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[EU] [19/2/15] Speed Dating Night


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The following text can be found on posters in Ul'dah, Gridania and Limsa Lominsa. All Currency is imaginative, the event does not deal in real gil.


"Did Valentiones leave you sighing for someone to spend time with? 

Do you feel ready to tackle the exiting world of dating? 


Then look no further! 


The Bottom is opening it's doors this Thursday, for a night in the name of the singles. 

Here you will be able to partake in speed dating rounds, where you get introduced to as many people as you can muster. Each round will last for 10 minutes, where you get to ask and answer questions as you see fit. When the rounds conclude, you can either decide to ask the person you talked with out on a date, or move on to the next table. There may or may not be opportunities to pass the same table twice - such depends on how many show up. 


So what do you say, why not give it a go? If anything, you might get a fun date out of it!

You will find the Bottom in the 4th ward of the Goblet at house number 11. Everything starts at 8 PM.


Entrance fee: 500 gil - Covers drinks and food as desired." 


------ OOC ----- 


Hey everyone! 

We're ready to host an event, and this time we have opted to try out speed dating! 

This will be the very first time we are organizing this type of event.

We'll re-decorate our bar with as many tables and chairs as we can fit in, and will be using two types of chairs to better circulate people. 

Preferences wont be factored in - If you face someone that is not compatible with your character for whatever reason, maybe you can make a friend instead! 


The event starts at 20:00 GMT/12PM PST/3 PM EST @ Thursday 19th of Feburary and continues for at least 3 hours. We will keep the rounds going for as long as there are people! If you arrive late, that is fine as well, for as long as we have tables and equal numbers we'll keep on chucking people into the mix. Feel free to note if you plan on coming by, though signing up for it is not needed. 


Looking forward to seeing people there!


TL;DR Version: 


- Speed dating event

- Rounds last 10 minutes

- After each round, people on either a red or a blue chair will be asked to move to a new table.

- People won't be divided by preference, if someone falls into your distaste, maybe make a friend instead!

- Events last for 3 hours and rounds will happen as long as there are people. 

- Event is open to everyone!

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Would I be allowed to attend even though I'm not EU?

Yes :) the eu tag is there to highlight that it takes place in the eu evening which is quite a bit earlier than the US one ^^ the event is open to all.

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The tables are ready, though some clipping issues will probably occur because Square loves to make tables in knee height. Event starts in 6 hours and we can have 20 people going rounds at any given time :D

We've dyed the chairs blue and red, so we can call out what people will be moving tables easily :)

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Thank you very much for coming everyone! We had a peak of 22 people doing rounds tonight and it was hectic and fun :D Hopefully plenty of people made friends and got some dates.


Here's a couple of screenshots I managed to get: 









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