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Three Keepers and One Seeker LF Contact!

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New to RP on FFXIV and I have four cats that need RP contacts. Friends, enemies, you name it!


There's only super-basic stuff in their wikis so far.


Miin'a Seridan - Pissy, annoyed Keeper with a horrible temper and bitter personality. Lost an eye and half his tail in the Calamity, and walks with a limp. Pretty handy with a bow, though.


T'ormad Nunh - Older Seeker miqo'te and nunh over the eastern part of the Condor tribe. Very tradition-bound but with a few secrets that he tries to keep under cover. Generally found on the road with his battle companion, a Keeper named Nhagi.


Tian'li Bailoh - Very young and idealistic Keeper that wants to help heal the world. Slightly awkward and anxious around a lot of people, and usually keeps his nose in a book. Especially flustered and shy around women.


Myra Zhalai - Keeper female with Seeker blood from her grandmother. Has a three-year-old daughter that lives with her parents as she tries to make a living as a lancer. Very stubborn and independent with no real loyalty to any cause.

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Well, if you'd be interested in running into a pretty anti-tradition Keeper, my character Adeya is an arcanist and magical researcher. She's also a fellow bookworm, though she tends to be pretty cynical even at the best of times.


Anyway, I'd be up for meeting any of them. I'm usually on around 9 PM EST.

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...I read the title and briefly thought I was about to hear of an idea for a sitcom.


At least you had a more innocent picture painted in your head. *coughs*


Anyway! I currently have a hyur running around Balmung. Thooooough, I have a former tribal Seeker transferring by the end of the week.


Rhian, my Seeker, could probably interact with most of your characters you've listed. She grew up in a sector of the Raptor tribe up until a certain age, then she left to become an Arcanist. Made some bad decisions along the way and now she's constantly on the run. From time to time she visits her family, but visits are always cut short. TBH I don't have a grasp of her quite yet so I need to test her out. Wanna be my guinea pig once she's on Balmung?


Contact me here or through a /tell in game! Usually on between 8PM - 3AM CST on a good day. #NightOwlLife

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...I read the title and briefly thought I was about to hear of an idea for a sitcom.


Excellent. *steeples fingers*


Well, if you'd be interested in running into a pretty anti-tradition Keeper, my character Adeya is an arcanist and magical researcher. She's also a fellow bookworm, though she tends to be pretty cynical even at the best of times.


Anyway, I'd be up for meeting any of them. I'm usually on around 9 PM EST.


Wonderful! I'm sure Tian'li would be happy to know another bookworm... after he's done being horribly shy around a girl.


At least you had a more innocent picture painted in your head. *coughs*


Anyway! I currently have a hyur running around Balmung. Thooooough, I have a former tribal Seeker transferring by the end of the week.


Rhian, my Seeker, could probably interact with most of your characters you've listed. She grew up in a sector of the Raptor tribe up until a certain age, then she left to become an Arcanist. Made some bad decisions along the way and now she's constantly on the run. From time to time she visits her family, but visits are always cut short. TBH I don't have a grasp of her quite yet so I need to test her out. Wanna be my guinea pig once she's on Balmung?


Contact me here or through a /tell in game! Usually on between 8PM - 3AM CST on a good day. #NightOwlLife


My people wouldn't mind meeting a hyur! I mean, Miin minds meeting everyone but he's an ass anyway.


Totally up for guinea-pigging, too.


I'm on GMT+1 time but I'm usually up to around 8-10 pm EST if I don't have work in the morning.

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I'd be happy to RP with any of them! \o/ For my own lot of characters to choose from, there's an ambitious Hyur noblewoman, a shy and sweet young Seeker of the Sun, a bitter and questionable Voidtouched Keeper woman (though she's currently out of commission), and a gruff Midlander mercenary with a big axe.

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More Miqo'te friends! My half Miqo'te/half Hyur raised more do like the latter would live to meet anybody your Miqo'te. She can wear on more mature character's nerves with her youthful, over-friendly nature. Thankfully for us all she's currently in the company of a very tribal seeker nuhn and an proper elezen lady and starting to learn what is appropriate and expected of her.

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My miqo'te Vahl'sae Bajihri would love to find a new rp connection!


Woo! Feel free to hit up any of them while I'm online!


I'd be happy to RP with any of them! \o/ For my own lot of characters to choose from, there's an ambitious Hyur noblewoman, a shy and sweet young Seeker of the Sun, a bitter and questionable Voidtouched Keeper woman (though she's currently out of commission), and a gruff Midlander mercenary with a big axe.


I'm sure Miin'a could use a drink or two with that Midlander, and the others sound fun as well!


My Seeker is actually a T tribe so it would be interesting to see how they interact. She grew up there until she went out on her own because of reasons <.<


But it would be interesting I think.


Oooh, fun! T'or has one of his daughters in-game played by a friend of mine, so all the Condors! He's a fairly nice guy, and it would be fun to see how he'd be around other T's that aren't from his branch.


I could throw either Zahir'ra or Enla at you and see if they work out! Though I'm new to Miqo'te RP so it might be like pulling teeth to get the right sort of lore responses. :blush:


We can be new together and explore our pretty catpeople!


More Miqo'te friends! My half Miqo'te/half Hyur raised more do like the latter would live to meet anybody your Miqo'te. She can wear on more mature character's nerves with her youthful, over-friendly nature. Thankfully for us all she's currently in the company of a very tribal seeker nuhn and an proper elezen lady and starting to learn what is appropriate and expected of her.


Oh my, they would all be super confused about a half-breed! Miin'a might be too annoyed by her and T'or very displeased, but Tian'li and Myra would probably like her! (Though I'm always up for conflict RP!)

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