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Lookin' for PALS! ...again

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obligatory selfie:



[align=center]❝ N' then the diremite shoots a web! Thwipity thwip thwip! And then I go 'AAGH!! My knee!' ❞[/align]


Clad in green and filled to the brim with enthusiasm, Max is a young dreamer hailing from the Twelveswood. He strives to protect the wood, even if it means leaving home to quell the impending doom. But of course, he can't do it alone!





Hey hey! I've met a lot of wonderful people through this thread, and hope to meet s'more!

I got invited to a FC so I'm no longer looking for one! HOWEVER! I'm interested in joining a Linkshell or two. Any recommendations would be great! (IC/OOC, Networking, those types)


I'm still looking for connections! I'm hoping to get him involved in some sort of storyline. Not his own though, preferably someone else's (if you'd have him).

If anyone has a personal story they wanna flesh out and need a background character or a buddy, Max is here for ya!

Casual encounters are fine, too!


You can reach me by posting in this thread, PMing me, or contacting me IG.

Hope to hear from ya!

(Link to Max's profile is in my signature)

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Hi there. While I'm not quite sure it's what you're looking for, I'd love to have my character Adeya run into Max. She's a Keeper and used to be a member of a poacher clan, so I imagine it'd be wonderfully tense. While she usually hangs out around Limsa and Ul'dah, I can come up with a reason for her to be in the Shroud easily enough.


Anyway, if you're interested let me know.

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Hi there. While I'm not quite sure it's what you're looking for, I'd love to have my character Adeya run into Max. She's a Keeper and used to be a member of a poacher clan, so I imagine it'd be wonderfully tense. While she usually hangs out around Limsa and Ul'dah, I can come up with a reason for her to be in the Shroud easily enough.


Anyway, if you're interested let me know.

ah, sorry I mighta rambled a bit in the OP //edits//


I'm basically looking for contacts, links, plots, people willing to interact with Max p much.

Also looking for a FC. But neither takes precedent over the other.


And yeah I'm definitely interested! We should set something up!

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Just going off FCs I know are in Lavender Beds, you might like Morbolvine Clan , HoD, or LC.


I know there are plenty more as well, but am not in game to cross reference between the server and RPC. (But the linkshell page here will show active RP FCs that have been in putter as well!)

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No longer looking for a FC! But still open for rp links and the like!



Awww....suddenly I've got a sad ;_; Hoepfully I'll get a chance to interact with him some time.


sorry Q_Q

Max and Tiranae can still meet... just....


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ah, sorry I mighta rambled a bit in the OP //edits//


I'm basically looking for contacts, links, plots, people willing to interact with Max p much.

Also looking for a FC. But neither takes precedent over the other.


And yeah I'm definitely interested! We should set something up!

Sweet. Well I'll keep an eye out for you then. I'm usually on around 9 or 10 pm est.

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  • 1 month later...

I've met and rped with tons of people, yet Max's hunger for social interaction is unsatiable!


Still looking to meet some new faces! I'm online quite a bit. Either PM me, post here, or contact me IG and I'll look out for ya!

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Either of my characters could totally meet Max.

The only problem I have is my times that I'm on.

Though I hope it will change very soon!

(I'm moving soon, so my hours will likely change.)

Right now, midmornings to about 1 pm, CST, are my normal hours.

And maybe an hour or two around midnight.


My Hunfrid is a tinkerer/toymaker and studies conjurery in most of his spare time.

My Au'ra Lady is mostly a blank slate right now, but leaning towards a thief/shady character. Might make her a Garlean Spy, but don't tell anybody! ;)

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Either of my characters could totally meet Max.

The only problem I have is my times that I'm on.

Though I hope it will change very soon!

(I'm moving soon, so my hours will likely change.)

Right now, midmornings to about 1 pm, CST, are my normal hours.

And maybe an hour or two around midnight.


My Hunfrid is a tinkerer/toymaker and studies conjurery in most of his spare time.

My Au'ra Lady is mostly a blank slate right now, but leaning towards a thief/shady character. Might make her a Garlean Spy, but don't tell anybody! ;)


Your characters sound awesome and I'd love to have Max meet either of them (hopefully both! :D)

I'll try to see if you're on tomorrow to at least add ya!

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Hey! I'm new too and hoping to make friends. M'isha is also a young optimistic supporting cast-type character who goes to Gridania a lot because she is a herbalist/healer/conjurer hopeful. I think she would get along with Max a lot! 


Send me a /tell and we can set something up! Wanna do a FATE or something? I like RPing both in city and out in the field. 


Can I add you to my friend list? : D

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Hey! I'm new too and hoping to make friends. M'isha is also a young optimistic supporting cast-type character who goes to Gridania a lot because she is a herbalist/healer/conjurer hopeful. I think she would get along with Max a lot! 


Send me a /tell and we can set something up! Wanna do a FATE or something? I like RPing both in city and out in the field. 


Can I add you to my friend list? : D

Yeah definitely! I'll try adding you today :D

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