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Witches and Cultists and Cons, oh my!

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You can call me Ama! I'm a newcomer to FFXIV (so lost! so overwhelmed! owo!), but I'm no stranger to role-play (WoW, GW2, TESO). I am so, so excited to start role-playing with folks with this little catgirl of mine!


I tend to play witches, cultists, con-artists, and gritty-ish themes--but, I like a dosage of cute fluff, too! I suppose, I consider myself a "HEAVY" "PARA" roleplayer (oh, this is so subjective); but, I just like good writing, a good story, and fun!


I'm playing U'ashael Malik, a Miqo'te con-artist with a heart of for gold. She is a (mediocre) troubadour and fortune-teller, playing short-term cons in Ul'dah and lying-low on occassion in Limsa Lominsa. I would love to find contacts for her (friends, rivals, enemies!), and I'll post a Looking for Connections thread for that soon.


I also made some alts: Amabelle Lyons, a Elezen barber-surgeon, Aevrie Black, a Highlander merc, and Rosewick Crane, a Midlander scholar.


I look forward to meetin' folks, feel free to send a tell anytime (U'ashael Malik on Balmung)! :3

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My main is a pirate captain out of Limsa, but considering RP happens all over the place, he often shows up in Gridania or Ul'dah quite often.


That being said, he could definitely benefit from a shadier-type fortune teller to possibly predict the outcome of certain, possibly law breaking future actions of himself and his crew......*ahemm pirate stuff*


Obviously, he wouldn't just come out and admit being a pirate, so he would need someone who doesn't entirely know what's going on, and is okay with sketchy type dealings with sketchy type characters.

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. . . We're totally mutuals on tumblr and I had no idea you RP'd in MMOs. What a small world!


That being said I love to Heavy para into the goddamn sunset if I know my partners won't kill me for it. I've got a mechanicat that can maybe (???) get thrown at one of your characters!

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OH MY. I wasn't prepared. ;A; Thanks, everyone, for the kind welcomes and...


There's a familiar name. Welcome to the fray!


It was bound to happen eventually, eh? :D


Welcome! :D


Hello and thanks! :3


Con-artist? We should talk.


Please! ("Verad Bellveil is a terrible Duskwight and a source of shame and irritation to everyone who knows him." He sounds incredible, I want to meet him already.)


My main is a pirate captain out of Limsa, but considering RP happens all over the place, he often shows up in Gridania or Ul'dah quite often.


That being said, he could definitely benefit from a shadier-type fortune teller to possibly predict the outcome of certain, possibly law breaking future actions of himself and his crew......*ahemm pirate stuff*


Obviously, he wouldn't just come out and admit being a pirate, so he would need someone who doesn't entirely know what's going on, and is okay with sketchy type dealings with sketchy type characters.


That would be awesome! U'ashael is a bit of a sketchy dope, so I think we could figure something out!


Welcome we always need more *cough* Apple Sellers


You should check out


For Witches/Covens this topic and associated linkshell

Witches & Coven Interest


For entertainers this linkshell



Y E S. This looks fantastic, thanks for the links! I need to sketch the elezen (the witch) more for the coven stuff. I'll take a look at Soliloquy now, though!








. . . We're totally mutuals on tumblr and I had no idea you RP'd in MMOs. What a small world!


That being said I love to Heavy para into the goddamn sunset if I know my partners won't kill me for it. I've got a mechanicat that can maybe (???) get thrown at one of your characters!


First, tumblr mutuals, now a linkshell. Next: world domination. Please, throw that mechnicat at me, though!


Hello and welcome! :D


Hi and thanks! :D

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