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[Amelia Ashford] Spunky Gladiator Seeking Bard Mentor!

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[align=center]Amelia Ashford[/align]

[align=center]((Seeking someone to train Amelia as a bard.  We can RP through PvE or do whatever else you would like!  Please add me as a friend in game and send me a PM if you are interested in this.  I have changed background information below since the original posting!!))[/align]




A recent arrival in Ul'Dah and as green as a cactaur, Amelia has a wide-eyed ambition of a newly found freedom.  Or so she thinks.  Until this point, she has lived a life very sheltered by an overprotective older brother named Aloric who has raised her himself ever since their parents passed away when they were still children. 


The pair would later struck out from their homeland in order to see more of the world and spread Ayzema's love where they went.  Along the way, Aloric Ashford has been more lenient with his little sister, but despite Amelia being of age for a few years already, he still seems afraid her desire for a childish form of independence may yet get her into trouble.


Aloric may shelter his sister from the crassness of the world, but he certainly does not shelter her from long hours of intense physical training and the coiled muscles on her body reflect this.  As much as she enjoys the satisfaction of sore muscles after a good training session, Amelia has discovered another passion during their travels.




She loves to sing and is enchanted by the lilting string instruments that accompany bard companies or entertainers of the taverns.  It is a new thing for her, and she has a unquenchable desire and need to learn more and perhaps become a bard herself!



*Original artwork found here; eye-color was photoshopped by myself (in MS Paint xD)[/align]

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I'm looking to come back to FFXIV and start playing again - WAs actually about to start perusing for an FC to join.. But Kaln is a monk-turned-archer-bard, and I think he'd love to meet up and talk to an aspiring Bard-to-be. I believe his ingame name is Kaln Tia.. Though, he's a Hyur now. Far as I know, we still aren't allowed to change our character names. >.>

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Hey! I hate to be that guy but it might be worth adding a disclaimer for the character art. 


The original piece was commissioned for someone I know, a role-player in WoW as a representation of her character. You can find proof of that here:




I'm sure the artist who did the original piece will be willing to testify to that as well! I just figured it was worth pointing out since the image is rather distinct and I wouldn't want anyone to get into trouble for passing off commissioned work as their own without any disclaimers when they've not paid for it themselves.

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>_> Okay?  I found it on deviant art and didn't know that "only one person can ever use this image for anything" nor did I claim to be the artist.  If it upsets your friend then let me know?  I feel like you could have PMed me this instead of putting it in an IC request thread I made..:cry:

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>_> Okay?  I found it on deviant art and didn't know that "only one person can ever use this image for anything" nor did I claim to be the artist.  If it upsets your friend then let me know?


It's just some friendly advice! I just found it a bit odd since the original image has a different eye colour whereas the version you're using to reflect your character boasts eyes of a similar hue to her own.


If you read my post in a much harsher tone than I intended then please accept my apologies - I'm simply trying to clear up any misunderstandings since a lot of people care quite deeply about their creations and even shell out real cash to have them drawn. I just figured a brief disclaimer would be beneficial - and the commissioner would most certainly appreciate such a kind gesture. 


My intention isn't to claim that you're stealing it, however - I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding. Nor do I expect people to track down original images before using them - I just wanted to raise some awareness.


...and yes, in hindsight it would have been better for me to toss a PM your way! Apologies for not doing so.

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