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[EU-Friendly] The Anchorage - Fighting Tournament

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*** Scattered throughout the City states of Limsa, Ul’dah and Gridania, the above fliers can be found, either being handed out or pinned to various notice boards within the city. The criers call out the information found on the back of the fliers. ***



“Lad’s an’ Lasses o’Eorzea! D’you fancy yourselves a good fighter? An’ y’lookin’ f’way to prove it t’yourself an’ an admirin’ crowd?! Then look no further! Cycles ago Pirates an’ Privateers alike’d test their skills wit’ one another at sea, whilst their ships were anchored waitin’ f’the next fight! Used t’be a private affair, but o’late one man’s decided t’brin’ it t’the rest o’Eorzea, believin’ they could do wit’ seein’ a true brawl take place!”



“If y’interested in this, once a moon we’ll be gatherin’ in Costa Del Sol’ from there we ‘ave a small tug waitin’ t’take y’aboard a vessel anchored off the coast. Out there the laws o’those incharge stand, an’ the fightin’ will take place anew! If y’miss the first tug out, fear not! He’ll be makin’ many trips to ensure everyone get’s t’witness the brawls! But don’t be thinkin’ he won’t charge y’for the ride!”



“The Prizes’ll remain a mystery until the victors been crowned, an’ the fights’ll take place in a rankin’ system, that’ll slowly eliminate people from t’fights an’ match victors wit’ other victor’s till only one man or lass stands at the end! Jus’ show the skipper o’the tug this flier or tell ‘im y’there f’the Anchorage fights, an’ after payin’ ‘im, he’ll brin’ y’aboard the vessel!”




*** OOC Info ***



The Aim of The Anchorage is to provide a fighting Tournament within a more EU based time, and give people something to do / watch once every two weeks! We will be operating on a roll based system that will be undergoing tests before our first official event, mostly just so we can iron out the bugs and make sure it works. Though as with all testing we might miss a few things in these rounds that we’ll only notice on the first event. So the ruleset might change for future sessions.



Time + Date:

Saturday the 9th

9:30PM GMT +1 / BST

(Time Converter here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/)





Eastern La Noscea

Costa Del Sol

Ferry Docks

(Speaking to the Ferry Skipper will give you an option to be taken aboard the vessel!)



IC Rules:

1. No killing. This is a martial tournament, and attacking with intent to kill your opponent will not be tolerated. This stands BEFORE combat, DURING combat and AFTER combat.

2. Most martial weapons and armor of all varieties are permitted. Bows however are NOT allowed to be used during the tournament.

3. Any use of magic whether passive, defensive, beneficial, or offensive is currently NOT allowed.

4. Death blows are not allowed. By being present for the tournament, you hereby agree to the Overseers preventing you from committing such an attack by any means necessary, even if it means your death / severe injury.

5. Whilst aboard the vessel and for the duration of the tournament Overseers WILL be respected and treated as a temporary form of authority by all spectators and combatants.

6. Everyone fights healthy. This means that if you show up sporting a previous injury, you will not be fighting. This means if you refuse healing between rounds, you will not be fighting. This means that if, post healing, you are still clearly injured despite the best efforts of the medics and healers on hand, you will not be fighting.

7. NO. KILLING. The Anchorage is unsanctioned by any official office, and continues to exist solely because of the lack of a body count. Any fighter, guest or attendee present at The Anchorage is protected under the rules 1&4.



Failure to follow these rules will result in your immediate removal from the Tournament, or worse if required. With the Tournament taking place on a ship, we have no qualms about throwing you overboard, and if you happen to be wearing heavy armour.. Well you should’ve followed the rules.. Participating within the Anchorage means you accept and consent to all of the above.



(Credit to The Grindstone / Warren for giving me permission to borrow and tweak their IC rules somewhat!)



OOC Rules:


  • Each Fighter starts a fight with 15 HP 
  • At the beginning of a round, both players will use /random in a coin toss fashion. This will determine who gains the first attack roll.
  • Once this order has been determined from the coin toss, then /random will be used for attack rolls.
  • Players will move back and fourth with their attack rolls, their emotes following each one. (Please not just because the rolls have a set damage, this doesn't mean it has to be a hit ICly with your emotes. The damage is for the purpose of your OOC HP for the fight.)
  • This means players are free to determine between one another how the emote fight plays out, so long as they bring it to a close once one of them reaches 0 HP or lower.
  • As of this moment there are no penalties for going below 0 HP. But there's nothing stopping the two of you from going for an all out knockout emote if someone rolls a critical hit against someone on 1 HP.
  • Once your HP reaches 0 or lower, you are out of the fight and won't move onto the next rounds.


All /random rolls after the coin toss will count based on the below:



  • 1 - 99 = Critical Failure roll. (Rolling this gives your opponent a free attack roll before their next attack)
  • 100 - 449 = Normal Damage roll (This removes 1 HP from your opponent)
  • 450 - 899 = High Damage Roll (This removes 2 HP from your opponent)
  • 900 + = Critical hit (This attack will remove 3 HP from your opponent)


This system was tested out a little tonight to see how it worked, there wasn't any clear victor and both of us averaged the same amount of wins. With the score being very similar for each person that won. (E.g. when one of us reached 0 HP, the winner generally seemed to be on around 6 HP) This system is not final either, depending on feedback after the first event we might tweak it accordingly.



(Special thanks to N'velhi for his assistance in testing this.)




If you're interested in signing up, feel free to leave a post here or give me a poke ingame! There will be limited places to ensure we have a balanced roster and will only end up with two people for the absolute final round to crown the victor! If this event gains popularity then the number might increase as well, to begin with though I'll be capping it at 16 fighters.[/align]



We'll also need some volunteer healers, so if you're interested in that the same as above applies, leave a message or send a poke!



List of Champions:


Below stands a list of everyone to have ever placed first within The Anchorage Tournament, this list will be updated after every event.



1st Tournament - Grand Opening

Milly Feuille



2nd Tournament

Aiouxdaux Beaumont

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I don't suppose I could get some details on the roll system you'll be using? =o


That'll be going up in the OOC Rules section during the week, just want to get it tested out beforehand first ^^ The basics that are in mind at current will be the rolls establishing a damage, with each person having a set amount of hp. Once that reaches 0 or lower they're defeated.


The main tests at the moment will be determining the hp, and which rolls = which damage etc.


This is exciting! I'm not entirely sure what to do as a healer - but could provide a character if needed. Will be there to spectate any how. :D


Oh y'know.. Healer stuff! Mostly makeshift patching any fighters after their round so they're still in a shape to continue fighting!

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Hey Stien Skjold is a Doctor of Traditonal Medicine whom would be willing to help medicate the fighters.


Also He would like to apply to take part as a fighter.



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OOC Fight rules are up on the main post now! Gave them a little test this evening, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out. The low roll thresh hold might be altered if it seems to happen too often during the actual tournament. But the current threshold should work for the first true event of this Tournament!

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Yay, Rothmoore's events are always fun! Even as a spectator.


I could bring in Rahal as a combatant actually since this is definitely up his alley. Reiko would take some convincing as a spectator, but I could have her standing in as an NPC as needed.

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So we just finished the first evening! It was quite the turnout and we have our first Champion!



1st Tournament - Grand Opening





Barengar Armsbreaker



Round 1:

Kiera - Won

Kyuu’sae - Won

Aago - Won

Milly - Won



Vittesch - Eliminated

Julius - Eliminated

N’velhi - Eliminated

J’kilid - Eliminated



Round 2:

Milly - Won

Aago - Won

Kiera - Eliminated

Kyuu’sae - Eliminated

Final Round:

Milly - Won

Aago - Eliminated



Final Round:

Milly - Won - Champion

Aago - Eliminated


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