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clueless newbie


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HELLO I am new to both the game and the RP community here and I hope to see some of you nerds ingame sometime


I've RPed in a bunch of other games over the years, so I'm not particularly new to RPing, but I'm not experienced at all with this setting or the final fantasy series in general (started playing XIV due to friends playing it). I'll probably get some homework done before I do some SERIOUS ROLEPLAYING


I play Edda Vincents on Balmung, don't hesitate to say hi (and give me free shit) if you see me around for whatever reason

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Hello! I like your attitude.


Blah blah blah RPC forums blah blah forum RP in the Town Square area blah blah wiki page blah see you around!


If you've got any questions or need help being steered in a direction for anything, don't hesitate to give a holler. We've got plenty of helpful folks lurking and waiting to pounce on questions and lend a hand.

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Welcome to the RPC and Balmung!

Enjoy sifting through things to do your homework! There are some suuuper lore heads around these forums, so don't hesitate to break out a list of questions. 


I promise no free shit as I have nothing worth giving, but I'll be happy to jump into some RP!


See you in game!




Edit: Warren beat me to it.... And he was much more cool about it.

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