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Two For the Post of One

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Now a little bit of backstory for both my characters...who I have successfully crammed into Balmung in the space of a minute, give or take. Back to business, anyway I would like for these two to savor their journey to level 50. (Not like what I'm doing to Kurt and basically just bullrushing things.) 



Now first off remember how I asked about them Miqo'te and Elezen Cultural thingy right? Well I'm still trying to tune out the finer details.


Alt 1: Keil Amalle.


Miqo'te seeker, with a soft spot for the poor people, specifically refugees and the like. For his past well, his past isn't important. He's made it his personal mission to try and make eorzea a less violent and more progressive place. Of course he can't do it on his own, so he just tries to be as helpful and as generous as he can with his time and gil. Now the tricky part is that he's scared shitless of other miqo'te, regardless of Seeker or Keeper. Because his dad, the nunh of his tribe, sorta...kinda...tried secretly to feed him to a huge-ass sandworm somewhere in the Sagolii. 


He got saved by a Elezen ex-merc lancer dude(planning to make him Ishgardian after much thought). As a consequence he's got major respect for Elezen which would probably just bloat their egos but whatever. He tries his best to just forget his tribe and usually skirts around the topics regarding Seekers and their harem system and what they do to secure breeding rights. It is what almost got him in the belly of a sandworm anyway.


I could go on and on about his backstory but I'll just make a wiki page instead later to pass the time until the maint lifts. 


As it stands he seeks people to help him train in the ways of the lance, to build off what his Ishguardian (see what I did there?) taught him. On top of that, he won't say no paying work, if only to put food in his belly, roof and house not necessary. He can try to work with other miqo'te but that's just it...try. It'd probably take a while for him to trust them and he'd probably lock up if they approach him, sweaty palms, shifty eyes, nervous tone. 


Previously, he had a home but set off for Gridania via a trade carriage headed there. See his Ishguardian gave him a test that'd take him across Eorzea via dead drops and riddles (my version of bastardizing the MSQ to unlock areas, just like what I did to Kurt and what I'll do to Alicen). The first destination is Gridania.


I just realized that probably 50% of Eorzea's population consists of miqo'te. From the words of George Takei: Oh my.


Why doesn't his name sound like a Seeker's? He wants nothing to do with his clan or tribe, taking up the surname of his Ishguardian and getting rid of the letter before his given name. 


Unlike Alicen, I already have ideas for Keil.


What I think would be nice: Someone who knows the lay of Eorzea or at least several people across Eorzea he could ask the "Hey do you know where the *riddle that leads to the Hawthorne Hut or something* is or at least some place like it?" Since most of his progression would be dead drops from the Ishguardian that contains a riddle that points him to his next destination until he reaches the last one where *secret*


Now I dunno know much about Ala Mhigans but I tried to make one anyway to build off what Kurt was saying ICly that one time. If nothing else, she's from Little Ala Mhigo.


Alt 2: Alicen Heller.


Now I really don't have a clear backstory for her at all so Imma try and make up some basics while maint is happening. I still need to research about the Ala Mhigan refugees after all and Little Ala Mhigo as well. In any case, she left Little Ala Mhigo to strike out on her own. She's got a steady hand and powerful right hook. She's a brawler at heart and wouldn't say no to a fight. 


I haven't really fleshed her out as much as I'd like neither do I have an idea on how to bastardize the MSQ, you know, to give some sense of progression. I was thinking that since she's in the Ul'dahn market to help her find someone who could teach her the finer points of hand to hand combat (Read as: Another player, not Hamon Lightfist), that same person could send her off to god knows where in Eorzea to go punch the living shit out "X" animal or person or thing. Substitute 'X' for a name. Despite her still unrefined skills, she is trying to find jobs that involve hitting stuff, to that effect I guess a merc outfit or a bouncer/guard job. It's not about the gil for her, it's about the wall she's sent to punch. 


On the interaction front, she's direct, aggressive and will stand her ground or try to in any argument. At that point, she'll either just resort to her fists or walk away. A dream of hers is to develop her own style of hand to hand combat by way of assimilating what she can get from others and synthesizing it all. She'll respect the person who proves their strength or you know...floors her in a brawl. 


With all that said, she isn't going to go around picking fights with every single soul in Ul'dah. She's not that vicious.


I try to assimilate gameplay elements into the character. To that effect, unlike Keil, I've already figured out how to use the leve allowances as a gauge on how she'll react or respond to the world around her. Less than let's say 12 leve allowances and she's relatively agreeable. More than 12 leve allowances and she's more likely to start punching you midway through an argument and is generally more irritable. 


What I think would be nice: Someone involved with her training. Not necessarily there 24/7 but setting challenges for her every now and then. Sending her to whichever place is level appropriate.



Alt 1: Keil Amalle, Miqo'te seeker, lancer enthusiast from Ul'dah, respects Elezen, fears miqo'te. Tries to help people, doesn't care much for gil past the next meal. Currently in...limbo...I mean Gridania.


Alt 2: Alicen Heller, hand-to-hand enthusiast from Little Ala Mhigo, respects people who can floor her, likes to punch stuff. Wants to be sent to punch something, doesn't care much for gil past the next meal. Currently in Ul'dah.


On that note, I would like to say that I'm probably crazy for trying to juggle three characters at once. Additionally, I don't know the first thing of RPing combat...so yeah.

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Additionally, I don't know the first thing of RPing combat...so yeah.


Shh, everyone... Do you hear that? It sounds like... Yes! It is!




Every Saturday night out at Fesca's Wash in Central Thanalan (right outside of Ul'dah, though I forget the gate at the moment) there's a big fighting tournament. We pair off everyone with an opponent and then use rolz.org to generate numbers and emote accordingly to one another. While it isn't the universally accepted method of doing combat in XIV, it seems to be a good basis for getting your feet wet.

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Additionally, I don't know the first thing of RPing combat...so yeah.


Shh, everyone... Do you hear that? It sounds like... Yes! It is!




Every Saturday night out at Fesca's Wash in Central Thanalan (right outside of Ul'dah, though I forget the gate at the moment) there's a big fighting tournament. We pair off everyone with an opponent and then use rolz.org to generate numbers and emote accordingly to one another. While it isn't the universally accepted method of doing combat in XIV, it seems to be a good basis for getting your feet wet.


Oh my, welp here's to hoping I don't fuck up royally.

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Additionally, I don't know the first thing of RPing combat...so yeah.


Shh, everyone... Do you hear that? It sounds like... Yes! It is!




Every Saturday night out at Fesca's Wash in Central Thanalan (right outside of Ul'dah, though I forget the gate at the moment) there's a big fighting tournament. We pair off everyone with an opponent and then use rolz.org to generate numbers and emote accordingly to one another. While it isn't the universally accepted method of doing combat in XIV, it seems to be a good basis for getting your feet wet.


Oh my, welp here's to hoping I don't fuck up royally.


You'll be fine. Spectating is free and easy, participation is free and simple. 10PM EST every Saturday night in Central Thanalan!

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Additionally, I don't know the first thing of RPing combat...so yeah.


Shh, everyone... Do you hear that? It sounds like... Yes! It is!




Every Saturday night out at Fesca's Wash in Central Thanalan (right outside of Ul'dah, though I forget the gate at the moment) there's a big fighting tournament. We pair off everyone with an opponent and then use rolz.org to generate numbers and emote accordingly to one another. While it isn't the universally accepted method of doing combat in XIV, it seems to be a good basis for getting your feet wet.


Oh my, welp here's to hoping I don't fuck up royally.


You'll be fine. Spectating is free and easy, participation is free and simple. 10PM EST every Saturday night in Central Thanalan!

Totally bringing someone to the next one. Berrod won't be available, so maybe Burning Blood, or Steeljaw, for heals.

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I'm actually thinking I should have Cliaux attend a Grindystone one time. She's a pit fighter prior to being an adventurer, so it'd definitely be right up her alley.


*looks at the camera and grins like a moron*


"I'm goin' to the Grindstone!™" /yes motion

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Berrod used to participate/oversee/sometimes run it for a couple seasons, but when I got busy with my FC business I had him decide that he didn't want to participate anymore. 


SO NOW IT'S TIME FOR MY ALTS TO SHINE. Or get shiners. Except for Steeljaw, because he's a healboi.

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10PM EST? Well I'll try to make if RL doesn't try to dominate my late morning on that day. As far as I can tell, Alicen will be happy enough even if she gets floored....though I guess I should try and get her some semblance of a kit instead of base Hyuran gear xD

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10PM EST? Well I'll try to make if RL doesn't try to dominate my late morning on that day. As far as I can tell, Alicen will be happy enough even if she gets floored....though I guess I should try and get her some semblance of a kit instead of base Hyuran gear xD

Pff, have her fight in anything! Some people just go out there in a pair of trousers and kick ass.

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The entire combat thing is settled via dicerolls, so level and equipment has absolutely no bearing here.


Come in your smallclothes if you want.


Note: This is not a reason to see Kurt shirtless I swear. No really. Why are you lookin' at me like that, Berrod?

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Pff, have her fight in anything! Some people just go out there in a pair of trousers and kick ass.


Can confirm.


Well shit, I guess I don't need to level her yet and I can focus on grabbing the things I need for Kurt xD

Mhm! Come on down with a level 1 alt, even. No one judges! Well. Brishild the Ungood might target you, but all you have to do is stay near the road...she mightn't reach you there...

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GRINDSTONE! woo woo!


Oh and if you have questions about Ala Mhigan lore, lemme know! Or if you want Alicen to meet a fellow Ala Mhigan also lemme know. ^^

I'd like to know the contemporary lore at least. As for specific questions, I don't even know what ask v.v. And I don't think she'd say no to meeting another Ala Mhigan.

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GRINDSTONE! woo woo!


Oh and if you have questions about Ala Mhigan lore, lemme know! Or if you want Alicen to meet a fellow Ala Mhigan also lemme know. ^^

I'd like to know the contemporary lore at least. As for specific questions, I don't even know what ask v.v. And I don't think she'd say no to meeting another Ala Mhigan.

Ditto on the Ala Mhigan meeting bit, Berrod is a proud one. 

For all the three years he actually spent in Gyr Abania :/

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The Kingdom of Ala Mhigo


Until its fall in the year 1557 of the Sixth Astral Era, the Kingdom of Ala Mhigo was the greatest military power in Eorzea. This Spartan-esque nation championed great military minds and was famed for the greatest Lancer legions the world had ever seen. For many years, their religion revolved around the god Rhalgr, the Destroyer. Lead by a faction of ascetic monks called The Order of the Fists of Rhalgr, Ala Mhigans believed that by honing their minds and bodies to their peak would bring them closer to the glory of their god.


The city-state, nestled in the cold, mountainous slopes of Gyr Abania was the first line of defense against the encroaching Garlean Empire to the north in Ilsabard. Knowing it unwise to face the Ala Mhigans on the battlefield, Legatus of the XIVth Legion, Gaius van Baelsar devised a plan to tear the powerful nation in two. So began the fall with King Theodric.


With the growing political power of the Order of the Fists of Rhalgr, King Theodric feared the people would do away with the monarchy entirely. Over time, Garlean agents fueled his paranoia of power-hungry monks and soon Theodric ordered his Kingsguard, the Corpse Brigade, to arrest several members of the Order on suspicion of treason. He tortured the monks until they admitted the Order was trying to overthrow the Mad King. Then, in 1552, Theodric did the unthinkable. He ordered his Lancer legions to surround the Temple of Rhalgr. They burned the Temple and the residences surrounding it and slaughtered every Monk within.


King Theodric branded the Order as traitors and proclaimed his rule was by divine right of Nymeia. The worship of Rhalgr was outlawed and those harboring the remnants of the Monkhood were tried and killed. For five years, the Garleans allowed Ala Mhigo to wallow in riots, resistance, and upheaval, until in 1557 the Garleans marched on the city-state and offered to save the Ala Mhigans from the madness of King Theodric. The Garleans were welcomed as saviors to the city by many, and those who did resist were slaughtered. Before the Ala Mhigans realized their mistake, it was too late and Ala Mhigo had fallen in but a single night.


Refugees fled to nearby Gridania where they rallied under the banner of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. They stormed the city in an attempt to liberate it, but were soundly defeated. Feeling unwelcome by the Gridanians upon their return, they left the Wood south, heading for Ul'dah, the land of riches, opportunity, and mercenaries.

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On a side note, since I'm stupidly shy as hell and conscious. If I can find some sort of brawler trainer of Alicen to give her a few sparring sessions (read as: flooring her ass and generally beating the living shit out of her) so I can get my feet wet at combat RP that'd be nice.

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Sounsyy (as a few people on here will attest to) is usually down for sparring. If I'm on or see me run past send me a tell or just walk up! ^^ If I'm on Balmung, I'm there for RP.

I'll be sure to keep that mind or at least on player search. Oh yeah, with regards to the fantasia potion, how valid is that in the existing lore? Might try to pull a "-character-'s got spiked that one time." If I get tired of looking at their faces.

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Fantasias have led to some very lengthy discussions here before. The short of it is that they exist, maybe, and have varying degrees of accessibility. For the most part, people will roll with it if you race-change, just be prepared for some head scratching.

Well not so much as race changing as possible genderbending...or even both. I just felt like I needed to ask the validity of it all I guess. Not like I'll be fantasiaing anyone I have yet.

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