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Would you mind explaining Hunts to me?

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Hunts are essentially people grinding their in-game time away at non-content for gear they don't actually need to do the content that they're capable of. As a more cynical view of hunts, heh.


The 2.51 update to the weekly (You can get carbontwine now) made Hunts a lot less of a madly rushed thing than they were earlier when they were the only way to get 130 gear that wasn't Final Coil. Gear that you really, entirely didn't need if you weren't already doing Final Coil, as SCoB is completely doable in Soldiery/Poetics stuff and you get the upgrade materials and Dreadwyrm from FCoB to fill out your 130 anyways without hunts.


I've never killed an A or S rank in the month-plus I've been at cap and don't plan on starting. I think hunts are community-destructive non-content. But if chasing rare mobs and staring at timers is your thing, more power to you.

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Hunts are essentially people grinding their in-game time away at non-content for gear they don't actually need to do the content that they're capable of. As a more cynical view of hunts, heh.


I'll counter by saying some allied seals gear looks really nice. Also, you just described most level 50 repeatables.

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True, but there just feels like there's something particularly soulless about Hunts to me. Not entirely sure why. But roulettes, beast tribe stuff, CT weeklies.. All of them just feel better to do. But that's a personal thing.


And yes I'll readily agree that the Seal gear looks excellent, especially the Maelstrom and Flames tank gear. Shame it requires selling yourself to hunts for a week or two to get.

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To be quite honest... it's 


1. Join a Bounty Hunter LS. 


2. Join/form a Hunting party via PF/shout


3. Search for A/S Ranks.


4. If you spot an A/S Rank, /sh, /ls(1-6), /p, /fc the targeted hunt monster.


5.*If 4 applies, skip 5.* Immediately go to the flagged location and pray your computer does not blow up from the flash mob of players camped out near the hunt monster.


6. Don't pull early.


6.a If pulled early by someone else be sure to throw half-eaten fruits at the puller, and/or send a private message to a BH(Bounty Hunter) linkshell leader about their bad behavior.


6.b If pulled early and you are not able to get the kill you are required to curse the Twelve, and punt a Lalafell(quite obligatory as a stress reliever. They can't feel pain.).


7. ZERG!!!


8. Profit!


9. Rinse, repeat.


10. Don't over-cap your seals! Spend them wisely!

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