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Oh look, yet -another- catboy. >.>


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You hush, they're awesome.


I am Senhi'to Dahs, or Nito, or "Two" if you're feeling rude. I've been mucking about on Balmung since Day 1 as founding , which I've been a part of for eight years or so now (we date back to WoW and that side of us is still the dominant side). They've basically been my gaming life for those 8 years, and I've been involved in leadership with them in the past as the main raid leader and coordinator, and recruitment ("Inquisition") lead. My old character was an Elezen DRG named Tenrilaux.


However, I uh... didn't stick. The end-grind wore me down and I cleaned things up and took off. Well, I decided to buy a CE box of Heavensward (I'm a sucker for art books), and have uh... invested myself now into this new cat. He's a PLD, and while his personality isn't crystalized yet, I've got ideas in my head. I never know if I should include this bit or not, but uh.. he (and I) are a fan of the boys so.. y'know, if you're not comfortable with that, that's fine, just putting it out there.


So I figure maybe this time I should try to make friends and... y'know, stuff. So here I am, hello you lot. :3 Mew n' sh**.


"Mandatory" picture. Teehee.


Edit: I got my Moonkitty 'to number wrong. Corrected it.

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Thank god we got more catboys. I'm glad I managed to kidnap you into Menphina's Ward before I decided to go take a nap.(which I should be doing now..) Welcome to the RPC though! It's a fun place, and I hear alot of people are always looking to increase their harem with Catboys. :>

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Let's see how long you last this time. *cracks knuckles*

*takes off running and yells back* What did I do?!?!?!


Haha, not you. The OP. Senhi'to. That guy... I've known him so many years now.


Although you might have done something, too. What exactly did you do? *narrows eyes*

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Let's see how long you last this time. *cracks knuckles*

*takes off running and yells back* What did I do?!?!?!


Haha, not you. The OP. Senhi'to. That guy... I've known him so many years now.


Although you might have done something, too. What exactly did you do? *narrows eyes*


HEY! The question is, what did YOU do?! *crosses arms menacingly (somehow)*

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Let's see how long you last this time. *cracks knuckles*

*takes off running and yells back* What did I do?!?!?!


Haha, not you. The OP. Senhi'to. That guy... I've known him so many years now.


Although you might have done something, too. What exactly did you do? *narrows eyes*


HEY! The question is, what did YOU do?! *crosses arms menacingly (somehow)*


ALL of the things.

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Let's see how long you last this time. *cracks knuckles*

*takes off running and yells back* What did I do?!?!?!


Haha, not you. The OP. Senhi'to. That guy... I've known him so many years now.


Although you might have done something, too. What exactly did you do? *narrows eyes*


HEY! The question is, what did YOU do?! *crosses arms menacingly (somehow)*


ALL of the things.






I'm coming after you.

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