend to think of the IC board as a sort of one-off, timey-wimey sort of thing. I consider my RP in game to be the "real time" stuff, but since there's always downtown of being logged off, or playing the game proper, or just not being around, the stuff in my blog and the stuff on the forums fits into those gaps at some point.


If we were to RP on the forums, for example, I would make mention of the events as being past-tense in-game so that the events are "canon" for my world, but there's no reason that it had to occur in the client.


Regarding your name: Don't sweat the details. Naming conventions are a guide, not a rule. There's plenty of reasons your character might not be using a "proper" elezen name. He might not have been raised in a conventional environment, he might have decided to cast it off after walking the path of an adventurer. You're not named Chronic'blaze Puffpuffpass so it shouldn't be too much to just run with it.

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Random: Got 4 Atma last night... Pretty impressive.


Zhavi/ExKage: Ah, makes sense! I'll definitely keep that in mind, Thanks you two!


Mage: Coerthas is beautiful in its purity and desolation! Also, epic snowball fights.


Warren: That's about how I expected the IC Board to be taken. I kind of compare it to forums that have both Chat RPs and Forum RPs. Kinda fit the Forum RPs into your character's timeline where it is most fitting (or just plain arbitrarily if it doesn't really have any limitations) and the Chat RPs are understood as happening in the 'now' for the most part. I suppose on some rare occasions a Forum RP could be placed in the future of a chat timeline as well to preserve a character not knowing or knowing something... That's probably less of an issue for a Game RP though?


It would be kind of interesting to have my character's name appear in game when two characters were talking to each other about something, even though I don't actually RP in game. Doesn't help that I don't have a character on Balmung and I'm kind of attached to some of the people I hang out with on Faerie?


"Cast it off after walking the path of an adventurer" -- Jeeeeeerk that's the route I was going to take haha...


My thoughts on the subject right now are that my character is a native of Ishgard, where there still seems to be some lingering xenophobic sentiments (the whole 'unbelievers' issue you face in the game (which is extra weird when the DRG quest line reveals you as the Azure Dragoon-- Shouldn't they trust me based on that fact alone?)), which would lend some believability to his being both an Elezen and a Lancer/Dragoon. Perhaps left his homeland to become a wanderer/adventurer when his opinions on 'unbelievers' dissented from the popular one, deserted his birth name and took up something more world-friendly.


Just a basic outline-- I'll spend today reading up on the lore and the wiki and try to flesh something out fully there when I get a feel for how certain in-game mechanics are handled by the community. Namely, Job/Classes and the Armoury System.

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Job/class/armory seems to fluctuate on a per-user basis. I adhere to the one class / one craft / one gather side of things, and a lot of folks I know do too, but there are plenty of Warrior Black Summoner Mages floating around who are leading the fields of Metallurgy, Alchemy, Tanning and Flower Picking.


The DRG story referring to you, the PC, being the Azure Dragoon is without a doubt going to be ignored by Ishgardians in the city proper. You're not from there, for starters, so expect to be as believable as some random Nord being the Nerevarine. Try again, Outlander n'wah.


It would also be downplayed politically: There are enough Houses in Ishgard that if one claims to have found the mythical Azure Dragoon, it's clearly a lie and a power play, etc. Everyone's a heretic, remember, so taking such a claim and presenting it to a filthy adventurer is attempting to weaken the Ishgardian system by implying that they're greatest hero is a common adventurer scum. Clearly draconian propaganda!


For my experiences, most of the people playing Jobs aren't following the story presented by the questlines. There are plenty of dragoons but none of the ones I've met claim to have confronted Nidhogg, and depending on who you run with the Chosen One storylines presented don't always seem to work.


Of course, I'm a curdmudgeon and no fun is allowed, so feel free to disregard my nonsense.

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Oh, right, of course.  I had no plans to involve the DRG Quest Line from the game in my character's backstory.  I just inserted those comments into my post because they struck me as amusing when I was actually doing them.  Probably the timing and manner that I handled that on my playthrough made it seem weirder to me though.  Did a lot of FATE grinding so I was a DRG quite a while before the Coerthas/Ishgard portion of the storyline actually came up, so it seemed like Ser Alberic had a week or more to go around being all "Hey guys, I think I found the next Azure Dragoon?" to his buddies in the Holy See and spread inside rumors of my arrival.


Alternately, anytime somebody referred to my character as an Unbeliever/Heretic Scum, I kept hoping that there was something I could do to prove my status as the most legendary dragoon ever ever ever ever?  Like those scenes in Super Mario RPG where everybody doubts that Mario is Mario, then he like... jumps.  "LOOK AT THAT JUMP, THAT'S GOTTA BE MARIO.  OH MAN."   That kinda thing.


... Maybe I'm a weirdo.


Gonna be a normal rank and file Dragoon though, just a former member of the Ishgardian forces.  Maybe a skilled one.


I know nothing about crafting OR gathering in game so I'll probably not worry about those classes but I am also an adherent to the idea that it's best to limit one's character's skills when RPing just for believability/amusement.  Would be true to my character's setup in game to be a DRG/WAR or something, also true to his possible Ishgardian-Turned-Adventurer/Mercenary backstory.  I guess the actual Armoury system is kind of ignored in an RP though?  Like... "Suddenly, all this armor appears on me and I pull an axe from my hammerspace."  It's generally accepted that a person has to walk away and change into a different armor set/grab a new weapon rather than it happening magically?

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Armory is, again in my experience, completely game-based and not IC or lore based. I've walked away and changed out of plate but play loose with the rules: Normally it'd take much longer to get out of it alone, whereas Warren can just Clark Kent his way once he finds a phone booth and no one's looking at him. I'll let it linger if I find a place still in /s range just so I'm not totally out of the loop for RP, but it defeats the point to be like "Okay! We can RP now! Brb while I go take 20 to get out of all this stuff!"


I think it's alright to consider someone competent in a CLASS in addition to their JOB. In the few times I've had Warren doing things outside of his paladin role, I have him in plainclothes as a pugilist, not a monk. It makes sense for the martial classes a lot more, though: A skilled lancer might know how to fight with an axe or a sword or fire a bow, but the more intricate sides like Jump or the Oaths or bard songs don't fit with the "everyone can do this just because" side. It's ultimately up to the player, of course, but there ARE cross-class skills, so they can give a little idea of what someone is able to do despite not being the class itself.


Here is where I grumble about paladin losing their native healing spell from 1.x to ARR.

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Re: the forum vs in game thing -- that's definitely YMMV.


I use the forum and game fairly interchangeably. As a result I'm sorta hopping back and forth as to what happens when. The forum rp I have with Goodfellow, for example, has been going on since April, I think -- days have passed in that thread, and I have woven those days into what else Zhi has been up to. But, forum rp being forum rp, sometimes that thread is a bit ahead of all my other rp, and sometimes it's a bit behind.


Forum rp is invaluable to me. Most of the people I rp with are central or eastern, and I'm an hour behind pacific. I have a couple of rp partners who I'm only able to reliably rp with in game once or twice a week -- forum rp picks up the slack for me.


That and I'm a forum rp junkie, so it feels natural to me. :P I've rped with people on the forums who only came reluctantly, and I've rped with people on the forums who were eager to do so. And I've rped with game-only people. So, it's just a matter of finding rp partners who do treat the forums as an extension of the game. ;)

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Warren: It kind of gets into a weird territory when it comes to skills/actions/moves in an RP environment and how things like Jump and pretty much anything the Warrior does work out.  It's easy to to make the distinction between class and jobs in the game because of the little crystal doohicky, as well as make the distinction between class/job actions and some generic combat actions.  In an open RP though, conceivably the Miqo'te with their strong legs could perform a Jump-esque attack with a polearm, but then when does a jump become a Jump?  Warriors also seem to fuel all of their abilities with their own rage?  And undoubtedly there is an level of extreme skill required to do something like Steel Cyclone in full armor without hurting one's self, but conceivably people could perform a reasonable fascimile of it with some training, but then when does a spinning attack become a weak Steel Cyclone then become a full powered Steel Cyclone.  


I suppose you could alternately assume some kind of mystical element to these actions that requires some steep training for a character, which seems reasonable for stuff like MNK skills and the Oaths, later DRG skills... I guess that would explain the increased health/curative effects that comes with something like Defiance and why the effects of a Bard's song can't just be pulled out by anybody who is significantly skilled with a harp and has a nice voice.  


I dunno.


Spoony Bard.


As you keep saying, it's ultimately up to the player but the discussion is enlightening and helps me get a gauge on at least one member of the community if nothing else!


Zhavi: I'm in the Eastern timezone so I look forward to maybe being one of the most of the people you RP with.  *Thumbs up!*  I was a Chat RP junkie for a while but found my Forum Legs (so to speak) just a few years ago.  Total Forum Junkie now.

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But coethas is still coooold. poor Tala is bundled up all the time, she has no idea how her father lived there for so long. 



I think if say, one characters dedicates themselves to one job/class/craft they will be far better at it, then say a jack of all trades. so if you rp someone who's like...a drg,brd,and a mnk, they wouldn't be as skilled as someone who was just a dragoon. because of the years you had to put into that skill. yeah, the multi job/class guy will have more things to use against you, but he's good at them, not a professional. that's sort of how i see it anyways.

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