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[P'etra Heartley] [Wanted: All kinds of Med-Heavy roleplay]

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[align=center]About P'etra[/align]

A vilified survivor of the sex, slavery, and human trafficking trades P'etra is searching for a purpose. Her dark and arduous past has left her seeking to leave her life of negligence and illegalities behind and pursue a real life. However, all she had ever known was violence and animosity. From the day she was found alongside her only friend after being abandoned by her clan and family for reasons unknown to her, she had been groomed into an efficient disciplinary machine. Devoid of culture, she was forced to absorb the toxic life that was spoon fed to her. The ring leader, a renowned player in the underground scene recognized as "Ame", pushed and pulled her from adolescence to be nothing but a rule abiding stone cold soldier in his grande scheme. While his tactics worked on her friend, they turned P'etra inside out with disgust. Multiple attempts at escape later, P'etra found herself with a growing collection of scars and broken bones as her rigorously strained frame was regularly crippled. 


Many years of servitude passed as P'etra submitted to Ame's every whim, watching her friend's mental fortitude crack and rumble with new recruit they were forced to beat into submission, with every customer they were threatened into appeasing. P'etra learned to fight back, to never break; but her friend was not so lucky. Eventually, he stopped questioning it. She could do nothing but watch as her only friend deteriorated into nothing more then a shell of the man he once was. After a sick twist of fate, her friend ended up getting some information about their clan and why they were abandoned and wound up clashing swords with Ame. P'etra, being held in a cell at the time, only had knowledge of the struggle and managed to escape in time only to watch as her friend was impaled. What her friend had found out died with him, and P'etra was none the wiser. After killing Ame, she managed to escape into the world.



Few weeks have passed since P'etra escaped the clutches of her assailants. Keeping a low profile, she has little knowledge of the world and is having trouble adjusting to the outside world with the fresh passing of her only friend. She's already found herself arrested a number of times and getting into too many fights to count despite her yearning nature. Her lack of knowledge in cultures and social formalities is quickly draining her faith in ever being able to truly leave her past life behind. She wants to find a new life for herself, but is struggling to grasp it.



TLDR; Lived a crappy life, got abused as a pawn in the sex trade, her only friend is dead and has no knowledge of the outside world. Just escaped.

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[align=center]What I'm Looking For[/align]


  • I'm really new to RPing on FFXIV so I'm not sure what to dynamic/standard is in game but I am more then open to all ideas and suggestions. I am a seasoned roleplayer on a plethora of other communities and am looking to expand into my MMO experience! I want people I can interact freely with and can kind of show me the ropes while also satiating my need for a compelling RP experience (and also forgive me if I make some kind of dumb mistake/roleplay clumsily for the first bit while I get used to it).


  • I don't want strictly dramatic roleplaying, I really want to diversify and expand my character as she has very little knowledge of the world, let alone her own people and what is expected of her. She's going to be brash and outlandish at points and I really wanna roll with that


  • She is looking for her purpose in life, so travel is expected but I might have her stay in one place if there's lots to do/people to interact with. But mostly, I want her to be able to move around and such. (Question about this: if I'm roleplaying that she's leaving say Limsa and going to Ul'Dah, should I physically move my character or is this purely anecdotal? Never really been clarified for me, heh. Not sure what the standard is.) She's likely to get in trouble around the world so don't be afraid to interfere!


  • P'etra isn't all "ugh my life was sewwww hard and i lost my only frand qq", she came from a hardened lifestyle so while she's grieving she's doing it mostly internally and isn't likely to show it. She came from a business where deception and misdirection is key so she's credible to just put on a brave face. She's hopeful of the future, but how she views it later on depends on her interactions of the outside world now.


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Urf, I need new glasses. Such tiny. Very font.


All said, I have a bouncy ball of an Elezen or a smirking tree of a Roegadyn with a ready guarding axe if either of those sound of interest to you or to Petra. You're most welcome to give either a poke if you like--I can be usually found online around 7pm EST. <3


I will say it's good to read that, despite the hardships your character rose from, that they're generally looking forward and gladly hoping to change. Lots who play the escaped slave that tend to clutch onto the past. ^^

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You can always hit mini-mage Oliwat Kokiwat up for questionable life advice and comical misadventures!


Alternatively, there's Adalhaid Rask, a fighter in training, if you want a spar or tips on throwing punches!


I'm around in the CST / EST evenings, generally. Sometimes late at night and early in the morning too because I don't know how sleeping works. Feel free to send friend requests and blah blah whatever. I'm always up for stuff!

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First of all, hello and welcome. Second, my character Adeya is a researcher and arcanist (and up until recently worked for the guild in Limsa). She was also raised in a very traditional and isolationist Keeper clan, at least until she ran away. As a result of all this, she has a rather dim view of slavers and also knows a thing or two about culture shock, so she’d probably be willing to P’etra out a bit (well, assuming she can put up with sarcastic comments...).


Also, to answer your question: yes. The way I’ve usually seen it done (and how I usually do it) is that the person who is leaving will emote that they’re walking away or whatever, then head out of sight range or out of the building, at which point they can do whatever they need to do OOC . You can also do the same for teleporting, only instead of walking away just teleport to where you’re going, since people can see the animation.


Anyway, I'm usually on around 9 PM EST if you'd like to RP.

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It's a terrible life P'etra has led, filled with villains who have taken advantage of her at every turn. Their boot upon her neck.


Don't you think she might wish to place her own boot upon the neck of the world?


Tylwyth Narah is an active organized crime syndicate based in Thanalan. We have about two dozen active players, and split our RP between internal stories and other people's arcs. We mainly work through a linkshell, but we also have a FC for convenience, though you aren't required to join the FC to participate in the organization. We also have a private forum to keep track of active plots, as well as a job board filled with relevant RP hooks that I think is unique to us on Balmung.


The organization is primarily based around smuggling, and is structured like an American Mafia family. Rather than villainy for the sake of villainy, our villainy mainly serves to keep the gil - and power - flowing from others to us. Think more Don Corleone, less Doctor Evil.


If this sounds interesting, hit us up in game. Myself (C'kayah Polaali) and L'kenthi Rarahn are the primary recruiters for the group.

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After reading your post, I'd be interested in having I'rila meet P'etra at some point if you're up for it.


Their backgrounds are similar: my character also rebelled against her environment, lost people she deeply cared about, and sustained heavy psychological trauma.


The way they choose to deal with their emotional baggage is similar, even if their personalities appear drastically different to the casual observer: my character is enthusiastic, flirtatious, hedonistic, curious and a little airheaded - definitely not a personality that screams tragic backstory - but she hasn't even shared the uglier details of her past with her best friend of five years.


A relationship between them would be interesting. I doubt they'd somehow magically recognize a kindred spirit within one another since both of them deal with their issues privately, but there would still be quite a bit for us to explore as RPers.


Feel free to track I'rila Xanh down on Balmung if you're interested. I generally get online at around 8 PM EST.

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Hello! I tried contacting you last night but I think you were afk. Anyway, your character sounds interesting and I'm not sure what kind of connections you're going for, but my character Noxaelius actually used to deal with "human" (not sure what we'd call it in Eorzea) trafficking in Limsa as a pirate before. He mainly kidnapped and sold girls to brothels along with the crew he was in. He hasn't done it for a few years now but I was thinking that they might recognize each other from that time. Depends on whether you'd like your character to have a tie from the past, so to speak!

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Hello! I tried contacting you last night but I think you were afk. Anyway, your character sounds interesting and I'm not sure what kind of connections you're going for, but my character Noxaelius actually used to deal with "human" (not sure what we'd call it in Eorzea) trafficking in Limsa as a pirate before. He mainly kidnapped and sold girls to brothels along with the crew he was in. He hasn't done it for a few years now but I was thinking that they might recognize each other from that time. Depends on whether you'd like your character to have a tie from the past, so to speak!

Ooh~! I like the sound of this. I'm available right now if you're free : ) I'm interested in having a piece of her past coming back to haunt her, so to speak. Btw, this is my characters wiki : P


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