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Hello Everyone! - Balmung

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I have been playing FFXIV for a few months now, just getting use to the game and all. My main is Gallien Vyese, may have seen me around the Red Wings or around Liadan Summerfield.


I am completely new to RP for the FFXIV environment, though have been getting some help, decided I would finally make my appearance on the RPC, and meet some others, and maybe get some tips.


The character I am trying to play is an arcanist that has discovered a faerie, and is now slowly awakening scholar abilities through a tome / stone that the faerie was found in. Personality wise a very laid back person, pretty close to pure neutral and very loyal to those who help him, but little to no blind allegiances to a GC or anyone. Very curious, and believes through knowledge most things are possible.

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