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Phoenix Rose


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Phoenix Rose (IC)


There are those who are free. Free to make their own rules, follow their own paths, live their lives however they like. They are the Fortunate, and may not realize how lucky they truly are. For there are some who have not been so lucky. Some who have been battered, abused, oppressed. Made slaves, or worse without any hope of it ever changing.


Most are straddling a thin line between fortune and hardship. Many struggle to survive day by day, while clinging to a dream for a better future. Some days are better or worse than others.


All, however, have known what it is to feel betrayed, misguided, heartbroken and lost. This is what gives us common ground, and able to make unlikely allies and friends. This is where we stand. We, the freed slaves of the Cities and the Settlements, of the wealthy nobles and the busy brothels, hold dear those who have helped us along the way. We admire those who give us strength. We love those who give us even the tiniest chance to become who we’ve always wanted to be.


We are all walks of life. And we are ready to rise from the ashes of our past to become greater than we’ve ever dreamed.





Phoenix Rose (OOC)


On the surface the Phoenix Rose is a sanctuary and rehabilitation center for freed a escaped slaves. It offers lodging, food, and education to those that live there. Behind the scenes the staff works to free more slaves, wherever they happen to be and however they feel they need to.


What we’re looking for from our members (OOC)


We’re looking for mature and fun individuals willing to contribute and work with us to tell interesting and involved stories. While there is nothing wrong with tavern style RP we’re looking for something a bit deeper and more meaningful out of the RP with our members. Which does mean a bit of proactivity in your role play. Should your character be given a task it’s up to you to make sure that you’re setting up times, finding those to help your character, etc. We also ask our members to try and be inclusive in their role play, both inside the FC and with the RP community at large.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being the first of the month, I'd like to take this time to post some updates.


First of all, I would like to thank those who have participated in RP with us and made the experience a wonderful one! Being a new Free Company takes a lot of work to get off the ground, and you guys have been the absolute best. It's good to know that we have been able to fill parts of others' backgrounds, and help them progress through their personal stories as well. Big hugs to you all!


Second, we are recruiting! We are open to those who are running from slavers or wish to help those who are running from slavers. We are in the process of setting up dedicated storyline progression days and filling up our event calendar with activities for every day of the week. Yes, we are a heavy RP FC, but that doesn't mean we halt the progression for those who wish to level up, do Coil, treasure hunt, and the like. After all, some of those raids give us some fancy RP gear ;)


Finally, even if you're happy with your own FC, we still welcome you to RP with us. This is a community with lots of flavors and not every FC will fill every need. Same thing with our new members, feel free to explore the options other FCs provide. We love it that you choose to make a home with us, and will do our best to provide you with quality RP. For these two aspects, we have an IC linkshell to keep in touch for RP scenarios. Use it when you feel the itch to RP. It will be answered. For those of you we have RPed with, but have yet to receive a pearl in character, we're getting there and would love to have you!


Again, thank you all for your continued support and we'll see you in game!

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  • 1 month later...

Heya folks! The Rose is still looking for members. Either those looking to assist in the rehabilitation of people in trauma, or those looking for a place to stay while they try to rebuild their lives. We are a heavy RP FC with an emphasis on character building and inclusive storylines. We are also open to free RP, interactions with other FCs, and general gameplay.


Thank you for taking the time to check us out and we'll see you in game!

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  • 2 weeks later...

With recent updates regarding housing and additional wards, we are steadily closing the gap between flat broke and able to buy a large FC house. Depending on the latest region (which we are holding out for), we are still a few tens of millions away from our goal.


That said, Jaques and I have opened ourselves for real commissions for fake monies! If you prefer the look of traditional mediums, Traditionally Jaques is currently open for requests. For digital media, Art by Antain will reopen soon.


We hope you enjoy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! I'm a player from days gone by, back again to find new adventures hopefully :)  your FC is very interesting, are you still active and recruiting?


We are active and recruiting! We are small at this point, but we all start somewhere. Feel free to register and apply on our FC site (link in my sig), as well as contact either myself or Jaques Guillaume in game.


Hope to hear from you soon!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Update time! We had our first, full-scale team-up with fellow awesome FC Order of the Sword and Rose {{OS&R}}. The recount can be found here. It was a lot of fun and we look forward to more adventures like this!


That said, we are still looking for members to join our community. We still offer MSQ help and guidance, high- and low-level dungeon runs (IC and OOC), working on all Coils (I personally still need T6+), and, of course, RP!


We boast a small, intimate family feel, and we love those who are interested in joining, as well as other FCs including us in their adventures! Happy gaming, Happy Holidays, and see you all around!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

January Update:


It was a busy holiday! Many of us were away from game and, therefore, RP was scarce. We did, however, manage to have a small Heavensturn dinner last Sunday, January 4th! Here is a brief recap!











((His Roundness demanded attention. Thou shalt yield!))




















A special thank you to Coral Sea for lending us Jancis and Tiergan! We adore them so much!


Next event we do will most likely be public and posted on the main RPC calendar. We will definitely keep you updated!


:love: Vaughn

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January Update:


It was a busy holiday! Many of us were away from game and, therefore, RP was scarce. We did, however, manage to have a small Heavensturn dinner last Sunday, January 4th! Here is a brief recap!


A special thank you to Coral Sea for lending us Jancis and Tiergan! We adore them so much!


Next event we do will most likely be public and posted on the main RPC calendar. We will definitely keep you updated!


:love: Vaughn


Sooo sorry I missed this. It looked marvellous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A big thanks to the FC for making me feel welcome!


Evangeline's revolutionary lair of chaos is now firmly ensconced in the FC house. Don't mind the gunpowder and the printing presses.


We're looking forward to the trouble and chaos that comes with such a...spitfire, I guess! Thanks for the interest, and we welcome your ongoing plots! More RP for everyone!

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  • 1 month later...

Update for February/March:


It's been a busy month! Not only did we have a member crafted story (which was a bunch of fun), but we had a hand in other sponsored events. Soliloquy's Valentione's telegrams and Jancis's pilgrimage specifically. We are slowly gaining more of a presence in the RP community, and welcome the new members born of it!


R'tashana's "Flesh + Blood"


Soliloquy's Valentione's Singing Telegrams


Jancis's Celebration of the Lover Pilgrimage


And, of course, we will be at the upcoming


Dogberry's Fortune Telling at Soliloquy


We also still have our in-company events. Every Tuesday at 9pm EST is Treasure Maps, and new to our list is Adventure Time Thursday starting at 8pm EST. At Adventure Time Thursday, we will take in-character romps through game content, be it dungeons, trials, FATEs, levequests... All of the things!


Finally, we are still accepting applications! Those who feel this is the place for their characters are more than welcome to apply. Don't be shy, we love RP! Hope to see you in game soon!

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  • 2 months later...

We are still around, yes! Just been very hectic with RL stuffs so have been unable to give an update.


Of course, feel free to stop by anytime! We are located in the 4th ward of the Goblet, Plot 41. North subdivision aetheryte is the closest to us.


See you in game!

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  • 5 weeks later...

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