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My name is Mika, but you can call me Avora (though either is fine).I'm currently working on getting a character on Balmung, the character creation restrictions are difficult to get around. I might end up paying for a world transfer, but we'll see. I'm still working on my character, so I'm not prepared to say much about her yet.

I have played MMORPGs for over 8 years. I started playing Guild Wars, and have since tried out many others (Lineage II, World of Warcraft, Aion, Guild Wars 2, and others). I have limited roleplaying experience online, but I played Dungeons & Dragons for many years (until 3/4 of my group moved away to attend college a few years ago). I was part of a roleplaying community on Aion for a short while, but that was also quite a few years ago..

I decided to join this community after a chance encounter (via duty finder) with a small group of role-players from Balmung. They were great people, and encouraged me to join their community (while rekindling my desire to role-play). I will name names, because they are awesome people. Thank you Grundy Byrde, Satomi Hakase, and Kayl Silverburgh!

I plan on being what could probably be described as medium-level role-player, but I don’t have as much time to be online as I used to. I have a toddler, and only play while she is asleep, but I plan to be as active as real life allows. I am currently a stay-at-home/work-at-home parent, and I’m working on opening an Easy shop (selling art-printed greeting cards). Other than gaming, I enjoy photography, drawing (even though I’m not especially talented), sewing (occasionally), and drinking tea.

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Your best chances at getting a fresh character in usually are either really early in the morning - I think the range was around... 3-7am EST or something like that? - or just before or after maintenance. Paid transfer gets around that, of course.


Best of luck getting a character over and we look forward to see you running around RPing! :D

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Your best chances at getting a fresh character in usually are either really early in the morning - I think the range was around... 3-7am EST or something like that? - or just before or after maintenance. Paid transfer gets around that, of course.


Best of luck getting a character over and we look forward to see you running around RPing! :D

Thank you! I'll give that a try. :D

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Welcome as well!

You should be alright. So far community has been kind and welcoming for new and unexperienced RPers, like me. And I'm sure they understand if you have busy time in RL.

When I started this game, I never had RP or thought RPing in MMO. But look at me! Here I'm RPing and enjoying it! And it's thanks to people in community!



I hope you find your way to Balmung.

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Well this is a pleasant surprise!

Satomi here! And reading this message made me very happy, Avora. =D That duty-finder run was one of the best I had in ages, and talking about Balmung to make you an RPer there was fun too.




I look forward to seeing you on Balmung! And when you're there, we'll have to connect and chat. :D Rp-wise, I'll be happy to help get you started around and give you a few pointers. Oh! And yes-yes, what Nebbs there said is right, I'm in the USH and we're a bunch of RPers. We'd all be more than willing to help get you on your feet.



And don't worry about the busy part. A lot of people are that way, myself included. :3 It's just a great break from the hectic real life. xD

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