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Hullo! My name is... well, my character's name is Shoshopu so that's the name I went with here. And I like to RP!


My first MMO was FFXI (Alraunne, Fairy server circa 2010), and while I didn't RP in MMOs back then, that laid the foundation for my interest in FFXIV. I actually preordered the collector's edition of FFXIV, but with nobody to play with, I only stuck around for a few weeks. Fortunately my character was on Balmung, which went on to become an RP server, so that was pretty nice when I started playing it again.


A few years after I quit FFXI I started playing GW2, where I got into MMO RPing. It was pretty fun, for a while... but eventually I just kind of got burnt out on GW2's gameplay and lately I've had a hard time compelling myself to log in.


A couple weeks ago I decided to give A Realm Reborn a try. So far I'm having an absolute blast! And since I had so much fun (well, for a while) RPing in GW2, why not try it here? So this seems like a good place to start. Hello!

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Welcome back to FFXIV and welcome to the RP community! I'm still trying to kick myself getting back into more RP. If you have questions or need some help, feel free to toss me a whisper. More than happy to help with info or a couple things if you really need it. Happy RP's and huntings!

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Hey! Welcome to this lovely community of fellow roleplayers!


Ashamed to say I don't use this website as often as I should, but if you're ever looking for a RP contact feel free to add me in game and we could discuss stuff, cause that's always fun.


See you around :D.

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Yes, hello and welcome!

Sadly a lot of people are distracted over the recent patch, but I'm sure you will get a lot more greetings eventually!


Ah, yes, I've gathered something controversial's happened. I don't know the specifics (like how much gil is a lot of gil?) but it does seem unfortunate. Sitting at less than 40k gil, though, it doesn't really concern me that much. I'm not even in an FC yet, so... /shrug


Thanks for the welcomes, everyone! I'm happy to be here!

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