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Another FNG maybe

Kurt S.

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Another question. Is it required that I gotta be level 50 to RP? Since everyone I see being IC are all level 50 and probably maxed out a few more classes/jobs.


No way! Heck, I find myself roleplaying rather frequently with a level 3 conjurer I met at the Quicksand. Jump in whenever you're ready :D

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Thanks for the replies guys. I dunno I just felt like I want to RP Kurt's journey to level 50 and all. From being some wet behind a ears adventurer off the boat to some guy who could brave Coerthas in his sleep.


That and not wear the same shit day in and day out.


In fact I'm kinda sharing with Ralyon my ideas and concepts for his adventure which I'll list after this short interaction with that guy named Gentle Sun.

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So remember how I said I'd put up some concepts I've been using for Kurt's journey to 50?


Yeah here they are! Sorry for the wait.


First and foremost I try to translate the quests from the MSQ as job contracts from either Baderon, Momodi or Momma Miounne, depending on where the MSQ quest takes place. Now for things like Ifrit, I'm still debating whether or not Kurt has the echo, seeing as I don't know much about it.


If I can't find some way to put the echo then he'll just be sent to bolster a Flames, Maeltstrom, whatever detachment sent to do whatever auxiliary job that happened during that primal fight. In any case, he's a registered adventurer and I assume there are formal job/quest listings somewhere, like any proper adventurer's guild!


Take note I try as much as possible not to have Kurt be part of the Scions. 


Though I am open to other players sending me to level appropriate areas if I get to RP with them (i.e. someone sends me to Wineport for god knows what.) 


Another thing I try to incorporate into his character is his level of "humanity" for lack on any other term, measured via how many leve allowances he has left.


Less than 9 and he's less ashamed to go telling someone he picked this certain cuirass of a corpse to save on gil and just redyed and repaired it if they ask. He's more eager for violence and wouldn't mind leading a one man genocide against all adamantoise or what have you. It's at this point where I frequently use buffs like Bloodbath and go Overpower like crazy.


Over 9 allowances and he's more or less considerate as a hyuran being. It's at this threshold that I start cranking out foresight more or convalescence, and less likely to try and pull 2 or 3 groups of enemies at a time. 


Of course that's all thrown out the window if the party wipes more than like 3 times in a certain dungeon/trial.


Maybe if I get a second character up I go "hardcore" where a trash mob death might just stop Kurt from ever becoming IC anymore unless there's a raise nearby.

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