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Help my character become a doctor

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Alright so my character has been studying anatomy, medicine, magic, for 2 years now IC. She's ready to become official. However, I'm having problems finding another RP doctor that can help her accomplish that goal IC. Sure I could say "Oh hey I took a test and now recognized" but I like going that extra mile.


So if interested send me a whisper on K'ailia Yohko :)

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The city-states don't really have a standing bureaucracy like the modern day, so stuff like 'taking a test to become a recognized doctor' would be anachronistic. I think you would just be a member of the Conjurers' Guild (Stillglade Fane), the Alchemists' Guild (Frondale's Phrontistery), or the Arcanists' Guild (Melvaan's Gate). If you are neither of these and a physical medic, I believe the term is 'chirurgeon'.

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Ditto what Intaki has said. Even though my character's not officially a member of the alchemist, conjurer or arcanist guilds, she's studied alchemy for years within her clan and has head plenty of experience treating injuries and ailments. So, I'd say she's a physician, even if she wouldn't necessarily call herself that for reasons of her own.


If you're looking for a colleage or friend with similar interests/knowledge for your character though, I'd love to start an RP with you.

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My bud and I aren't exactly scholars or fellows of the same school of thought and all that, we're prizefighters so we've got a fair amounts of bruises and broken ribs to share for you to examine, inspect and heal if that's your game. IGN: Ibar Elsiol

Just pop me a message if you're ever up to RP.

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