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The Gogonji Gambit

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I spoke with my co-DMs on the time and, unfortunately, moving it forward to a later time seems unfeasible due to other commitments. As such, we'll have to stick to the 4/5 PM start time. In fact, if there are no major objections overall, I'm going to pin the start time for the event at 4 PM EST on May 31st.


Due to this, I'm shuffling some folks around. I'm moving Clio to reserve since she wants to attend the other event that day, and updating for recent comments. I'll also be cross-posting this with the Coral forums, so don't be surprised if some unfamiliar names pop up on the list!

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I wanna join in somehow! I wanna help out mainly on the Castrum Centri part but any part is fine by me! As long as Oka gets to help out her new favorite Lala!


I'm assuming she's a NIN? She'd have to be on the Defense Force for Phase Two, but Satasha could definitely use some bolstering in Phase One. So little love for Satasha. :(


Speaking of, if I have to do any shifting around later, is anyone besides Warren (since he said it already) straight up against Satasha? I'd like to keep everyone as close to their preferences as possible, I also want to make sure all the runs have the proper balance (at least one tank/healer each) and amount of people... :blush:

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If you can give me to Wed and see if I get lucky with Sunday off (won't make any promise until then because that's when the next week schedule is posted), I'll speed level John through CNJ for Satasha.  Or if nothing else, Kest could somehow get rope in on Satasha for MRD.  Cross your fingers everyone.


Updating: Yeah, just check my schedule. Don't get off until 6:30 pm Sunday. Sorry I couldn't help you out Chachan.

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Updating:  Yeah, just check my schedule.  Don't get off until 6:30 pm Sunday.  Sorry I couldn't help you out Chachan.


No worries! I'll work with what I manage to get!


Speaking of, we're drawing close now - if there's any others interested, or updates from any of Tentative participants, let me know! I would like to have a finalized list on Saturday if at all possible, so folks can be aware of which group they're in and what they'll likely be doing at least a day in advance. :blush:

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Don't forget to have Chachan ask Kage ;p


Oh, I'm planning to try and do a little mini-RP of the aftermath of the last story post on Saturday at some point - which should hopefully end with Chachan putting out the call for help through emergency Moogle mail, contacting them personally, or having Momodi and the Adventurer's Guild reach out to get in contact with people. So, if I don't manage to actually contact people ICly IG, hopefully the participants can use one of those as a reason to be at the meeting place on Sunday to start things off. :blush:


Where said meeting place will be, however, is yet to be determined. It might be near Coralhaus (my super creative nickname for the Coral FC house), or possibly a more neutral position like somewhere in Limsa. I'm open for suggestions, of course.

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If you're free say, 3 p.m. EST the day of, Chachan, I wouldn't mind some pre-RP with Gogonji.  Otherwise, let me know when and we can storyline that it was directly before stuff starts blowing up.


I'll be free basically all day that day, so I should be up for doing it. Maybe a bit earlier so our pre-RP doesn't risk running right up against the start time?

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If you're free say, 3 p.m. EST the day of, Chachan, I wouldn't mind some pre-RP with Gogonji.  Otherwise, let me know when and we can storyline that it was directly before stuff starts blowing up.


I'll be free basically all day that day, so I should be up for doing it. Maybe a bit earlier so our pre-RP doesn't risk running right up against the start time?


Sounds good, I'll pop on that afternoon and see when you're available.  I'll be on An all this week as well since I'm prepping her for Heavensward.

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hmmm i think ill come IC as a Flames Solider to the Flames you don't mind right.


So not as your character? Because if it's your character, you could have whatever reason to come help out. If you're coming as an NPC, though, I would have to give priority over PCs - even more so over than the whole "closer friends get priority" thing I already have going on. Which, I should probably clarify, is more because it makes sense IC for Chachan to rely more on his closer friends than the ones he's come across once or twice. They're all still his friends, though! :blush:

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hmmm i think ill come IC as a Flames Solider to the Flames you don't mind right.


So not as your character? Because if it's your character, you could have whatever reason to come help out. If you're coming as an NPC, though, I would have to give priority over PCs - even more so over than the whole "closer friends get priority" thing I already have going on.

i meant a IC reasion  to help you.

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hmmm i think ill come IC as a Flames Solider to the Flames you don't mind right.


So not as your character? Because if it's your character, you could have whatever reason to come help out. If you're coming as an NPC, though, I would have to give priority over PCs - even more so over than the whole "closer friends get priority" thing I already have going on.

i meant a IC reasion  to help you.


If that works for you! It's your character, so it's up to you to decide the reason for showing up. Whether it's just because Chachan's a pal, in return for a favor, or wanting to punch Gogon in the face. :thumbsup:

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No worries! I'll work with what I manage to get!


Speaking of, we're drawing close now - if there's any others interested, or updates from any of Tentative participants, let me know! I would like to have a finalized list on Saturday if at all possible, so folks can be aware of which group they're in and what they'll likely be doing at least a day in advance. :blush:

Depending on how long the event last and how fast I can get into game.  John can be on standby for any after event healing that might need to take place.  Or an ear for Chachan to talk too once the dust settles.

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Agreed I'm feeling there is going to be some kind of healing aftermath. While I can only speculate, fighting a couple battles will probably leave Jancis either out of commission or in need of assistance.

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They're all still his friends, though! :blush:


Don't you mean frands?




A'course I mean frands, whatev'r else would I mean? :(


And how much overall healing needed will likely be dependent on how the runs themselves go (and how each individual party wants to work deaths/wipes). But there will likely be quite a few bruises and scratches and other small injuries just from the exertion that will require tending.


All of which will likely occur in a post-RP either at/around the Castrum, the Toll, or back at whatever meeting place was decided upon. :blush:

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