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A Flower of Carnage: Vetiver Reborn

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Please see post #10 for more up-to-date information. Original OP is below in spoilers.



Another Making Connections thread by hauntmedoitagain? Madness!


This one is very, very important, however, because it marks the first time that I'll be publicly announcing the reimagining of my once-beloved main, Vetiver Chastain.






Meet Vetiver Kaji, melancholy Doman hunter and white witch, tragedy following her every footstep; wiki, etc. for more information. I haven't quite put her history into words yet, but all of the really important things? Taken care of.


I won't get into why this change happened; it was neither a rash or pleasant decision, but ultimately, I feel relieved of my emotional burden, enough so to willingly throw her back out to the roleplaying public for the first time in months; she's here for the long haul, promise.


Potential Hooks:

  • Lonely?
  • Doman?
  • Have need of a competent tracker?
  • Wounds that require healing?
  • Maybe even some combination of the above?

Then Vetiver might just be the woman for you. Feel free to propose your own, of course! I'll be looking forward to it. :love:


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You know I will :)


Potential Hooks:

  • Lonely?  Not really
  • Doman? No
  • Have need of a competent tracker?  Yes, if you can track magic?
  • Wounds that require healing? Maybe a consultation on the strange stuff?
  • Maybe even some combination of the above? 


Or just some as yet unknown crazy fair tale come to life?

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If I have Garza get down on one knee and propose, will you plot with me?


On a serious note, I'd love to get some story rolling with you if you're interested. Maybe you can add me in game, or I can add you, and we can see where things end up going.


Potential Hooks:

Lonely? Nope. I prefer being solo or with few others.

Doman? No

Have need of a competent tracker? Perhaps you could gather information for Garza, he likes to learn things.

Wounds that require healing? No, quite the contrary, he'd likely take care of you.

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Always looking for new and more people to RP with!


Potential Hooks:

  • Lonely? Sadly, yes. Kyrio makes tons of loose friends but they rarely go beyond surface-deep.
  • Doman? Nope.
  • Have need of a competent tracker? Not presently. But perhaps I could come up with a reason.
  • Wounds that require healing? Always. Kyrio is a fist-fighter, so he's always nose to nose with whatever threats are out there. And he rarely comes away pristine. 

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If I have Garza get down on one knee and propose, will you plot with me?


Only if he won't mind the rejection on account of her love for women. Vetiver is a hard six on the Kinsey scale. *nods*



  • Wounds that require healing? Always. Kyrio is a fist-fighter, so he's always nose to nose with whatever threats are out there. And he rarely comes away pristine.


Mmm, I think I can work with this, scolding and all.

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Let's see.


Potential Hooks:



  • [align=left]
  • Lonely?

               This one's a non-hook for Hammer.

  • [align=left]
  • Doman?


  • [align=left]
  • Have need of a competent tracker?

             Yes.  Hammer's had various man-hunters under contract for "Reasons" for almost 15 years now.  Mostly centering around one specific target and, more recently, two others.

  • [align=left]
  • Wounds that require healing?

               Chronically.  Non-guild/aligned sawbones are a plus.

  • [align=left]
  • Maybe even some combination of the above?

               No idea?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So pretty Nebb Nebbs~ if only that still happened to be accurate to her current appearance.


Or rather, what she looked like before coming to Eorzea...






Believe it or not, I had actually considered going Au Ra back when I reenvisioned her, but waited until I could test it out in-game to see if it'd suit her personality. Well, sure enough, it couldn't be any more of a perfect fit.


Wiki has been updated to reflect this change, of course. :3 Also no need to worry; she's the same character as when I made this thread, just without a fancy enchantment to hide behind from here on out.


Have my interests in RP changed? No, but I'm going to be a bit more forward this time around despite the potential scorn I'm likely to receive for admitting it:


I am primarily looking for close, intimate relationships with female characters only. Vetiver and I are most comfortable around women and I consider my writing skills at their strongest when mentally focused on female-centric storytelling. Sorry boys! Just the way things are.


A potential love interest for my broken hearted dragonlady is also high on my wishlist; lovey romance stuff is kind of my thing and I miss RPing it terribly. I really, really do.


Think that's about it. As always, I can be found in-game, on the RPC or Skype. Hope to hear something soon?

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I have Garza get down on one knee and propose, will you plot with me?


Only if he won't mind the rejection on account of her love for women. Vetiver is a hard six on the Kinsey scale. *nods*

Sorry Garza. Looks like she's more down my alley. I'll be the one to make her turn all red and speechless.


Potential Hooks:

  • Lonely? A bit. She has had a whole bunch of crap happen, and now she's on her own in the lands of Ishgard with her way forward lost

  • Doman? She's an Au Ra

  • Have need of a competent tracker? She is a competent tracker, and hunter, and thief, and information gatherer....and other stuff too

  • Wounds that require healing? Most likely. She's none too good about staying out of trouble from adventure, and tends to get hurt quite a bit. Old IC doctors were always frustrated with her.

  • Maybe even some combination of the above? Answered above.


Look for Iskander Ionius in game, and I promise you won't be disappointed ;)

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