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So just let me throw this miqo'te at you

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Hi! I'm the resident grump. Your profile looks pretty fine, with some small exception.


Separate from the main Amalj'aa force is a small splinter group known as the Brotherhood of Ash. Unlike the rest of their race, the Brotherhood is a society of honorable warriors. Their leader, Hamujj Gah, claims that all of Amalj'aa society was originally like theirs, before the reliance on Ifrit worship (or, more specifically, Ifrit's relentless tempering of his adherents) corrupted the rest of the race.


The Brotherhood of Ash isn't really buying what Ifrit is selling. They're kind of at war with those who believe in the Fire God. Other than that, he seems like a fine take on the "tribal" miqo'te concept.

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Hi! I'm the resident grump. Your profile looks pretty fine, with some small exception.


Separate from the main Amalj'aa force is a small splinter group known as the Brotherhood of Ash. Unlike the rest of their race, the Brotherhood is a society of honorable warriors. Their leader, Hamujj Gah, claims that all of Amalj'aa society was originally like theirs, before the reliance on Ifrit worship (or, more specifically, Ifrit's relentless tempering of his adherents) corrupted the rest of the race.


The Brotherhood of Ash isn't really buying what Ifrit is selling. They're kind of at war with those who believe in the Fire God. Other than that, he seems like a fine take on the "tribal" miqo'te concept.


From what I've seen doing the beast tribe quests and whatnot, they dont seem to be completely against Ifrit, just opposing the way that the rest of the amalj'aa see him? To me it seemed like a division vaguely similar to catholics and protestants, but please do correct me if I'm wrong. :3

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Hi! I'm the resident grump. Your profile looks pretty fine, with some small exception.


Separate from the main Amalj'aa force is a small splinter group known as the Brotherhood of Ash. Unlike the rest of their race, the Brotherhood is a society of honorable warriors. Their leader, Hamujj Gah, claims that all of Amalj'aa society was originally like theirs, before the reliance on Ifrit worship (or, more specifically, Ifrit's relentless tempering of his adherents) corrupted the rest of the race.


The Brotherhood of Ash isn't really buying what Ifrit is selling. They're kind of at war with those who believe in the Fire God. Other than that, he seems like a fine take on the "tribal" miqo'te concept.


From what I've seen doing the beast tribe quests and whatnot, they dont seem to be completely against Ifrit, just opposing the way that the rest of the amalj'aa see him? To me it seemed like a division vaguely similar to catholics and protestants, but please do correct me if I'm wrong. :3


I do admit it's been a while since I've completed them (and I'm looking for full text bricks now to refresh myself) but I was under the impression they saw Ifrit's tempering as a curse that robbed them of their identity - Hell, most of the quests have to deal with finding ways to break tempering so that they might try and rehabilitate their brothers. It's vague, but I thought they were convinced Ifrit was a bad idea.

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#25 Hamujigah Your aura...it carries the reek of brimstone. Could you be one of the champions said to have laid low the Lord of the Inferno?

#26 Hamujigah Then I would have you understand the curse that has befallen our fanatic brethren.

#27 Hamujigah They have forgotten the code that governs our people, the glory that comes with a warrior's death. They spirit away the weak and the feeble, and offer them up in exchange for the barbed blessings of a hoary god.

#28 Hamujigah Day after day, I witness the shameful acts of my kin. The honor of the Amalj'aa is a faded, paltry thing, no longer driven by the righteous fortunes of battle.

#29 Hamujigah It is these kidnappings that most stoke the flames of my fury. Why, the victims often bear no arms at all! What triumph can be found in such cowardly attacks?

#30 Hamujigah We are hunters, my brothers and I, and the fallen Amalj'aa who huddle in Zanr'ak our prey. If you share my outrage, then I bid you join us in our kin war!





adjective: hoary; comparative adjective: hoarier; superlative adjective: hoariest



grayish white.



old and trite.

"that hoary American notion that bigger is better"



Ifrit besmirches the proud way of the warrior. It's not befitting a proud Amal'jaa.




That part up above is from the opening quest. The text I'm about to post is from the first "real" Amal'jaa quest.


#2 Hamujigah We, the Amalj'aa, were once simple nomads who roamed the vast plains of Paglth'an. If any sought to impede our path, we relished the challenge to our skill at arms.

#3 System Amalj'aa beast tribe quests are now available from Fibubb Gah at the Ring of Ash.

#4 Hamujigah For as long as our people have existed, it has been the tradition for aging warriors to make the pilgrimage to the holy land of Zanr'ak, and there confront the specter of death. It is an honor to cast one's time-tempered soul into the sacred flames, and return one's body to ash.

#5 System Furthermore, you may now purchase wares from the Brotherhood of Ash vendor.

#6 Hamujigah But these craven whelps of Zahar'ak quaver before death's inevitability─they seek not to fortify their spirits, instead groveling before a deity for the strength they do not deserve.

#7 Hamujigah I have not the words to express my disgust for the manner of this groveling, this...subjugation of the meek by contemptuous weaklings. The path to true greatness lies only in conquering those greater than oneself, and in the doing attaining mastery over one's own failings.





And more:

#46 Hamujigah Honored ally, with your continued aid, the Brotherhood of Ash will rekindle the glory of our past.

#47 Hamujigah As once did our ancestors, we shall forge of steel our bodies and spirits, and greet death with honor. To no gods will we beg, nor against the meek raise arms.

#48 Hamujigah We are warriors, walkers of the path of righteous battle. We do not kneel to claim our strength. Live by these words, and your soul, too, shall burn as brightly!

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Hello there, welcome! :D I'd be glad to role-play anytime! I have a character who's pretty friendly and fond of stuffing her face (with sweets, especially), as well as another who's a merc who often likes to linger around taverns and drink, so I'm sure we could get something going!

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I seem to remember the BoA thinking of Ifrit worship as contemptuous as well, however, I don't think this would require a huge change in your character's concept.


Perhaps the tribe's negative outlook on Ifrit worship sparked (ha, puns) a curiosity within your character about him. This could have lead to a secret fascination with the Primal, pretty much along how you describe him, except it would be an exciting and personal secret that he would keep from his tribe.


This route could also lead to some interesting character development down the road, as he gradually realizes that the object of his admiration is actually a terrible and merciless beast who wishes to enslave all of Eorzea to his will.


Just a suggestion though! Feel free to ignore!

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I seem to remember the BoA thinking of Ifrit worship as contemptuous as well, however, I don't think this would require a huge change in your character's concept.


Perhaps the tribe's negative outlook on Ifrit worship sparked (ha, puns) a curiosity within your character about him. This could have lead to a secret fascination with the Primal, pretty much along how you describe him, except it would be an exciting and personal secret that he would keep from his tribe.


This route could also lead to some interesting character development down the road, as he gradually realizes that the object of his admiration is actually a terrible and merciless beast who wishes to enslave all of Eorzea to his will.


Just a suggestion though! Feel free to ignore!


I was thinking about this on my drive home, and rereading that quest text there's nothing in it that specifically says "Boo, Ifrit." They decry blind worship, and they decry avoiding glorious death, and they go on about fighting honorably, but nowhere do they express umbrage with Ifrit himself.


It would stand happily in the grey areas, I think, that they might not revere Ifrit but they can certainly acknowledge his powers as a primal. Tempering is bad, yes, and blind zealotry is worse, yes, but Ifrit represents the eternally burning flame and commands a wealth of power.


Pardon my blaspheming here, but there's a big difference between Old Testament Big G and New Testament Big G. It's possible to worship the New one while not feeling the Old one was very just.


In short, do whatever. Just be aware that open worship of a primal is probably grounds for execution in "civilized' Eorzea because they'd assume you are tempered.

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