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I hope you're able to find the RP you're looking for. There's so much of it to be found!


I certainly hope to bump into this flower weilding miqo'te!


(Good luck with your move, I've always hated getting everything resettled.  :) )

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Hello there, welcome to Balmung, it's good to have you here! I'm glad you decided to slip out of lurkdom. I'm happy to chat or role-play anytime, so feel free to approach or send a /tell if you see me around!

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It's awesome to see more RP coming in!


Hopefully we'll bump into one another sometime! And if you find you have questions or anything, by all means ask away. I'm sorta kinda new myself, been here a little over a month maybe? But if there is anything I might be able to help with, please feel free to hit me up!

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