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New roleplayer on Balmung

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I guess you can just call me Brennus. I'm new to the Balmung server (previously on Hyperion). I just switched servers (last night, actually) (well, this morning I guess) (it was like 4 am) because I wanted to try roleplaying in FFXIV. I'm new to roleplaying in FFXIV, and basically roleplaying in general, so as of now, I guess I'm more of a casual/freelance roleplayer.


My main in-game character is Brennus Ackerman, a Hyur Midlander training as a Dragoon. I haven't really fleshed out his character or background yet, so it'll probably be a while before I actually start roleplaying. Still, I thought it'd be nice to find a group or maybe just a few people who could ease me into the community.


I've been hanging around Akpallu Falls in Gridania lately as I try and figure out how in the hell I'm supposed to beat Garuda, so you can probably find me there (I'll be the guy on top of the lamppost). Everyone in the RP community seems so nice and welcoming, I'm really looking forward to roleplaying with everyone!

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Guest Ragnar

Hey there and welcome! Always nice to see a new face :D. Ragnar spends quite a bit of time in the Shroud these days so there's a chance he might run into you. If you see me in game feel free to walk on up, odds are I will in in character.

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Welcome to Balmung! Its a great place to RP!


I know that there is some debate on Dragoons as there is with most of the jobs, since Dragoons are an Ishgardian disicipline.  You'll want to think about exactly how you want to tackle it, most spear-wielders from the Shroud are Lancers, I suspect, even if you use the Dragoon job OOCly, but there is room for Dragoons out there, just have to figure out how you became something that mostly exists in Ishgard.


Aya isn't leaving Ul'dah much, so I may not run into you, but if you ever drop by the Quick Sand I hope to see you there :)

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Welcome to Balmung! Its a great place to RP!


I know that there is some debate on Dragoons as there is with most of the jobs, since Dragoons are an Ishgardian disicipline.  You'll want to think about exactly how you want to tackle it, most spear-wielders from the Shroud are Lancers, I suspect, even if you use the Dragoon job OOCly, but there is room for Dragoons out there, just have to figure out how you became something that mostly exists in Ishgard.


Aya isn't leaving Ul'dah much, so I may not run into you, but if you ever drop by the Quick Sand I hope to see you there :)


Ah, I didn't really think about that. Thinking in close detail isn't really one of my strong points so creating backgrounds for my characters is always difficult. Thank you for pointing that out though, I'll be sure to keep it in mind. (Of course, it would probably be a good idea to actually read up on my lore haha...)

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Hello, Brennus! :D Welcome to Balmung, it's good to have you here! I'm always glad to find new role-play buddies, so feel free to send me a tell or say hello if you see me around!

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Just joining in saying hello and welcome. o/


If you need help sorting out the lore, these forums are a fantastic place to get help weeding through it. Folks here are pretty willing and eager to answer questions.

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Hello hello! Welcome to Balmung, it's a wonderfully friendly place as you've noted and I hope you stay! Some folk like to build up their character as they go along, so it's quite fine not to have everything fleshed out in the beginning. I'm sure you'll start picking up motivations and other meat and potatoes things about him quickly. :3 Being a conjurer, I'm in and out of the Twelveswood quite frequently, and I'm new to the server scene as well. Maybe I'll run across you!

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Welcome from a fellow Dragoon main!


We're quite a welcoming bunch as you can already see!

But as some one who has had a desire to Roleplay a Dragoon I can tell you that as a Midlander Hyur you have alot more leway and lore friendliness to the subject then my Miqo'te did. ((Thankfully I have cool dudes who helped figure something out!))


Read up on your lore and I'm sure you'll figure something out no time flat!


I normally hang about Limsa or Gridania my self, and rarely Mor Dhona.

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