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Celebration of The Keeper


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[align=center]In Celebration of the Keeper




[align=center]One and all is invited to come give thanks and hear inspirational words in regards to Althyk.[/align]


[align=center]Althyk, the surveyor of change and god of space and time, commands the element of earth and is associated with the Sixth Umbral Moon (twelfth month). He is depicted as an austere emperor wielding a mythril greataxe. His symbol is the hourglass. Father of Azeyma and Menphina, and elder brother to Nymeia. Both historians (keepers of the past) and diviners (seekers of the future) are known to praise this deity.


Event starts in South Shroud at Quarry Mill (X:25 Y:20) on Sunday December 28th at 7:00PM Eastern EST (-5UTC).



Low level people outside of (20 and lower) will need to advise beforehand if they need passage to the venue.


There is no dress code for this event; participants are encouraged to come in comfortable walking clothes and shoes.

Guards will be available to help all pilgrims to the event safely.


For Pilgrims:

  • During the performance, pilgrims are asked to be silent in the public channels. Emotes with /em, /say, and /yell are asked to be held off until the main performance is over.
  • Animation and sound emotes are welcomed! Please just turn the text off on them during the performance.
  • In lieu of reacting in /em and /say, pilgrims are encouraged to form parties with their friends and groups to react to each other in /p - that should help with the text bloat and keep the reactions more personal and immersed with the main people pilgrims want to interact with.
  • Anyone willing to host a "during performance" party for those who come on their own please contact me so I can find you at the event start and get people together to interact and meet. If a group of friends has room in their party and wouldn't mind hosting a new addition, that would be wonderful too. We'll sort it out at the start of the event.
  • After the performance, everyone is welcome to use /em and /say and can change parties as wanted.



Music and stories from some special guest speakers and bards will highlight the evening. After the presentation, everyone is encouraged to mingle, give prayers and thoughts, or partake in the smaller congregations. Blessings will be given for abundance to pilgrims. Diviners will be available to help pilgrims understand their future and other questions they have.


Entire main event is planned to last a hour with hosts staying around afterwards for free-form role play.[/align]


[align=center]~While this is a pilgrimage in celebration of one of the Twelve, really would like to express the theme and environment of this event is to come together and have an inspiration evening for each other and on reflection. This night will not have strong overtones of worship and ceremony.~[/align]



[align=center]Performing Guests:[/align]

[align=center]Nathan Telluride (and company)[/align]







[align=center]Diviners/Prayer Leaders/Fortune Tellers:[/align]




[align=center]Lan Darklyn (and company)[/align]

[align=center]Coatleque Crofte[/align]



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Will update first post with list of performers and hosts once it has been finalized.


I am also in need of guards for the event if anyone is interested. There is a uniform available if you like, otherwise can bring a sword and keep the aggressive creatures at bay as we walk through some semi-dangerous areas.


Guards also set the border of the event for people to sit within and hear the event/be safe.

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Enjoy your forest worship, you HEATHANS.



Azeyma for life!


(But for real- will probably show up with Odile. I loves me some in character religious worship)


Someone has spent too much time out in the desert...


You speak ill of Azeyma's father, you curr! Lalalalala - Confess to your crimes that you might see the sun in its true form once more. 


:P So silly


I can make this one! *dances*


Eeeee! We have the lovely Vaughn in attendance!


I have been swamped with my holiday to-do list. Checking in with past performers and everyone who has already touched base with me on performing to get the list any needs done.


I have a lovely offer for some guards to follow up with that I'm super excited about having along and the FC representation.


If anyone has an interesting idea and would like to participate anyway with the event please let me know and we can work something out together, or try to.

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Updated top post with our performers and other special guests that will be in attendance to help our pilgrims get around.


This is the week of Christmas for many of us, and we've all been busy role players throughout all the holidays this month, so I will not be able to advertise in game as much this time around.


I'll make a Bulletin post of NPCs and hearsay running about as pilgrims make their way to Quarrymill!


A lovely end of the year get together that should have a unique feel to it. Hopefully. No pressure. 



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The pilgrimage is tomorrow!


I hope everyone has had some time to recover from the last couple weeks. :sleepy:


Very excited to have so many people involved. If anyone has any questions or need a RP reason to show please let me know.





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I am floored by the turnout this month. I know it's during the holiday weekend and everybody has been pulled to their extreme with all the little things and family togetherness.


- Thank you for fighting off the Keeper Poachers that nearly brought the pilgrimage to its knees! We pilgrims are hearty lot and fought them off!


- Huge thank you all the Guards, Lynx, Coatleque, and the amazing lineup from HoD that paved the way safely for all the pilgrims to make it through.

- Lan and company, Alcyone, Uni, Alys, Kairi, Etheral, Faolan, Alistair, Leanne, W'zota, Worren, and Val were placed all down the walkway watching with great eyes. I tried to get screenshots at the time (while walking, I fail) and tried to capture the feeling, but it was really amazing to be walking through a line of guards. Then for most of the event they were lined out along the waterfront to set a perimeter. Fantastic!! It was powerful. I don't know how else to describe it.


- Our performers! Koporo had a touching glimpse at himself, Iskierka shared a beautiful story about the stars and one in particular, Vaughn's moving bittersweet tale of memories and loss, Tausenadel's unbelievable and far fetched tale of time travel and... termination..., and Nathan's sweet song about a very special first. I know the lineup ended up being different than first posted and we surely missed the others who tried and just couldn't squeeze extra holiday time this month, but overall it really worked out so thank you everyone.


- Another big thank you to Iskiberry for not only telling a lovely story, but also sticking around for another two hours to tell everyone's fortune. I didn't get to read all of them myself yet, but the card choices and a glimpse to the future was very fun to listen to and the attention given to each was just right considering how many were in line.


- A biased thank you to my company Coral for keeping me from panicing and having a level head ^_^ and also for so many of them coming along with and sharing in the event.


- An un-biased thank you to everyone else who came to the event regardless. I saw a lot of groups and there was a lot or room to spread out to enjoy the stories or just be out in the shroud together so it all worked out perfectly. I tried to pick a venue which had room to be quiet in nooks or have a good stage for people to sit together at.


I have 44 pages of log to sort through and a ton of screenshots to edit. I'll get the story up as soon as I can! So happy! :lol:

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I had an absolute blast at this event. I love getting to play Iskierka, especially when I get to play her more as That Weird Girl With The Mask, and this event got her to meet a large amount of people and hopefully make some ties with other people.


Jancis, thank you for hosting these events. They always make for great RP. If you need any help at all in the future, I will always be glad to lend a hand.

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I had an absolute blast at this event. I love getting to play Iskierka, especially when I get to play her more as That Weird Girl With The Mask, and this event got her to meet a large amount of people and hopefully make some ties with other people.

Oh wow, Iskierka was you, Dog? Neat! I hope I wasn't too troublesome with Chachan's skulky mood right off the bat for the first reading. :blush:

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I had an absolute blast at this event. I love getting to play Iskierka, especially when I get to play her more as That Weird Girl With The Mask, and this event got her to meet a large amount of people and hopefully make some ties with other people.

Oh wow, Iskierka was you, Dog? Neat! I hope I wasn't too troublesome with Chachan's skulky mood right off the bat for the first reading. :blush:


Iskierka was pretty amused at how distant he seems. And of course, she lacked the social graces to keep his request a secret. She was about to read him a fortune about not being hung up on other people to your own detriment, but he ran off before she could.

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I had an absolute blast at this event. I love getting to play Iskierka, especially when I get to play her more as That Weird Girl With The Mask, and this event got her to meet a large amount of people and hopefully make some ties with other people.

Oh wow, Iskierka was you, Dog? Neat! I hope I wasn't too troublesome with Chachan's skulky mood right off the bat for the first reading. :blush:


Iskierka was pretty amused at how distant he seems. And of course, she lacked the social graces to keep his request a secret. She was about to read him a fortune about not being hung up on other people to your own detriment, but he ran off before she could.


Pity that, he definitely could've used that wisdom. He definitely got a lot of hero wisdom from the other fortunes, though.

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It was a pleasure to help you out with your event Jancis. the whole lining the walls thing was done off the cuff by the other HoD members, Lan never ordered them to do that, he only assigned the zones for them to work. I hope that we can be of some help for your future events.


Well we are going North for the next one!


Halone should be a hoot!

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It was a pleasure to help you out with your event Jancis. the whole lining the walls thing was done off the cuff by the other HoD members, Lan never ordered them to do that, he only assigned the zones for them to work. I hope that we can be of some help for your future events.


Well we are going North for the next one!


Halone should be a hoot!

Well, I'm certain we can help with that one too if you wish. Shoot me the details and I'll start making a plan for my folks.

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