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The Wandering Tonberry Winter Formal

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[align=center]On notice boards and in taverns all over Eorzea, notices begin to spring up announcing the celebration of The Wandering Tonberry Trading Company’s one year anniversary! In recognition of the companies transformative and successful year, the Wandering Tonberries are inviting everyone to come to their Lodge for a night of dancing, drinks and games!








When: December 12th @ 8:00pm EST



Where: The Hunter’s Lodge of The Goblet (8th Ward, Plot 12)



What to Expect: An open bar, gambling and a relaxation room on the top floor, and dancing along with live music in the basement. A Grand Prize will be awarded to the gambler with the most wins at the end of the night, along with a few prizes to some lucky guests just for showing up!



What we are looking for: Additional servers, security and of course, gamblers!



Points of Contact: Flynt Knoltros, Ritsu Arlow, Roger Holmes and Canis Latrans.




[align=center]Chinchirorin (Dice Game) Rules:[/align]



Basics: Chinchirorin is a game played between two people, based around throwing three six sided die into a cup in the hopes of rolling higher than one’s opponent while not sending any dice flying outside of the cup.



Rules: A player rolls all three dice simultaneously into the bowl. If a die falls out of the bowl, it is called a 'piss' and results in an automatic loss, the player must then pay the full amount of the wagered bet.The aim of the game is to get two dice to land on the same number. The remaining number will be that player's 'score'. This score is compared to the score of the other player and the highest scoring individual wins.If both players end up with the same score, or fail to make any score at all, it's called a draw and neither one of them wins. The money has to be wagered anew for another game.



Special Rules: If a player gets three of the same number (2, 3, 4, 5 or 6), they will automatically win the game and will win thrice the amount originally wagered.However, if a player gets three ones, they will automatically lose and must pay triple the amount wagered to their opponent. These two special arrangements are both called Storm. Moreover, rolling 4-5-6 will automatically win, granting double the amount wagered. On the contrary, rolling a 1-2-3 is an automatic loss, and the roller must pay double the wager to their opponent. (Source)



How to Play: Both players will go to Rolz.org, and create a room after being assigned an opponent. The first person to win three times is the overall winner of the ‘match’. Players will roll three separate 1d6, and a single 1d20. if the 1d20 lands on 1 or 2, the players dice flies free of the cup and the player loses that roll. All bets will be done with actual gil, (unless both parties agree to bet only with IC money beforehand) with a minimum bet of 2,000 gil and maximum of 10,000 per roll. Officiants will record each gambler’s win/loss ratio, as well as to answer any questions or settle any disputes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

[align=center]With The Wandering Tonberry Winter Formal less than a week away, it's time for a shameless plug AND a listing of the door prizes/Chinchirorin Grand Prize! 




[align=center]Prize Listing!





  1. Unhidden Leather Map (Chinchirorin Grand Prize)

  2. Tightbeaked Parrot

  3. 100,000 gil

  4. Timeworn Piesteskin maps

  5. Fire Clusters

  6. Mummy’s Little Mummy

  7. Allagan Wootz Ores

  8. 10,000 gil (Multiple)

  9. Frosted Glass Lense

  10. A bushel of HQ Dzaemel Tomatoes


[align=center]If you have any questions, consult the contact section and drop us a /tell! We're excited to see you all dolled up and in those dancing/gambling shoes! [/align]

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Flynt! Flynt! Flynt! ......Hi!


Is there a dress code you'll be enforcing or anything? Didn't notice and am curious. Will so be there! Probably... I'm watching you -Stares-

Hey! Well, we are trying to keep it formal since it is an excuse to get dressed up, dance, and hang out! The level of fanciness is subjective, but people in armor or wearing bikinis might be asked to put something more appropriate on! xD

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Looking forward to this a great deal. Even got a date for it.


Woo! I'm excited you're excited! This is also just a friendly bump to remind people that the Wandering Tonberry Winter Formal will be starting in 2 1/2 hours! We've got a BUNCH of prizes that we will be giving away, most at random but some to those who seem to really be cutting a rug, who look just stunning and mayyybe even to one for those who drink up a storm! So have fun! Dance, socialize and maybe try your hand at some Chinchirorin. We can't wait to see you all there!

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