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Breaking into RP

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Hey there. I am looking for -any- kind of rp connections on server under the listed name below my avatar. Its my first step into roleplaying here, so please, be gentle!


To briefly describe Yseria, she's a explorer and prides herself in magical studies, some drinking, too.


As of late, I've hung around Ul'Dah, seeing as its where I've had the most interactions lately, but I can pretty much make my way anywhere! Shoot me a whisper or your prefered method of contact! I am EST, usually on around the day/evenings, though those times vary :P


I am -not- looking for a RP FC, due to being in one, just looking for more people to interact with/RP with!

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My character is always interested in researching magic with a fellow mage!

I just jumped on the RP train so please feel free to send me a tell!

Ill definately look for you in game. I am in the same situation as you. ( new to rp) perhaps we can become better rpers together :)



L'leona Ember

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A good reference for RPers starting is [The Role-Play Handbook] a great resource.


Also check out the [RP Linkskell & Free Company Lists for Balmung] for things that suit you.. LS mainly for you.


Fell free to come join us in [Hugs & Cakes Link Shell] where there is a nice positive bunch of RPers, many of whom are new.

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