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Greetings and Salutations!

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Well since I've had more than enough time with the game to get comfortable, I believe I should introduce myself.


Suppose we should start with the basics then huh?  


I've been in and out of MMO's since the days of vanilla WoW, granted I never really went past a certain level or really devoted myself to any of it until much later, but that is where I began.  I've played many MMORPG's since then, ranging from Lotro to Wildstar, and far too many other games in between.  


As for my RP Experience, I started out in forums and through messengers before eventually moving on to MMO's.  Oddly enough, the first MMO I ever became a large part of the RP community in was Wildstar.  From there I dabbled with a bit of Guildwars 2 and Neverwinter before eventually coming to this lovely game.


As of right now I have a single character with a pretty simple goal, my Lalafell simply wants to be a great bard and weave songs that will be sung through the ages.  Where that happens to take me is unknown at the moment, but it's sure to be quite the journey none the less.


I first learned of this place while searching for an RP community in game before I re-subbed.  I had actually bought and played the game a bit at launch, but for one reason or another I let it slip me by.


RP is a large part of why I've joined this game, and with that being said, I would love to maintain heavy RP pretty much all the time if possible.  


I'm currently studying to be a network administrator, and I work a night job where I sit and do nothing most of the time.  You'll more than likely see me online from Friday night all the way to early Monday morning.



Character's name is: Thalin Llin



Just look towards your shins and you should find me there. :3

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Welcome to a great RP place.


I did start out RPing heavily pre Wildstar launch on the forums, but got trapped here and never bought Wildstar :)  or is that :( I am unsure.


Anyhow, as a Bard type, if you want to IC perform then join this Linkshell when you get in game.  [soliloquy]

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