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Persona 5 Trailer of Awesomeness

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lotus juice where


He wasn't around for 4 T_T


I swear if they release a soundtrack for this I WILL BE ALL OVER THAT THING....once I recover from just recently buying a Wacom tablet. I don't care if I'll be importing a Japanese copy of it, the country's just a 2.5-3 hour flight from where I am xD

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The first two games of the series are way different. The first has really not aged well at all, but P2 is good fun. I'd really like another Persona with a (mostly) adult cast, but I think at this point the series has found its niche with the high school theme.

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Do you guys have a quick 'sell' for someone who has never played the Persona titles? I personally just never liked the art style, so never got into one. What's the series' greatest strength?


Story, humor, and character shenanigans. The writing is always utterly superb and while the battles can get repetitive filling out the Persona list is actually somewhat fun depending on the title. Think Pokemon meets Final Fantasy, which then gets dumped on with a heaping helping of spiritual philosophy. Also it inspired this:



^ Don't watch if you don't want spoilers for 4, but still.

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Do you guys have a quick 'sell' for someone who has never played the Persona titles? I personally just never liked the art style, so never got into one. What's the series' greatest strength?

~I will buuuuuuuuuuurrrrn my brrrreeeaaaaaadddd drrrrrrrreeeeaaaaaaaad~!


My intro to the Persona series was P3P, with the Female Main Character (FeMC), after months and months (... years...) of insistence from a friend. I regretted not picking it up sooner.


The story is good.


There is filler content (pop-quizes, mid-terms and finals, anyone?), but that can and does have an effect on things you can get and your social skills.


While some of the characters can be a bit... cliche... the relationships (Social Links) you build do a really good job of getting you to care for characters.


The story is good.




Akihiko is adorkable. Doesn't matter if you're male or female IRL, you'll find him adorkable.


The story is good.


There is a LOT of stuff to do, and unless you're playing with a guide next to you the whole time, you're not going to get everything done the first run through. So lots of replay value (I think my current save is for my fifth play-through, and I'm still not 100% on my compendium or Theo's requests).


Now... P4, it was good. I won't ever deny it. I think P4 has more humor and it really did a good job with the Social Links and making it really obvious that your bonds with your team-mates made a difference. To be totally honest, though, I only did one play-through using my husband's New Game Plus just so I could get the story, and that was enough for me. I just really, REALLY like P3 better.

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Akihiko is my bro. So much so that I just had to learn him first in Arena. (And I still haven't picked up Ultimax. God only knows why.) The party characters and the MC's relationships with them are a big draw. Many of the non-party Social Links are based on fairly typical tropes, but they're done pretty well. If you're the type of person who turns their noses up at anything "animu," then you might find little to like there.


For me, the most compelling part of the game is in fusing new and more powerful demons. You lose the demons involved in the fusion, but depending on the new one's type, it can learn some of the lost demons' skills. In P3 and vanilla P4, these were chosen randomly but Golden gave players the ability to choose which skills to inherit. I actually hope they keep that for P5, because let's face it - most of us just backed out of the fusion and tried again until we got what we wanted. :P

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Things that make you go "hmmmm."

Not really... The phantom thief comment is part of her social link where it's explained

that her grandfather is the thief trying to help her get through some personal issues by giving her a difficult to solve case.



So, no, that comment in Persona 4 has no relevance to Persona 5

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Slightly off topic, but has anyone tried Persona Q? 


Thoughts on it?

As a big fan of Etrian Odyssey games (the series that Q's formula is based on), I wasn't impressed. Both the dungeons and combat was too easy. As a Persona game I suppose its okay if you were a fan of 3 and 4 and really liked the characters.

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