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Adventurers Looking For....More Adventurers! **UPDATED!**

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Tagged upon the littered hunting board at the Quick Sand in Ul'dah is a small, hastly scribbled-on parchment that would read as follows.


Dear Fellow Adventurers of Eorzea! Find yourself bored lurking about the city? We are seeking two fearsome, courageous, and motivated companions to accompany us on a mission of Justice! (and lots of Gil.) The per-requisites require that you know how to handle yourself on the field of combat and that you generally won't be killed. We are seeking those who can really wreck some baddies and one who can take a wrecking their selves. Payment will be 20,000 gil each pending victory.


For those interested please seek me out throughout Ul'dah or just ask a mail moogle to deliver a message to me and we will schedule an interview.




L'rinhi Kett 



___________________________OOC Information_____________________________


Hello everyone! First time posting on the forums and the first time to seek RPers through FF14. To put things simplistic, I will be posting recruitment posts from time to time to put together a party of RPers to tackle dungeons, hunting quests, or whatever my crazy mind might unravel.


First, a few ground rules:


  • All runs will be ICly. Dungeons have a 90 minute timer on them so we will be forced to sort of speed Rp through some sections, or, if the group is willing, we might be forced to re clear up to the point in which we were at to continue the story. If you do not wish for immersion, one liner to para, serious to comical, and good natured story Rp, then this might not be group for you.
  • The runs will reward Gil as a prize, plus any gear won, but don't let this be the sole reason for coming. As stated before this will be true immersion so compensation is entitled.
  • Did I mention immersion yet? Be prepared not to skip much of the travel. Now I don't expect you to RP everything like going to the bathroom or taking a breath, but from the initial interview, the airship ride to the correct nation, to the chocobo ride to the instance or zone itself, everything will be taken into account and played out...Sort of like an adventure...or..*gasp* a Final Fantasy game?!?!
  • Have fun! YES! IT'S A RULE!
  • No really, come to enjoy yourself. Don't do it as a chore and if you do the interview and find L'rinhi and L'raha to not be cats you'd like to hang around then by all means let us know and we will understand.
  • All RP is rated R, not X. While we are not against the act of ERP, it is not our purpose or what we strive for. Cursing is fine as long as it isn't distasteful. If anything is done or said that bothers you let us know and we will address it.
  • While not a rule, the purpose of this exercise is to introduce characters to each other and have a chance to meet one another outside of the typical tavern scene. Rather than meeting at a tavern and discussing what each other has done we will end up meeting at a tavern later on and discuss what we have done together. It's Final Fantasy and still has the premise of a huge open world story for characters. This is YOUR story.


  1. Umm have fun remember?
  2. Level? No problem. This is for RP, not for gear. If someone fits the bill and has an awesome mesh with the Rini and her brother then they will be offered the part in the party. After the other two are selected we will select the mission/dungeon.
  3. Race? Any and all. Sex? Any and all. Sexuality? Any and all, but if a woman hits on Rini don't expect it to go well, lol.
  4. Roles? We are looking for a Tank and a Damage Dealer, but L'raha can tank if he has too.
  5. Time zone? I am Central and Raha is Eastern. We will be doing most of the RP from 6 pm-12 am Central time, 4 pm-10 pm Pacific, Etc etc. The days will vary, but the dungeon Rp itself will almost always occur on a weekend. The RP will be stretched out throughout the week with each day being used for a certain part(will cover more later).

Due Process

This isn't set in stone, but an example of how things might be like.


-Sunday: Mission is accepted by Griever Company and decide what will be needed for completion, usually involves drinking and cake. Afterward, any previously known contacts are made aware of the positions needed.


-Monday: Mission is posted on the Board and open to applicants. Applicants can apply that day and until it is filled.


-Tuesday: Interviews are held and team members are chosen. If this was unnessicary due to hiring previous members it is replaced with eating cake and drinking to break the cycle.


-Wednesday: A meeting is held to brief the party on what they are asked to accomplish. They discuss strategy, plan travel arrangements, gather supplies, and eat cake.


-Thursday: The party departs and makes their way to their Mark. This is the travel RP.


-Friday& Saturday: Possibly more travel RP or the Mission itself. Afterward there will be closing RP where everyone gets paid back in town.



This is all circumstantial and depends on the availability of the players. Some missions might take more than a week, some only a few days. I cannot stress enough to not want to rush to that point, the purpose is the RP itself. Want to be an adventurer? Join us.



With all that aside I hope you take time to consider the post and maybe your character will drop by on the quirky girl and get wrapped up into a story that they never would have imagined.



As a side note we also have a guild for those interested. We have no true plans yet besides Rp, have no house yet, and nothing nice whatsoever. I recommend coming back later on that subject unless you really enjoy the events. Take care

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This sounds.. interesting... Tynos is practicing his axe skills again and would be looking for things like this to get him back in shape, but he can also fill the mage role, he is a seasoned thaumturge! feel free to shoot me a message in game or on the rpc!

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I like this idea. The immersive aspect appeals to me, but I may not have time for such a commitment. I want to try this once it gets off the ground a bit.


Which is why this is still in the startup phase. I'm glad there is interest in it and if people can't make all the days I plan to try to work around people's schedules. If you want to try and see if you like the atmosphere of it then send a mail or we can schedule a meet. Thanks for the support guys!

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I like this idea. The immersive aspect appeals to me, but I may not have time for such a commitment. I want to try this once it gets off the ground a bit.


Which is why this is still in the startup phase. I'm glad there is interest in it and if people can't make all the days I plan to try to work around people's schedules. If you want to try and see if you like the atmosphere of it then send a mail or we can schedule a meet. Thanks for the support guys!

Actually, know what, sign me up. I'm only lvl 23 GLD right now, so I won't be able to do most dungeons, but I'd like to give this a shot and help to see how well it works. I've got a fair amount of free time this weekend and early next week. I'd be using my only character, Kiera Hawkeye, and you general avalaiblity matches with mine pretty well.

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I like this idea. The immersive aspect appeals to me, but I may not have time for such a commitment. I want to try this once it gets off the ground a bit.


Which is why this is still in the startup phase. I'm glad there is interest in it and if people can't make all the days I plan to try to work around people's schedules. If you want to try and see if you like the atmosphere of it then send a mail or we can schedule a meet. Thanks for the support guys!

Actually, know what, sign me up. I'm only lvl 23 GLD right now, so I won't be able to do most dungeons, but I'd like to give this a shot and help to see how well it works. I've got a fair amount of free time this weekend and early next week. I'd be using my only character, Kiera Hawkeye, and you general avalaiblity matches with mine pretty well.


Awesome! Any chance you will be available tonight or tomorrow for the interview part/introduction? If not we will make things work. We are looking to do this on Saturday. A time will be discussed when things get closer, but it will be decided on everyone's availability.


The dungeon we are currently looking at is Copperbell Mines. It's not too far for travel and opens up access to almost all levels. Still have one spot open. :D

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Wow more people are interest? I actually counted this as a bust. The run didn't happen as we had no fourth. I have to thank Keira for being super awesome and patient. Thank you for participating. 


If people really are interested in this or just in rp with my character in general then feel free to look me up or mail me. If in the future people really want to do this and put in as much as I would then I'll diffinently give it a go again.

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